C# 下拉弹窗选择 高考志愿学校,可以搜索

发布时间 2023-06-13 16:12:56作者: 系心一缘



  1.继承 ToolStripDropDown 这个类,承载自定义控件,设置双缓存减少闪烁

 /// <summary>
    /// 重写ToolStripDropDown
    /// 使用双缓存减少闪烁
    /// </summary>
    public class MyToolStripDropDown : ToolStripDropDown
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                cp.ExStyle |= 0x02000000;//双缓存
                return cp;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace TianBaoZhiYuan
    public partial class UCDropDown : UserControl
        public delegate void SelectChangedHandle(string[] data);
        public event SelectChangedHandle SelectChanged;
        public event SelectChangedHandle TextBoxKeyPressEnter;

        public void TextBoxEnterFindDataSourceExsists(string keyword)
            DataTable table = DataView.Table;
            if (table == null) return;

            DataRow[] rows = table.Select($" {CallBackColumns}='{keyword.Trim()}'");
            if(rows == null ||rows.Length==0) return;
            string selected= rows[0][0].ToString().Trim();
        public UCDropDown()
        public string CallBackColumns { get; set; } = "";
        public string KeyWordsFilter { get; set; } = "";

        #region 数据过滤

        public DataView DataView
                DataTable dataTable = GetDataTableFromDataSource();
                if (dataTable == null)
                    return null;
                return dataTable.DefaultView;
        [Description("设置DataGridView属性"), Browsable(true), Category("Popup")]

        private DataTable GetDataTableFromDataSource()
            object dataSource = Dgv.DataSource;
            return GetDataTableFromDataSource(dataSource);
        /// <summary>
        /// 从DataGridView 获取数据表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable GetDataTableFromDataSource(object dataSource)
            if (dataSource is DataTable)
                return (DataTable)dataSource;
            else if (dataSource is DataView)
                return ((DataView)dataSource).Table;
            else if (dataSource is BindingSource)
                object bind = ((BindingSource)dataSource).DataSource;
                if (bind is DataTable)
                    return (DataTable)bind;
                    return ((DataView)bind).Table;
                return null;
        private string GetRowFilterString(string sText)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sText)) return "";
            string sFilter = "";
            if (CallBackColumns == String.Empty || CallBackColumns == null)
                CallBackColumns = DataView.Table.Columns[0].ColumnName;
            if (KeyWordsFilter == String.Empty)
                KeyWordsFilter = CallBackColumns;
            string[] sColumns = KeyWordsFilter.Split(',');
            foreach (string sColumn in sColumns)
                sFilter += sColumn + " like " + "'%" + sText + "%'" + " or ";
            sFilter = sFilter.Trim().TrimEnd("or".ToCharArray());
            return sFilter;
        private string m_Separator = "|";
        private string GetStringArrayValues(DataGridViewRow dgvRow)
            string data = "";
            if (dgvRow == null || dgvRow.Index == -1)
                return data;
            string[] sDisplayList = CallBackColumns.Split(',');
            foreach (string sDisplay in sDisplayList)
                if (Dgv.Columns.Contains(sDisplay))
                    data += dgvRow.Cells[sDisplay].Value.ToString() + m_Separator;
            return data.Trim('|');


        #region 数据搜索
        public void Query(string keyword)
            if (DataView == null) return;
            DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(keyword);

        #region 单击,双击,按下
        private void Dgv_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        private void Dgv_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        private void Dgv_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Enter)
        private void CallBack()
            DataGridViewRow dgvRow = Dgv.CurrentRow;
            string selectedValues = GetStringArrayValues(dgvRow);//获取选定的值
            string[] data = selectedValues.Split('|');
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取DataView可见列总宽度
        /// </summary>
        public int DataGridViewWidth
                int DataWidth = 0;
                foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in Dgv.Columns)
                    if (col.Visible)
                        DataWidth += col.Width;
                return DataWidth;

