PBI Evaluating时间太长

发布时间 2023-04-04 17:00:31作者: po-A

Multiple calculations(complex measures and calculated columns) in large dataset will eat up much CPU and memory . In your scenario, there are some proposals for you troubleshooting such performance issue.

1. Use the latest version of Power BI Desktop(2.42.4611.901).

2. Untick the following options in your current PBIX file. You can go to File -> Options and settings -> Options->CURRENT FILE(Data Load) to find the options.

3. Follow the guide in this blog to disable Load for these intermediate queries in your PBIX file to save memory.

4. Optimize your data model by following  the tips in the articles below.
  Data Import Best Practices in Power BI
  Power BI Performance Tips and Techniques

5. Use a faster computer with bigger memory would help in your scenario.


