C-Kermit AND C-Kermit for Android

发布时间 2023-12-15 09:49:05作者: abaelhe

C-Kermit for Android: http://github.com/tesneddon/cka

    cka - C-Kermit for Android                                                                                                                            

This archive contains the source code for building C-Kermit for 

Android. It has been taken from the source code downloaded from:


At this point the changes here are not part of the official release.

all issues related to C-Kermit for Android should be directed at the
github project, which can be found here:


Assuming the Android NDK procedure "ndk-build" is in your PATH, you can 

use the following command to build the software for all ABIs:

$ ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=./ \
            APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./android.mk \
            APP_ABI=all \

If you have any problems, flames, suggestions, praise, disbelief, etc.

then please feel free to create an issue on the github page and I will
follow it up as I get the opportunity.

Tim Sneddon

(with updates from Jake Thompson, 17 Nov 2013)