        #region 添加和更新
        public delegate void AddDelegate();
        public event AddDelegate AddEvent;//添加
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public delegate void UpdateDelegate();
        public event UpdateDelegate UpdateEvent;//刷新
        private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        #region 自适应大小
        private void panelBottom_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnAdd.Location = new Point(panelBottom.Location.X + 10, btnAdd.Location.Y);
            btnRefresh.Location = new Point(panelBottom.Location.X + panelBottom.Width - 10 - btnRefresh.Width, btnRefresh.Location.Y);
        private void QueryControl_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.tbLayout.Width = this.Width - 1;
            this.tbLayout.Height= this.Height - 1;


    3.继承TextBox ,新建类   UCDropDownContainer

  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using System.ComponentModel;
  4 using System.Drawing;
  5 using System.Data;
  6 using System.Text;
  7 using System.Windows.Forms;
  8 using System.Drawing.Design;
  9 using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
 10 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 11 using System.IO;
 12 using System.Reflection;
 14 namespace TianBaoZhiYuan
 15 {
 17     public class UCDropDownContainer : TextBox
 18     {
 19         #region 成员变量
 20         public delegate void CloseOther();
 21         public event  CloseOther CloseOtherEvent;
 23         ToolStripControlHost CtrHost;
 24         public MyToolStripDropDown Menu;
 25         public delegate void SelectChangedHandle(string data);
 26         public event SelectChangedHandle SelectChanged;
 27         private string _SeparatorChar = "|";
 29         #endregion
 31         #region 构造函数
 32         UCDropDown dropDown;
 33         private void DrawDataGridView()
 34         {
 35             dropDown = new UCDropDown();
 36             dropDown.Width = this.Width;
 37             CtrHost = new ToolStripControlHost(dropDown);
 38             CtrHost.AutoSize = true;
 39             CtrHost.Margin = Padding.Empty;
 40             CtrHost.Padding = Padding.Empty;
 42             Menu = new MyToolStripDropDown();
 43             Menu.Width = this.Width;
 44             Menu.AutoClose = false;
 45             Menu.Items.Add(CtrHost);
 46           //  DropDown.Padding =new Padding(1);
 47         }
 48         private int _ShowOffSetY = 9;
 49         [Description("显示弹窗偏移Y!"), Browsable(true), Category("Popup")]
 50         public int ShowOffSetY
 51         {
 52             set
 53             {
 54                 _ShowOffSetY = value;
 55             }
 56             get
 57             {
 58                 return _ShowOffSetY;
 59             }
 60         }
 61         public Action AfterOpenMenu = null;//打开后操作,列宽只能在显示的时候设置,才有效
 62         public void OpenMenu(string keyword = "")
 63         {
 64             if (Menu != null)
 65             {
 66                 if (DataView != null)
 67                 {
 68                     DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(keyword);
 69                     CtrHost.AutoSize = false;
 70                     CtrHost.Width = this.MenuWidth ;
 71                     Menu.AutoClose = false;//弹窗前设置自动关闭为False. TextBox才可以获得焦点继续输入
 72                     Menu.Show(this, -2, this.Height+ _ShowOffSetY);
 73                     Menu.AutoClose= true;//弹窗后,设置为True,才不会TopMost遮挡其他程序
 74                     AfterOpenMenu?.Invoke();//打开后,设置一下列宽
 75                 }
 76             }
 77         }
 81         public UCDropDownContainer()
 82         {
 83             DrawDataGridView();
 84             this.TextChanged += txtKey_TextChanged;
 85             this.MouseClick += txtKey_MouseClick;
 87         }
 88         private void txtKey_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
 89         {   
 90             CloseOtherEvent?.Invoke();//因为设置了AutoClose=false,所以点击的时候,要关闭其他的下拉弹窗
 91             OpenMenu("");
 92         }
 93         private void txtKey_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 94         {
 95             if (DataView == null) return;
 96             DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(Text);
 97         }
 98         protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
 99         {
100             if (e.KeyData == Keys.Enter)
101             {
102                 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Text.Trim()))
103                 {
104                     CloseOtherEvent?.Invoke();
105                     OpenMenu();
106                 }
107             }else if (e.KeyData == Keys.Back)
108             {
109                 if(DataView!=null)
110                 DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(Text);//后退
111             }
112             else if(e.KeyData == Keys.Down){//向下
113                 if (this.Menu.Visible == false)
114                 {
115                     OpenMenu();
116                 }
117                 else
118                 {
119                     Dgv.Focus();
120                 }
121             }
122             base.OnKeyDown(e);
123         }
