Open Source DHCP proxy

发布时间 2023-11-01 13:46:47作者: lvmxh
There are several open-source projects: DHCP-replay in github

Seems looks good.  And it is  Apache-2.0 license

start a DHCP proxy on a host

git clone
cd dhcp-relay
make all
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build --tags "netgo osusergo static_build" -ldflags='-s -w -extldflags "-static"' -a -o '/home/user/dhcp-relay/BUILD/dhcp-relay'
sudo ./BUILD/dhcp-relay -debug -dhcp-server-address -debug-server localhost:8082

send DHCP request on another host

sudo nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover

Check result on DHCP proxy host

Then we can check the logs on the host run DHCP proxy as follow

2023/10/31 02:46:37 DBG | Received  bytes of data from socket
2023/10/31 02:46:37 DBG | Received 358 bytes of data from socket
2023/10/31 02:46:37 INF | --> 0x64080343: DHCP-DISCOVER [316], IfIndex=2, Src=, Dst=
2023/10/31 02:46:37 DBG | Option 82 -> Sub-option: Type=1, Len=1, Data=[32], ASCII="2"
2023/10/31 02:46:37 DBG | Sent 321 bytes of data to socket
2023/10/31 02:46:37 INF | <-- 0x64080343: DHCP-DISCOVER [321], Src=, Dst=
2023/10/31 02:46:40 DBG | Received  bytes of data from socket
2023/10/31 02:46:40 DBG | Received 342 bytes of data from socket
2023/10/31 02:46:40 INF | --> 0x64080343: DHCP-OFFER [297], IfIndex=2, Src=, Dst=
2023/10/31 02:46:40 DBG | Boot File Name:
2023/10/31 02:46:40 DBG | Option 82 -> Sub-option: Type=1, Len=1, Data=[32], ASCII="2"
2023/10/31 02:46:40 DBG | Sent 334 bytes of data to socket
2023/10/31 02:46:40 INF | <-- 0x64080343: DHCP-OFFER [292], IfIndex=2, Src=, Dst=

or dump pacakge