
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired解决办法

出现这个原因是因为Let’s Encrypt 证书停止了HTTP API的请求支持,导致我们使用Let’s Encrypt 证书的网站没办法更新证书,就出现了证书过期的提醒,所以我们只需要手动更新下证书就行了。 1、下载https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem 这个文件; 2、将c ......
certificate problem expired 办法 error

'socket' object has no attribute 'pending' #857

### 背景 > 使用websocket-client调用星火api出现上述错误 ### 原因 1.4.1及以下版本是根据sslopt来判断是否使用wss,但是url可能传的并不是wss前缀导致报错。 作者在后续版本中改成根据url是不是以wss://开头判断是不是ssl ![](https://i ......
39 attribute pending socket object

has unsigned entries - org/bouncycastle/LICENSE.class

报错信息如下: cn.hutool.crypto.CryptoException: SecurityException: JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC at cn.hutool.crypto.SecureUtil.createCipher(Secur ......
bouncycastle unsigned entries LICENSE class

Unable to save plugin settings: The plugin com.thief.idea failed to save settings and has been disabled. Please restart IntelliJ IDEA

不知道什么原因未解决 IDEA这个报错翻译过来就是:“保存设置失败”,至于是为什么失败,并没有在此处说明,但是IDEA把具体原因放到了他的日志文件中,所以只要我们找到了日志文件,那么就可以对症下药,解决问题! 1.寻找日志文件 我的日志文件地址 C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\ ......
settings plugin save IntelliJ disabled

XXX has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0)

## maven版本未指定导致编译失败问题 Execution default of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.1.3:repackage faile d: Unable to load the mojo 're ......
version compiled Runtime recent class

Idea 启动报错Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main"

idea运行程序的时候,出现Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again这个错误的话,抛出异常: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springfram ......
quot installation Exception occurred please

flutter升级错误“Your flutter checkout has local changes that would be erased by upgrading. ”

在升级Flutter SDK时可能会报如下错误: Your flutter checkout has local changes that would be erased by upgrading. If you want to keep these changes, it is recommend ......
flutter upgrading checkout 错误 changes

【python】使用ddddocr模块报错处理:AttributeError: module 'PIL.Image' has no attribute 'ANTIALIAS'

- 安装 - pip install ddddocr安装特别慢,几kb每秒,而且容易超时报错 - 使用清华源下载:pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple ddddocr - 使用 ![](https://img2023.cnbl ......
39 AttributeError ANTIALIAS attribute 模块


谜底啊,就藏在谜面上 └─# ssh uname@ip -p 22 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@ ......

g2o编译出现的问题及解决办法 By not providing "FindG2O.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has

在安装完该g2o之后 运行一些程序 如高翔的ch6 代码会出现如下错误: CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:10 (FIND_PACKAGE): By not providing "FindG2O.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this pro ......

MAUI 本地数据sqlite 报错 : Cannot update Settings: it has no PK

原因是没有设置主键,需要标记主键 [PrimaryKey] public class Settings { [PrimaryKey] public string Key { get; set; } public string Value { get; set; } } ......
Settings 数据 Cannot sqlite update

全网最不墨迹解决方法,使用python3 worksheet.save()方式 出现:Test_list.worksheet.save("test_list.xlsx") AttributeError: 'Worksheet' object has no attribute 'save'

这是因为Worksheet对象没有save方法。要保存Excel工作簿,你需要使用Workbook对象的save方法。 下面是一个修正后的示例代码: from openpyxl import Workbook # 创建一个工作簿 workbook = Workbook() # 选择默认的活动工作表 ......
worksheet save 墨迹 39 list

[转]By not providing "FindEigen3.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find...

在编译安装的时候出现如下问题,是Eigen3的Cmake依赖问题, 已经安装eigen3,但在项目的find_package(Eigen3 QUERIED)中,无法找到FindEigen3.Cmake. CMake Error at loam_velodyne/CMakeLists.txt:13 ( ......

Android串口调试 libserial_port.so: has text relocations

# 遇到问题:Android 串口调试 libserial_port.so: has text relocations ## 解决方法 1 在 Android.mk 文件中加入:LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -fPIC,重新编译 Google 开源库的源码,生成.so 库 ``` LOCAL_P ......