124         /// <summary>
125         /// 按关键词搜索
126         /// </summary>
127         /// <param name="keyword"></param>
128         public void SearchByKeyword(string keyword="")
129         {
130             if (DataView == null) return;
131             string key = keyword.Trim();
132             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
133             {
134                 DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(Text);
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 DataView.RowFilter = GetRowFilterString(keyword);
139             }  
140         }
142         #endregion
145         public void CloseMenu()
146         {
147             if (Menu != null)
148             {
149                 Menu.Close();
150             }
151         }
154         #region 提示语
155         /// <summary>
156         /// 提示
157         /// </summary>
158         private string _promptText = string.Empty;
159         /// <summary>
160         /// 提示语字体
161         /// </summary>
162         private Font _promptFont = new Font("微软雅黑", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
164         /// <summary>
165         /// 提示语颜色
166         /// </summary>
167         private Color _promptColor = Color.Gray;
168         /// <summary>
169         /// 水印文字
170         /// </summary>
171         /// <value>The prompt text.</value>
172         [Description("水印文字"), Category("自定义")]
173         public string PromptText
174         {
175             get
176             {
177                 return this._promptText;
178             }
179             set
180             {
181                 this._promptText = value;
182                 this.OnPaint(null);
183             }
184         }
185         /// <summary>
186         /// Gets or sets the prompt font.
187         /// </summary>
188         /// <value>The prompt font.</value>
189         [Description("水印字体"), Category("自定义")]
190         public Font PromptFont
191         {
192             get
193             {
194                 return this._promptFont;
195             }
196             set
197             {
198                 this._promptFont = value;
199             }
200         }
201         /// <summary>
202         /// Gets or sets the color of the prompt.
203         /// </summary>
204         /// <value>The color of the prompt.</value>
205         [Description("水印颜色"), Category("自定义")]
206         public Color PromptColor
207         {
208             get
209             {
210                 return this._promptColor;
211             }
212             set
213             {
214                 this._promptColor = value;
215             }
216         }
217         #endregion
221         #region 绘制DataGridView以及下拉DataGridView
223         public string CallBackColumns
224         {
225             get
226             {
227                 return DropDown.CallBackColumns;
228             }
229             set
230             {
231                 DropDown.CallBackColumns = value;
232             }
233         }
234         public string KeyWordsFilter
235         {
236             get
237             {
238                 return DropDown.KeyWordsFilter;
239             }
240             set
241             {
242                 DropDown.KeyWordsFilter = value;
243             }
244         }
245         public UCDropDown DropDown
246         {
247             get
248             {
249                 return dropDown;
250             }
251         }
252         public DataGridView Dgv
253         {
254             get
255             {
256                 return (CtrHost.Control as UCDropDown).Dgv;
257             }
258         }
259         /// <summary>
260         /// 获取DataView可见列总宽度
261         /// </summary>
262         public int DataGridViewTotalWidth
263         {
264             get
265             {
266                 int DataWidth = 0;
267                 foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in Dgv.Columns)
268                 {
269                     if (col.Visible)
270                     {
271                         DataWidth += col.Width;
272                     }
273                 }
274                 return DataWidth;
275             }
276         }
277         private void DataGridView_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
278         {
279             int rowIndex = e.RowIndex;
280             if (rowIndex == -1) return;
281             int columnIndex = e.ColumnIndex;
283             if (Dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
284             {
285                 DataGridViewRow dgvRow = Dgv.CurrentRow;
286                 Text = GetStringArrayValues(dgvRow);
287                 SelectChanged?.Invoke(Text);
288             }
289             Menu.Close();
291         }
293         private string GetStringArrayValues(DataGridViewRow dgvRow)
294         {
295             string data = "";
296             if (dgvRow == null || dgvRow.Index == -1)
297             {
298                 return data;
299             }
300             string[] sDisplayList = CallBackColumns.Split(',');
301             foreach (string sDisplay in sDisplayList)
302             {
