
发布时间 2023-07-10 19:33:34作者: 胖豆芽


A girl come in, the name is Jack, evel 955; A old lady come in, the name is Mary,level 94454; A pretty boy come in, the name is Patrick, level 194;


第一步 从txt中获取名字 file_path='1.txt' with open(file_path,'r') as f: # 按行读 返回列表 list1=f.read().splitlines() # 第二步 对列表中的每一个元素做拆分 # 找到name的值 def get_name(list1): for item in list1: name = item.split(',')[1].split(' ')[-1:] print(name) get_name(list1)


import re

text = "A girl come in, the name is Jack, evel 955; 
A old lady come in, the name is Mary,level 94454;
A pretty boy come in, the name is Patrick, level 194;
" names = re.findall(r'the name is (\w+)', text) print(names)