Common optimize technique

发布时间 2023-09-07 18:52:27作者: 0x7F


Before we understand the vectorization, we can see a common secnario.
We have a array that has 100 float numbers, we want to calculate square of every data. If we use traditional computer, we need to calculate it one by one. For each calculation of data, an instruction needs to be excuted, it is a time-consuming process. As shown in the following figure.

Vectorization is an optimize technique, it uses SIMD(Single Instruction, Multiple Data)instruction set of modern processors to utilize one instruction to judge multiple data at the same time. It reduces the iteration times and overhead of commute instruction. As shown in the following figure.

矢量化技术依赖于处理器的SIMD指令集,例如Intel的SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions)和AVX(Advanced Vector Extensions),以及ARM的NEON(Advanced SIMD)。这些指令集提供了特殊的指令和寄存器,可以同时处理多个数据项。

