
发布时间 2024-01-01 12:26:44作者: yanghui01



1) 先是分别以Box_A和Box_B的模型空间坐标轴为分离轴,求出在轴上的投影重叠长度,判断是否相交。


// Setup
Vec2 hA = 0.5f * bodyA->width;
Vec2 hB = 0.5f * bodyB->width;

Vec2 posA = bodyA->position;
Vec2 posB = bodyB->position;

Mat22 RotA(bodyA->rotation), RotB(bodyB->rotation); //localToWorld

Mat22 RotAT = RotA.Transpose(); //转置矩阵(等于逆矩阵), worldToLocal_A

Vec2 dp = posB - posA; //中心连线向量
Vec2 dA = RotAT * dp; //中心连线向量, 在boxA的模型空间x, y轴上的投影

Mat22 C = RotAT * RotB; //localBToLocalA, 先把B内的local转为world, 然后world再转成A内的local
Mat22 absC = Abs(C);

// Box A faces
Vec2 faceA = Abs(dA) - hA - absC * hB;
if (faceA.x > 0.0f || faceA.y > 0.0f)
    return 0;

Mat22 RotBT = RotB.Transpose(); //worldToLocal_B
Vec2 dB = RotBT * dp; //中心连线向量, 在boxB的模型空间x, y轴上的投影
Mat22 absCT = absC.Transpose(); //localAToLocalB

// Box B faces
Vec2 faceB = Abs(dB) - absCT * hA - hB;
if (faceB.x > 0.0f || faceB.y > 0.0f)
    return 0;


1-1) 相对Box_A的模型空间时:

a) 如果中心连线在Box_A模型空间x轴上的投影 > Box_A的halfSize.x + Box_B相对Box_A模型空间包围盒的halfSize.x,则它们在x方向不相交;

b) 如果中心连线在Box_A模型空间y轴上的投影 > Box_A的halfSize.y + Box_B相对Box_A模型空间包围盒的halfSize.y,则它们在y方向不相交;




1-2) 相对Box_B的模型空间时:

a) 如果中心连线在Box_B模型空间x轴上的投影 > Box_B的halfSize.x + Box_A相对Box_B模型空间包围盒的halfSize.x,则它们在x方向不相交;

b) 如果中心连线在Box_B模型空间y轴上的投影 > Box_B的halfSize.y + Box_A相对Box_B模型空间包围盒的halfSize.y,则它们在y方向不相交;




2) 根据最小重叠区域确定分离轴和分离长度。

// Find best axis
Axis axis;
float separation;
Vec2 normal;

// Box A faces
axis = FACE_A_X;
separation = faceA.x;
normal = dA.x > 0.0f ? RotA.col1 : -RotA.col1; //B在A的右侧用x轴正方形,左侧用x轴负方向

const float relativeTol = 0.95f;
const float absoluteTol = 0.01f;

//找最小重叠区域长度: 即穿透深度更浅的(这边是负数, 所以用>)
if (faceA.y > relativeTol * separation + absoluteTol * hA.y) //y方向的穿透深度, 比x方向的穿透深度95%-半高的1%更浅
    axis = FACE_A_Y;
    separation = faceA.y;
    normal = dA.y > 0.0f ? RotA.col2 : -RotA.col2; //B在A的上方用y轴正方向,下方用y轴负反向

// Box B faces
if (faceB.x > relativeTol * separation + absoluteTol * hB.x)
    axis = FACE_B_X;
    separation = faceB.x;
    normal = dB.x > 0.0f ? RotB.col1 : -RotB.col1;

if (faceB.y > relativeTol * separation + absoluteTol * hB.y)
    axis = FACE_B_Y;
    separation = faceB.y;
    normal = dB.y > 0.0f ? RotB.col2 : -RotB.col2;




3) 确定本次可能发生碰撞的点和关联边。

// Setup clipping plane data based on the separating axis
Vec2 frontNormal, sideNormal;
ClipVertex incidentEdge[2];
float front, negSide, posSide;
char negEdge, posEdge;

// Compute the clipping lines and the line segment to be clipped.
switch (axis)
case FACE_A_X: //分离距离在BoxA的模型空间x轴方向上
        frontNormal = normal; //分离方向: 模型空间的x轴正或负方向
        ComputeIncidentEdge(incidentEdge, hB, posB, RotB, frontNormal);

        front = Dot(posA, frontNormal) + hA.x;

        sideNormal = RotA.col2; //另一个方向, 模型空间y轴正方向
        float side = Dot(posA, sideNormal);
        negSide = -side + hA.y;
        posSide =  side + hA.y;
        negEdge = EDGE3;
        posEdge = EDGE1;

case FACE_A_Y:
        frontNormal = normal;
        front = Dot(posA, frontNormal) + hA.y;

        sideNormal = RotA.col1; //另一个方向, 模型空间x轴正方向
        float side = Dot(posA, sideNormal);
        negSide = -side + hA.x; //Box的left边mid的abs(localX)
        posSide =  side + hA.x; //Box的right边mid的localX值
        negEdge = EDGE2;
        posEdge = EDGE4;
        ComputeIncidentEdge(incidentEdge, hB, posB, RotB, frontNormal);

case FACE_B_X:
        frontNormal = -normal;
        front = Dot(posB, frontNormal) + hB.x;