303                 if (Dgv.Columns.Contains(sDisplay))
304                 {
305                     data += dgvRow.Cells[sDisplay].Value.ToString() + _SeparatorChar;
306                 }
307             }
308             return data.Trim('|');
309         }
310         #endregion
313         #region 属性
316         [Description("是否显示条件输入窗口!"), Browsable(true), Category("Popup")]
317         public bool RowFilterVisible
318         {
319             set
320             {
321                 Menu.Items[0].Visible = value;
322             }
323             get
324             {
325                 return Menu.Items[0].Visible;
326             }
327         }
329         public DataView DataView
330         {
331             get
332             {
333                 DataTable dataTable = GetDataTableFromDataSource();
334                 if (dataTable == null)
335                 {
336                     return null;
337                 }
338                 return dataTable.DefaultView;
339             }
340         }
342         /// <summary>
343         /// 获取DataView可见列总宽度
344         /// </summary>
345         public int DataGridViewWidth
346         {
347             get
348             {
349                 int DataWidth = 0;
350                 foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in Dgv.Columns)
351                 {
352                     if (col.Visible)
353                     {
354                         DataWidth += col.Width;
355                     }
356                 }
357                 return DataWidth;
358             }
359         }
363         [Description("弹窗宽度"), Browsable(true), Category("Popup")]
364         public int MenuWidth { get; set; }
366         [Description("弹窗高度"), Browsable(true), Category("Popup")]
367         public int MenuHeight { get {
368                 return DropDown.Height;
369             } set {
370                 DropDown.Height= value;
371             } }
372         #endregion
374         #region 方法
378         private DataTable GetDataTableFromDataSource()
379         {
380             object dataSource = Dgv.DataSource;
381             return GetDataTableFromDataSource(dataSource);
382         }
383         /// <summary>
384         /// 从DataGridView 获取数据表
385         /// </summary>
386         /// <returns></returns>
387         private DataTable GetDataTableFromDataSource(object dataSource)
388         {
389             if (dataSource is DataTable)
390             {
391                 return (DataTable)dataSource;
392             }
393             else if (dataSource is DataView)
394             {
395                 return ((DataView)dataSource).Table;
396             }
397             else if (dataSource is BindingSource)
398             {
399                 object bind = ((BindingSource)dataSource).DataSource;
400                 if (bind is DataTable)
401                 {
402                     return (DataTable)bind;
403                 }
404                 else
405                 {
406                     return ((DataView)bind).Table;
407                 }
408             }
409             else
410             {
411                 return null;
412             }
413         }
415         #region 重写方法
416         private string GetRowFilterString(string sText)
417         {
418             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sText) || DataView==null) return "";
419             string sFilter = "";
420             if (CallBackColumns == String.Empty || CallBackColumns == null)
421             {
422                 CallBackColumns = DataView.Table.Columns[0].ColumnName;
423             }
424             if (KeyWordsFilter == String.Empty)
425             {
426                 KeyWordsFilter = CallBackColumns;
427             }
428             string[] sColumns = KeyWordsFilter.Split(',');
429             foreach (string sColumn in sColumns)
430             {
431                 sFilter += sColumn + " like " + "'%" + sText + "%'" + " or ";
432             }
433             sFilter = sFilter.Trim().TrimEnd("or".ToCharArray());
434             return sFilter;
435         }
436         private void InitializeComponent()
437         {
438             this.SuspendLayout();
439             this.ResumeLayout(false);
441         }
442         protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
443         {
444             if (disposing)
445             {
446                 if (Menu != null)
447                 {
448                     Menu.Dispose();
449                     Menu = null;
450                 }
451             }
452             base.Dispose(disposing);
453         }
455         #endregion
457         #endregion
460     }
461     /// <summary>
462     /// 重写ToolStripDropDown
463     /// 使用双缓存减少闪烁
464     /// </summary>
465     public class MyToolStripDropDown : ToolStripDropDown
466     {
467         protected override CreateParams CreateParams
468         {
469             get
470             {
471                 CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
472                 cp.ExStyle |= 0x02000000;//双缓存
473                 return cp;
474             }
475         }
476     }
478 }


  4.  搜索控件,可以直接拖的通用控件。 


  1 using TianBaoZhiYuan;
  2 using System;
  3 using System.ComponentModel;
  4 using System.Drawing;
  5 using System.Windows.Forms;
  7 namespace TianBaoZhiYuan.UI
  8 {
  9     public partial class UCSearch : UserControl
 10     {
 11         public delegate void KeyUpHandle(object sender, KeyEventArgs e);
 12         public event KeyUpHandle TextKeyUp;
 13         public event EventHandler TextBoxChanged;
 14         public event EventHandler SearchClick;
 16         public Action CloseOtherDropDown = null;//关闭其他弹窗
 18         public void OpenMenu()
 19         {
 20             DropDownMenu.OpenMenu();
 22         }
 23         public void CloseMenu()
 24         {
 25             DropDownMenu.CloseMenu();
 26         }
 27         public UCDropDown DropDown
 28         {
 29             get
 30             {
 31                 return DropDownMenu.DropDown;
 32             }
 33         }
 34         public DataGridView Dgv
 35         {
 36             get
 37             {
 38                 return DropDownMenu.Dgv;
 39             }
 40         }
 41         public UCSearch()
 42         {
 43             InitializeComponent();
 44             LbTips.BringToFront();
 45         }
 47         private string _datatype = null;
 48         [Browsable(true)]
 49         public string DataType
 50         {
 51             get
 52             {
 53                 return _datatype;
 54             }
 55             set
 56             {
 57                 _datatype = value;
 58             }
 59         }
 60         [Browsable(true)]
 61         public char PasswordChar
 62         {
 63             get
 64             {
 65                 return DropDownMenu.PasswordChar;
 66             }
 67             set
 68             {
 69                 DropDownMenu.PasswordChar = value;
 70             }
 71         }
 72         [DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "228,228,228"), Browsable(true)]
 73         public Color BorderColor
 74         {
 75             get
 76             {
 77                 return PanelBorder.BackColor;
 78             }
 79             set
 80             {
 81                 PanelBorder.BackColor = value;
 82             }
 83         }
 84         [Browsable(true)]
 85         public bool ReadOnly
 86         {
 87             get
 88             {
 89                 return DropDownMenu.ReadOnly;
 90             }
 91             set
 92             {
 93                 DropDownMenu.ReadOnly = value;
 94                 DropDownMenu.BackColor = LbContainer.BackColor;
 95             }
 96         }
 97         [Browsable(true)]
 98         public bool ShowSearchButton
 99         {
100             get
101             {
102                 return LbSearch.Width > 0;
103             }
104             set
105             {
106                 LbSearch.Width = value ? 30 : 0;
107             }
108         }
109         [Browsable(true)]
110         public void Select(int s, int e)
111         {
112             DropDownMenu.Select(s, e);
113         }
115         [Browsable(true)]
116         public string Value
117         {
118             get
119             {
120                 return DropDownMenu.Text;
121             }
122             set
123             {
124                 DropDownMenu.Text = value;
125             }
126         }
128         [Browsable(true)]
129         public string Prompt
130         {
131             get
132             {
133                 return LbTips.Text;
134             }
135             set
136             {
137                 LbTips.Text = value.ToString();
138             }
139         }
140         [Browsable(true)]
141         public string Title
142         {
143             get
144             {
145                 return LbTitle.Text;
146             }
147             set
148             {
149                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
150                 {
151                     LbTitle.Width = 0;
152                 }
153                 else
154                 {
155                     Size sizeF = TextRenderer.MeasureText(value, LbTitle.Font);
156                     LbTitle.Width = sizeF.Width;
157                 }
158                 LbTitle.Text = value.ToString();
159             }
160         }
161         [Browsable(true)]
162         public int TitleWidth
163         {
164             get
165             {
166                 return LbTitle.Width;
167             }
168             set
169             {
170                 LbTitle.Width = value;
171             }
172         }
173         private void UserControl_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
174         {
175             LbTips.Visible = DropDownMenu.Text.Length < 1;
176             Tag = DropDownMenu.Text.Length < 1 ? "" : Tag;
177             TextBoxChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
178         }
180         private void UserControl_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
181         {
182             TextKeyUp?.Invoke(this, e);
183         }
185         private void LblTips_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
186         {
187             LbTips.Visible = true;
188             CloseOtherDropDown?.Invoke();
189             DropDownMenu.Focus();
190             DropDownMenu.OpenMenu();
192         }
194         private void Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
195         {
196             SearchClick?.Invoke(sender, e);
197         }
199         private void TxtText_FontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
200         {
201             LbTips.Font = Font;
202             DropDownMenu.Font = Font;
203         }
204     }
205 }

