
golang 编译碰到问题 Package python-2.7 was not found in the pkg-config search path.

golang 运行单测或者编译程序时提示需要配置 PKG_CONFIG_PATH 环境变量,原因是在程序里使用了 go-python 包,要求运行环境有 python2.7,并设置 PKG_CONFIG_PATH 环境变量,解决方案如下: # pkg-config --cflags -- pytho ......
pkg-config Package golang config python

Do you know the bitwise sum sample demonstrated in "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" by autor Michael Nielsen?

Do you know the bitwise sum sample demonstrated in "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" by autor Michael Nielsen? Yes, I am familiar with the bitwise s ......
quot demonstrated Networks Learning bitwise

Python DeprecationWarning: executable_path has been deprecated, please pass in a Service object

借鉴 ......

Bot in discord with discord.js (15)

Chapter 18 - 命令冷却时间 很多时候,我们不希望频道被单一用户用洪水般的命令消息所淹没,又或者出于对服务器性能的考虑,我们不得不为命令加上一个冷却时间(Cooldown)作为使用限制。下面我们来看看如何在我们已有的代码上进行改造,以获得命令冷却的效果。 ......
discord with Bot 15 in

Raspberry Pi 3B won't turn on after being powered on All In One

Raspberry Pi 3B won't turn on after being powered on All In One 树莓派 3B 通电后无法开机 指示灯只有红色的 LED 亮,绿色的 LED 不亮了 ❓ 红色亮说明通电了,但是绿色不亮,即 ACT 指示灯工作异常 ✅ ......
Raspberry powered after being turn

Linux shell command screen All In One

Linux shell command screen All In One usbserial USB usbmodem ......
command screen Linux shell All

nginx启动报错(1113: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page)

使用windows版本的nginx启动时遇到(1113: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page)这个错误。 后来查阅发现是因为解压的路径里面包含有中文的缘故,只要把解压后的文件剪切 ......
multi-byte character the mapping Unicode

macOS Wi-Fi Scanner and Analyzer All In One

macOS Wi-Fi Scanner and Analyzer All In One macOS Wi-Fi 扫描仪和分析仪 ......
Analyzer Scanner macOS Wi-Fi All

TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

python 报错 TabError:缩进中不一致地使用制表符和空格 解决方法该bug的原因是,各行存在不同的缩进空格,未统一化。只需将出错的代码行及其前边的所有行,全选中,统一还原靠左边,然后再统一执行缩进快捷键即可! ......

永城市江堌堆遗址 All In One

永城市江堌堆遗址 All In One 正面碑文 永城市文物保护单位 江堌堆遗扯 永城市人民政府 一九七九年五月十五日公布 永城市人民政府立 PS: 立碑日期实际上是 2020~2023 年之间立碑 ❓具体时间,由于疫情,暂时没有去打听! 背面碑文 江堌堆遗址 江堌堆遗址位手酇城镇夏庄村东南,浍河北 ......
遗址 All One In

Xbox Series X 完全关机教程 All In One

Xbox Series X 完全关机教程 All In One 主机的风扇完全停止工作 ✅ ......
教程 Series Xbox All One

docker in docker运行pipeline

一、配置JenkinsMaster挂载Docker docker run --name jenkins -itd --privileged=true -p 8081:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /var/run ......
docker pipeline in

Raspberry Pi Debug Probe All In One

Raspberry Pi Debug Probe All In One ......
Raspberry Debug Probe All One

How to use Xbox Series X as a DVD player All In One

How to use Xbox Series X as a DVD player All In One 如何把 Xbox Series X 做为一个 DVD 播放器使用 Blu-ray Player 蓝光播放器 DVD 播放器 ......
Series player Xbox How DVD

PHP 通过创建临时表实现更高速的IN查询

/** * xmsb_fastIn 通过创建临时表实现更高速的IN查询 * @return array */ function xmsb_fastIn ( $tb_name, // 要执行in查询的表名 $field_name, // 要执行in查询的字段名 $data_array, // in查询 ......
高速 PHP

ambari-agent in not running

ERROR 2023-04-06 09:24:25,787 - Controller thread failed with exception:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/ ......
ambari-agent running ambari agent not

Server Error `defineOptions()` in <script setup> cannot reference locally declared variables (COMPONENT_NAME) because it will be hoisted outside of the setup() function.

这个错误提示是因为在<script setup>标签中使用了defineOptions()函数,并且该函数中引用了一个本地声明的变量(比如COMPONENT_NAME)。由于<script setup>中的代码会被自动包装在setup()函数内部执行,而defineOptions()函数会被提升到s ......

jackson序列化报 Null key for a Map not allowed in JSON (use a converting NullKeySerializer?)

报错:"requestParam":null,"errorMsg":"org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write JSON: Null key for a Map not al ......

let in

如下 cylinder :: ( RealFloat a ) => a -> a -> a cylinder r h = let sideArea = 2 * pi * r * h topArea = pi * r ^ 2 in sideArea + 2 * topArea let in表达式非常类 ......
let in

社会观察之怪现象: 农村村干部选举过程中的乱象 All In One

社会观察之怪现象: 农村村干部选举过程中的乱象 All In One 社会上的怪现象 (🐞 反爬虫测试!打击盗版⚠️)如果你看到这个信息, 说明这是一篇剽窃的文章,请访问 查看原创文章! refs ©xgqfrms 2012-202 ......
村干 村干部 现象 过程 农村

XXX is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported

一:问题 XXX is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported 二:原因 当前用户不在sudoers文件中,导致报错 三:解决方案 ......
incident reported sudoers This file

建模copy时报错[lsFrozen Field is not found in the CDO xxxxChanges] 的解决方法

报错如图 日志报错如下 根据日志内容查找问题原因:由于 SetIsFrozen 逻辑导致异常。 解决办法:重写Maint的SaveAs方法,去掉SetIsFrozen 逻辑。 ......
xxxxChanges lsFrozen 时报 方法 Field


查询到失败原因是因为表的内存空间不足,依次执行下面的sql:1、检查表的存储空间SELECT a.tablespace_name "表空间名",a.bytes / 1024 / 1024 "表空间大小(M)",(a.bytes - b.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 "已使用空间(M)", ......

SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with ‘\xb9‘ in file问题的解决

问题描述 按照正常模式运行python代码,其中涉及到charset类型,由于某种原因导致代码运行不成功 问题解决 在python程序的第一行加上这样一行代码: # coding=gbk 这样的话,该问题就能解决啦! ......
SyntaxError starting Non-UTF 问题 code

The Many Ways To Call Axes In Matplotlib

%matplotlib widget from IPython.display import display, HTML import re from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot ......
Matplotlib Many Call Axes Ways

git bash报错fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at的解决方法

情况 在git bash中输入"git add ."命令时报错"fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at" 原因 文件夹的所有者和现在的用户不一致 例如:文件夹的所有者是Administrator,而当前用户是myAccount 方法1 右 ......
repository ownership detected dubious 方法


GI升级时,跑完 dryRunForUpgrade 后再执行gridSetup.sh时候出现下面异常--/u01/app/19.0.0/19grid/ -dryRunForUpgrade [INS-41881] Installer has detected that the ......
41881 INS

Revit附加模块Add-in Manager里一次性加载所有.dll文件

public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements) { GlobalRevitData.commandData = commandData; AppDomain ......
一次性 模块 Manager 文件 Add-in

The role of local toxicity testing in evaluating new drugs

Local toxicity test is an integral part of toxicology research, which is designed to study the toxic reactions caused by local (via eyes, ears, mouth,... ......
evaluating toxicity testing local drugs