cancer cell plasticity | 可塑性

发布时间 2023-11-18 03:19:31作者: Life·Intelligence




尤其是cancer cell,它无时无刻都在自我适应和进化,这其中是否涉及到一个统一的表观机制呢?


Why cancer cell plasticity?
Some cells can switch from one cell type to another, and back again. This ability, called ‘cell plasticity’, allows cells to maintain stability through changes in their environment, such as tissue repair after injury. But plasticity in cancer cells can also push tumours to evolve and resist drugs. For example, when a tumour is treated with a drug, some cancer cells within the tumour can switch to a cell type that is resistant to that particular treatment. When the treatment is finished, these cells can cause the cancer to get worse or come back.

Cancer cell plasticity is a significant barrier to treatment success, yet the mechanisms that control it are poorly understood. Blocking or exploiting cell-switching processes could potentially stop cancer recurrence and eliminate resistant cells after initial treatment.

This Cancer Grand Challenge seeks to expand knowledge of the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to switch their identity, and of how this switching contributes to cancer progression. If we can find ways to control these mechanisms, we may be able to increase the effectiveness of current therapies.