[BBC News 听写读] 练习1

发布时间 2023-06-12 17:11:26作者: Lulu1007

Item 1

The BBC has learned the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided the British general election will take place on May 6th. Mr. Brown will go to the Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask queen Elizabeth to dissolve the parliament and then make a formal announcement the election date. That will start the official election campaign, which, a BBC correspondent says, will be dominated by issues of taxition and the spending in the wake of the global recession.


in the wake of 在...之后


Less than 6 months before the general election in Britain, the governing Labour Party is embroiled again in internal strife.
Two former cabinet ministers has called for secret ballot of the members to decide whether the Prime Minister Gordon Brown should continue as party leader.Mr Brown has called election by June this year.Out political correspondent, Rob Watson reports:

" The two former cabinet ministers (Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt), has stunned everyone at Westminster, with their last minute efforts to challenge Gordon Brown's leadership.
But Downing Street and the Labour Party officials , have moved quickly to quash any revolts."
"Most importantly, current cabinet ministers have come out and backed the prime minister, albeit in the some cases with little apparent ethusiasms."
"So the latest challenge looks likely to be short lived. Although many within the Labour party doubt Mr browns leadership qualities,they also seem to think it would only make things worse to get rid of him before the general election."

in internal strife
cabinet minister
secret ballot 秘密投票,不记名投票
quash any revolts
albeit 尽管
looks likely to be

Item 3

The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is offering to scale back Britain's nuclear deterrence if an international agreement as reached to cut to the world's nuclear arsenals.

Mr Brown is expected to tell us a special session of the United Nations security council on Thursday,and he'll be willing to give up one of four royal navy submarine that carry Trident nuclear missiles.

The officials are insisting the cost isn't the factor here, here is our defence correspondent Nick Childs.

Gorden Brown is saying he'll be ready to throw the part of trident forth into the port, in the context of much bigger global disarmament deal.He said so in general term before, this offer though is more concrete.

There's a growing sense that to avoid what some fear could be sudden cascade of nuclear states ,established nuclear powers need to do more in terms of disarmament to keep the proliferation regime intact.
The Prime Minister will help this move to be seen as an important gesture, but the key to the process would be the actions of the big players, the United State and Russia.

new words:
offer 主动提出(帮忙 xxx)
scale back 缩小
nuclear deterrence 核威慑
*deter 阻挠;威慑,使不敢
arsenals 武器庫
session 会议(官方的,诸如议会或法庭)
*the Parliamentary session 议会会议
*emergency session 紧急会议
council 委员会(一群人的组织)
*the United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会
trident 三叉戟
missile 导弹
defence correspondent 国防记者
*defence 辩护;防御;防御工事;后卫. 词根:fence
*defense 防守. 词根:defend
in the context of 结合背景
*out of context 断章取义
disarmament 解除或放棄武器的行為
*nuclear disarmament 核裁军
*disarm 让 xx 缴械,拆除武器
concrete 实在的,确切的(exist that can be seen or feel)
there is a growing sense
proliferation *formal 激增的事实
regime 管理、统治、方针
intact *complete and in the original state: