
14-2 shell脚本编程进阶whlie循环和控制

一、检测磁盘达到百分之80 发送邮件 并没10秒检查一次 并不断发送邮件 #!/bin/bash ZHI=80 while :;do USE=`df | sed -rn '/^\/dev\/sd/s#.* ([0-9]+)%.*#\1#p' | sort -nr|head -n1` if [ $US ......
脚本编程 脚本 shell whlie 14


package com.karl; public class WhileDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //功能上和for完全一样,for能解决的while也能解决反之亦然 //使用规范:知道循环几次用for,不知道循环几次建议使用wh ......

Questions Whlie Reading A Research Paper

1. Give me a brief summary of the background and context of the research. ``` Give me a brief summary of the background and context of the research. ` ......
Questions Research Reading Paper Whlie
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