
[linux kernel] struct pid && the way the kernel used to cast uint32_t pid to struct task_struct

摘抄内容引用自linux kernel document description pre the initialization and the manage of the struct pid is use IDR.(implement by hash table->(why not array?- ......
struct kernel task_struct amp pid

Coding Languages used in Smart cars

Smart cars utilize a variety of programming languages for different purposes within their systems. The choice of programming language often depends on ......
Languages Coding Smart used cars

Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type

问题: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type No index signature with a parameter of type ' ......
type 39 implicitly expression Element

Why the developed country choose the countries of southeast Asia to build processing factory used their labour force?

The developed countries choose countries in Southeast Asia to build processing factories and utilize their labor force for various reasons. Some of th ......
processing the developed countries southeast

BigdataAIML-ML-Models for machine learning Explore the ideas behind machine learning models and some key algorithms used for each

最好的机器学习教程系列: By M. Tim Jones, Published December 4, 2017 Models for machine learning Alg ......

Xcode 15 and iOS 17 - Error: DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR cannot be used to evaluate LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS, use TOOLCHAIN_DIR instead

热烈欢迎,请直接点击!!! 进入博主App Store主页,下载使用各个作品!!! 注:博主将坚持每月上线一个新app!! # post install post_install do |installer| # fix xcode 15 DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR - remove afte ......

Vivado生成bitstream时报错[Opt 31-67] Problem: A LUT3 cell in the design is missing a connection on input pin I1, which is used by the LUT equation

这个原因主要是因为有一个引脚没有用到,解决方法。 1、打开Schematic。 2、根据提示的模块去找,比如说我的报错。 [Opt 31-67] Problem: A LUT3 cell in the design is missing a connection on input pin I1, w ......
connection LUT bitstream the equation

vue_error_Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended

翻译: '运行时指令,用于非元素根节点的组件。这些指令将无法发挥预期的作用'; 这个错误发生在我将v-show放在自定义组件上时, 我想是因为自定义组件在渲染时会被自定义组件的内部元素替换, 因此设置是无效的 解决: 在自定义组件外加一个div, 把v-show写在div上 ......

How to fix TypeScript error: expression of type can't be used to index type All In One

How to fix TypeScript error: expression of type can't be used to index type All In One type guard ......
type TypeScript expression error index

'main' attribute cannot be used in a module that contains top-level code 问题解决

核心是@main 注解在main.swift 文件中,可以重新命名下 参考资料 ......
attribute top-level contains cannot module


一个监控数据的思考-sockets_used 背景 最近跟踪一个项目问题. Grafana的监控了里面有一个tcp的使用监控 CurrEstab 的数据量是: 700-2000 左右 但是同时有一个非常大的: Sockets_used的数据 数据量一般是 CurrEstab的十倍以上. 大家看起来感 ......
sockets_used sockets 数据 used

frequently used character, numeric, and date functions

# Character functions ## ANYALNUM(str, startpos) Return position of first occurrence of any alphabetic or numeric value after or at the start postion ......
frequently character functions numeric date

LRUCache (least recently used)

import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; /** * Caching with the LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm. * */ public c ......
LRUCache recently least used

执行kubeadm 出现 FATAL: the ConfigMap "kubeadm-config" in the kube-system namespace used for getting configuration information was not found

现象: [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:[upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...[upgrade/config] FYI: You can ......

[Vue warn]: Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended.

![]( ### 原因 意思是自定义指令不能放到组件上,而是要放到自有的元素上,也就是这里用到的`v-dialogDrag ......

vue3 'alex' is defined but never used

解决方法 在package.json中的rules下加入 "no-unused-vars":"off" 即可 ......
defined never vue3 39 alex

Redis精通系列——LFU算法详述(Least Frequently Used - 最不经常使用)

转: Redis精通系列——LFU算法详述(Least Frequently Used - 最不经常使用) ......
算法 Frequently Redis Least Used

【Java异常】Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final *lambda表达式中使用的变量应该是final或者有效的final*,也就是说,lambda 表达式只能引用标记了 final 的外层局部变量,这就是说不能在 lambd ......
final effectively expression Variable lambda

error 'fun' is assigned a value but never used @typesc

在vue3+ts 的项目中在进行eslint 配置之后 在main.ts 进行测试 出现了 error 'fun' is assigned a value but never used @typesc 错误’fun’被分配了一个值,但从未使用过没有未使用的变量 在 package.json 的 ru ......
assigned typesc error value never

django python migrate 后报错字段长度超了 django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1118 'Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

现象: 在 将CharField字段的maxlength=修改后,执行ython migrate 报错django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1118 'Row size too large. The maximum row siz ......
django OperationalError size 字段 长度

GetX 关于报错 Null check operator used on a null value的解决

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'logic.dart'; class GetIndexPage extends StatefulWidget { int count; Get ......
operator check value GetX Null

Why is used for localhost?

Why is used for localhost? Does anyone know why that number was chosen? Although it’s not documented anywhere (at least as far as I know), b ......
localhost used Why 127 for

删除Docker镜像报错 image is being used by stopped container ae8f224fe0e1

该报错原因是因为镜像被其他容器引用 1.查询所有容器 包括未运行的 docker ps -a 2. 删除容器 docker rm 5573214dd069 3.删除镜像 docker rmi 9c7a54a9a43c ......
container 镜像 stopped Docker image

react-native项目启动报错 Error: `fsevents` unavailable (this watcher can only be used on Darwin)

react-native项目启动报错——watchman安装问题(mac pro) Looking for JS files in /Users/你的名称/Documents/project/文件夹名 Loading dependency graph.../Users/你的名称/Documents/ ......

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败:[ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败: [ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL [ERROR] Can't init tc log [ ......
MySQL version Binlog binary number

PANDACU: second hand luxury bag and wallet bags designer used leather branded bags wholesale

PANDACU is a reputable wholesale supplier specializing in second-hand luxury bags and wallets. They offer a wide selection of designer used leather ba ......
bags wholesale designer PANDACU branded

Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type

> # 原文链接: 在一段自动创建mysql表的[sql语句](语句&spm=1001.2101.3001.7020 ......
size maximum large table used

【Oracle】Check size of datafiles and tempfile tablespaces used in CDB and PDB

set line 200 pages 999 column name for a10 column tablespace_name for a15 column "MAXSIZE (GB)" format 9,999,990.00 column "ALLOC (GB)" format 9,999,9 ......
tablespaces datafiles and tempfile Oracle

How to find the TLS used for the SQL Server connection

本文是How to find the TLS used for the SQL Server connection这篇英语文章的翻译,此文出处请见于文章底部链接:原文出处[1] 对于客户,我做了一些研究,如何找出SQL Server数据库会话连接使用了哪一种TLS协议。唯一的方式就是创建一个扩展事件 ......
connection the Server find used

MYSQL设置密码时显示Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication d

​ 用这个命令进入mysql sudo mysql 在sql命令行输入以下命令回车,你就可以把密码改成mynewpassword ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mynewpassword ......
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