hackthebox broker easy

发布时间 2023-12-01 16:26:53作者: lisenMiller

brief intruducton

1.The first breakthrouth is week password of admin at website.

if we could utilize admin/admin successfully access the

as the website title,this is the middleware named activemq with version 5.15.15

we can google the activemq version and vulnerability to search the loophole --keyword

activemq exploit github | activemq reverse shell github | activemq reddit | activemq attacktb etc.

REMEMBER ! Our attack statements must take into account the encoding of the url.such as poc-linux.xml

lookat the value : we take the exploit statement into html entity encode. Here is the website 


following the exploit step, we can get a reverse shell from box

2.The second breakthrough is sudo -l to find the suid perm command check

we can apply nginx command as root privilege 

breifly, we can modify the nginx conf and refresh the config source.

The default nginx config is locate at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf but we don't have the privilege to modify it at this directory.

so we need to use this reverse shell user and copy the file to /dev/shm that any user can write or read.

cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /dev/shm/nginx.conf 

there are two program to modify the config file 


at this picture have a critical error. The nginx config file require ';' at the end each line.

config instruction:

use root;    #run the web server as root user

events{worker_connections 768;}.  
#sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that each worker process can handle.The value here doesn't matter so i just picked an arbitrary number.if this parameter isn't set,i'll get the error 'nginx:[emerg]no "events" section in configuration'

http{ server {}} --specifies i want an http web server

listen 1337 -- specifies the port that the web server will listen on.

location / {root / } -- sets the directory that the web server will be hosted from to the '/' directory of the root user.

usage: curl 


we enable the dav_methods PUT and upload the files to the webdirectory

source the config file 

sudo nginx -c nginx.conf

pentest step

1.modify the nginx.conf file and enable the wabdav PUT allows file upload

2.create the ssh certificate ssh-keygen -f broker

3..using curl command to upload the ssh certificate to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys --upload-file broker.pub

curl --upload-file broker.pub

tips: We don't need to add HTTP prefixes at the URL when we use PUT command with curl 

ssh -i broker@