
发布时间 2023-08-14 13:44:12作者: 2086nmj


1. assimp(Open Asset Import Library)简介

Open Asset Import Library is a library to load various 3d file formats into a shared, in-memory format. It supports more than 40 file formats for import and a growing selection of file formats for export.

Open Asset Import Library是一个将各种三维文件格式加载到共享内存格式中的库。它支持40多种文件格式的导入和越来越多的文件格式的导出选择。

APIs are provided for C and C++. There are various bindings to other languages (C#, Java, Python, Delphi, D). Assimp also runs on Android and iOS. Additionally, assimp features various mesh post processing tools: normals and tangent space generation, triangulation, vertex cache locality optimization, removal of degenerate primitives and duplicate vertices, sorting by primitive type, merging of redundant materials and many more.


2. 最新文档(Latest Doc's)

Please check the latest documents at Asset-Importer-Lib-Doc.

3. 预编译二进制文件(Prebuild binaries)

Please check our Itchi Projectspace

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