 5 .调用控件,加载数据的可以看源码

  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using System.ComponentModel;
  4 using System.Data;
  5 using System.Diagnostics;
  6 using System.Drawing;
  7 using System.IO;
  8 using System.Linq;
  9 using System.Reflection;
 10 using System.Text;
 11 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 12 using System.Windows.Forms;
 13 using TianBaoZhiYuan.UI;
 15 namespace TianBaoZhiYuan
 16 {
 17     public partial class Main : Form
 18     {
 19         public Main()
 20         {
 21             InitializeComponent();
 22         }
 26         private void TianBaoZhiYuan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 27         {
 28             InitCollegeData();
 29         }
 31         /// <summary>
 32         /// 初始化大学
 33         /// </summary>
 34         private async void InitCollegeData()
 35         {
 36             this.txtDX.Dgv.AllowUserToResizeRows = false;
 37             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.Width = 650;
 38             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.MenuWidth = 650;
 39             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.CallBackColumns = "学校名称";//回调的列,这是需要的
 40             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.KeyWordsFilter = "学校名称,主管部门,所在地,层次,网址,全拼,简拼";//要搜索的列
 41             var datasource = await GetData_College();
 42             this.txtDX.Dgv.DataSource = datasource;
 44             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.RowFilterVisible = true;
 45             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.MenuHeight -= 20;
 47             //打开弹窗
 48             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.AfterOpenMenu = () => {
 49                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[0].Width = 50;
 50                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[1].Width = 130;
 51                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[2].Width = 80;
 52                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[3].Width = 60;
 53                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[4].Width = 70;
 54                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[5].Width = 70;
 55                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[6].Width = 70;
 56                 this.txtDX.Dgv.Columns[7].Width = 80;
 57             };
 58             //选择
 59             this.txtDX.DropDown.SelectChanged += (data) =>
 60             {
 61                 this.txtDX.Value = data[0].ToString();
 62                 this.txtDX.CloseMenu();
 63             };
 64             //关闭其他弹窗
 65             this.txtDX.CloseOtherDropDown = () =>
 66             {
 67                 this.CloseOtherDropDown();
 68             };
 69             //
 70             this.txtDX.DropDownMenu.CloseOtherEvent += () =>
 71             {
 72                 this.CloseOtherDropDown();
 73             };
 74             //搜索
 75             this.txtDX.SearchClick += (e, v) =>
 76             {
 77                 this.CloseOtherDropDown();
 78                 this.txtDX.OpenMenu();
 79                 this.txtDX.Focus();
 80             };
 81             //拓展
 82             this.txtDX.DropDown.UpdateEvent += async () =>
 83             {
 84                 MessageBox.Show("拓展功能2");
 85             };
 86             //拓展
 87             this.txtDX.DropDown.AddEvent += () =>
 88             {
 89                 MessageBox.Show("拓展功能1");
 90             };
 91         }
 93         #region 获取大学数据
 94         public async Task<DataTable> GetData_College()
 95         {
 96             var dt = await Task.Run(() =>
 97             {
 98                 return DataHelper.大学数据();//这里是模拟数据。 实际情况,可能是要查询数据库的。
 99             });
100             return dt;
101         }
103         #endregion
109         public void CloseOtherDropDown()
110         {
111             var txt = this.Controls.Find<UCSearch>(true);
112             txt.ForEach(t =>
113             {
114                 t.DropDownMenu.CloseMenu();
115             });
117         }
119         private void TianBaoZhiYuan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
120         {
121             CloseOtherDropDown();
122         }
123     }
124 }