
发布时间 2023-04-18 18:23:35作者: 哎呦_不想学习哟~

1.list quote  quasiquote

The list procedure takes in an arbitrary amount of arguments. Because it is a procedure, all operands are evaluated when list is called. A list is constructed with the values of these operands and is returned

scm> (define x 2)
scm> (define y 3)


scm> (list 1 x 3)

(1 2 3)

The quote special form takes in a single operand. It returns this operand exactly as is, without evaluating it. Note that this special form can be used to return any value, not just a list.

(quote (1 x 3))

(1 x 3)

scm> '(1 x 3) ; Equivalent to the previous quote expression (1 x 3)

scm> '(+ x y)

(+ x y)

Similarly, a quasiquote, denoted with a backtick symbol, returns an expression without evaluating it. However, parts of that expression can be unquoted, denoted using a comma, and those unquoted parts are evaluated.

scm> `(+ x y) ;Quasiquotation

(+ x y)

scm> `(+ ,x y) ; Unquoted with a comma

(+ 2 y)

scm> `(+ ,x ,y)

(+ 2 3)




2.=, eq?, equal?

• = can only be used for comparing numbers.

• eq? behaves like == in Python for comparing two non-pairs (numbers, booleans, etc.). Otherwise, eq? behaves like is in Python.

• equal? compares pairs by determining if their cars are equal? and their cdrs are equal?(that is, they have the same contents). Otherwise, equal? behaves like eq?.