        sideNormal = RotB.col2;
        float side = Dot(posB, sideNormal);
        negSide = -side + hB.y;
        posSide =  side + hB.y;
        negEdge = EDGE3;
        posEdge = EDGE1;
        ComputeIncidentEdge(incidentEdge, hA, posA, RotA, frontNormal);

case FACE_B_Y:
        frontNormal = -normal;
        front = Dot(posB, frontNormal) + hB.y;

        sideNormal = RotB.col1;
        float side = Dot(posB, sideNormal);
        negSide = -side + hB.x;
        posSide =  side + hB.x;
        negEdge = EDGE2;
        posEdge = EDGE4;
        ComputeIncidentEdge(incidentEdge, hA, posA, RotA, frontNormal);


static void ComputeIncidentEdge(ClipVertex resultCV[2], const Vec2& halfSize, const Vec2& pos,
                                const Mat22& Rot, const Vec2& normal)
    // The normal is from the reference box. Convert it
    // to the incident boxe's frame and flip sign.
    Mat22 RotT = Rot.Transpose(); //worldToLocal_B
    Vec2 n = -(RotT * normal); //分离向量转换到BoxB的模型空间下; 负号是为了从Box_B指向Box_A
    Vec2 nAbs = Abs(n);

    //将模型空间的坐标轴按角度分成4块区域, (-45, 45), [45, 135], (135, -135), [-135, -45]
    if (nAbs.x > nAbs.y) //在1,3区域
        if (Sign(n.x) > 0.0f) //在1区域则
            resultCV[0].v.Set(halfSize.x, -halfSize.y); //right-bottom
            resultCV[0].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE3;
            resultCV[0].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE4;

            resultCV[1].v.Set(halfSize.x, halfSize.y); //right-top
            resultCV[1].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE4;
            resultCV[1].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE1;
        else //在3区域
            resultCV[0].v.Set(-halfSize.x, halfSize.y); //left-top
            resultCV[0].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE1;
            resultCV[0].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE2;

            resultCV[1].v.Set(-halfSize.x, -halfSize.y); //left-bottom
            resultCV[1].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE2;
            resultCV[1].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE3;
    else //在2,4区域
        if (Sign(n.y) > 0.0f) //在2区域
            resultCV[0].v.Set(halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
            resultCV[0].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE4;
            resultCV[0].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE1;

            resultCV[1].v.Set(-halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
            resultCV[1].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE1;
            resultCV[1].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE2;
        else //在4区域
            resultCV[0].v.Set(-halfSize.x, -halfSize.y);
            resultCV[0].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE2;
            resultCV[0].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE3;

            resultCV[1].v.Set(halfSize.x, -halfSize.y);
            resultCV[1].fp.e.inEdge2 = EDGE3;
            resultCV[1].fp.e.outEdge2 = EDGE4;

    resultCV[0].v = pos + Rot * resultCV[0].v;
    resultCV[1].v = pos + Rot * resultCV[1].v;




3) 检查会发生碰撞的点,是否在主Box的边界外,如果在边界外,则进行剪切,并更新为新的可能碰撞点。

int np;

ClipVertex clipPoints1[2];
// Clip to box side 1
np = ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints1, incidentEdge, -sideNormal, negSide, negEdge);

if (np < 2)
    return 0;

ClipVertex clipPoints2[2];
// Clip to negative box side 1
np = ClipSegmentToLine(clipPoints2, clipPoints1,  sideNormal, posSide, posEdge);

if (np < 2)
    return 0;


int ClipSegmentToLine(ClipVertex vOut[2], ClipVertex vIn[2],
                      const Vec2& normal, float offset, char clipEdge)
    // Start with no output points
    int numOut = 0;

    // Calculate the distance of end points to the line
    float distance0 = Dot(normal, vIn[0].v) - offset;
    float distance1 = Dot(normal, vIn[1].v) - offset;

    // If the points are behind the plane
    if (distance0 <= 0.0f) vOut[numOut++] = vIn[0];
    if (distance1 <= 0.0f) vOut[numOut++] = vIn[1];

    // If the points are on different sides of the plane
    if (distance0 * distance1 < 0.0f)
        // Find intersection point of edge and plane
        float interp = distance0 / (distance0 - distance1); //比例值
        vOut[numOut].v = vIn[0].v + interp * (vIn[1].v - vIn[0].v);
        if (distance0 > 0.0f)        {
            vOut[numOut].fp = vIn[0].fp;
            vOut[numOut].fp.e.inEdge1 = clipEdge;
            vOut[numOut].fp.e.inEdge2 = NO_EDGE;
            vOut[numOut].fp = vIn[1].fp;
            vOut[numOut].fp.e.outEdge1 = clipEdge;
            vOut[numOut].fp.e.outEdge2 = NO_EDGE;

    return numOut;





4) 计算出实际的碰撞点(对于发生了穿透的情况,就是刚碰到还没穿透时的那个点)。

int numContacts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    float separation = Dot(frontNormal, clipPoints2[i].v) - front;

    if (separation <= 0)
        contacts[numContacts].separation = separation;
        contacts[numContacts].normal = normal;
        // slide contact point onto reference face (easy to cull)
        contacts[numContacts].position = clipPoints2[i].v - separation * frontNormal; //刚碰到时的接触点
        contacts[numContacts].feature = clipPoints2[i].fp;
        if (axis == FACE_B_X || axis == FACE_B_Y)





Box2D-Lite源码阅读笔记(6)_front normal的作用-CSDN博客

Box2D-Lite源码阅读笔记(7)_box2d lite-CSDN博客