AttributeError: partially initialized module 'cv2' has no attribute 'gapi_wip_gst_GStreamerPipeline' (most likely due to a circular import)

It appears that you are encountering an AttributeError related to the `cv2` module in Python. This error typically occurs when there is a circular imp ......

ddddocr报AttributeError: module ‘PIL.Image‘ has no attribute ‘ANTIALIAS‘

我用的python版本为3.11.2,运行ddddocr时,报错 原因是在pillow的10.0.0版本中,ANTIALIAS方法被删除 可以把pillow的版本修改为之前的版本 pip uninstall Pillow pip install Pillow==9.5.0 ......

安装MinGW时报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”解决方案

这篇文章提供了Windows下安装MinGW报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”的解决方案,简单来说,就是不用下载器,自己找好文件下载就行。 ......


1. 选择包含特定子元素的元素 li:has(p, #h3) li:has(p.cls) a:has(> img) .item:has(.thumb:hover) 2. 选择紧邻或包含特定后置兄弟元素的元素 label:has(+ input:invalid)::before h1:has(+ p) ......

【已解决】module 'torchaudio.transforms' has no attribute 'ToTensor'

1.报错,这两种情况 module 'torchaudio.transforms' has no attribute 'ToTensor' module 'torchvision' has no attribute 'transforms' 2.修改方式: 将导库的方式从 【import torch ......
39 torchaudio transforms attribute ToTensor

ubuntu22.04问题:Method https has died unexpectedly!

# 问题 当我们执行 update的时候,有时候会遇到下面这种情况 ```bash apt-get update 命中:1 http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu jammy InRelease 命中:2 http://mirrors.tuna.tsin ......
unexpectedly ubuntu Method 问题 22.04

AttributeError: 'RelatedManager' object has no attribute 'name'的解决办法

## 原因 1. 关联的表中没有查询对象关联的数据; 2. 注意关联的数据是多条还是单条。 ## 解决办法 1. 给查询对象关联的表中增加该对象关联的数据; 2. 单条直接`.name`(点用法),多条先`.all()`再逐条`.name` ......

A small keychain has so many details

Keychains are familiar to all of us and can be used basically in our daily life. At first, we used keychains simply to collect keys so that they would ......
keychain details small many has

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'originalPrompt' has already been declared

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1232210/202308/1232210-20230804102520004-1269016387.png) 控制台报错: Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'originalPrompt' ......

记录一下Linux下远程访问Mysql连接不上,报错The driver has not received any packets from the server.

# 问题所在 远程服务器已经提前安装好了MySQL,版本也是对应的。在ssh上可以正常进入MySQL数据库。但是其他地方无法连接上,例如navicat和IDE内部都发生报错。 # 排查 ## 1. 首先排查了一下远程服务器上mysql服务状态是否处于正常运行状态 `sudo service mysq ......
received packets driver server Linux


我们可以用CSS检查,以了解一组元素的数量是否小于或等于一个数字。例如,一个拥有三个或更多子项的`grid`。你可能会想,为什么需要这样做呢?在某些情况下,一个组件或一个布局可能会根据子元素的数量而改变。 这在CSS中已经存在很多年了,但现在通过CSS `:has`,它变得更加强大。我们可以把`nt ......
nth-last-child child last has nth

The Report Viewer Web Control HTTP Handler has not been registered in the application's web.config file. Add

system.webServer 内加 <handlers> <add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl. ......

ES保存数据时报错:Bulk indexing has failures

# ElasticSearch保存时报错问题解决: ## 错误信息 ``` org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Bulk indexing has failures. Use ElasticsearchExce ......
indexing failures 时报 数据 Bulk

Angular:error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'contentRect' mu st be of type 'DOMRectReadOnly', but here has type 'DOMRectReadOnly'.

# 解决方案 在`tsconfig.json`的`compilerOptions`选项中添加如下内容`"skipLibCheck": true`。 如下图所示 ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1795938/202307/1795938-20230 ......


一、题目链接 https://adworld.xctf.org.cn/challenges/list 二、解法步骤 将附件拖入010: 发现是由很多符号组成的文件。这些符号是Brainfuck加密的编码,brainfuck是一种神奇的语言我只能说,找到解码地址:http://www.hiencode ......
can_has_stdio 专题 世界 CTFer stdio

stm32cubeide ioc报错 This IOC file has been generated with CubeMX version 5.6.1 Your current CubeMX versionis 5.0.0

STM32Cubemx文件的版本不一致导致打不开.ioc文件的问题问题: This IOC file has been generated with CubeMX version 5.6.1Your current CubeMX versionis 5.0.0Please update to a n ......
CubeMX generated versionis cubeide current