
发布时间 2024-01-09 18:16:53作者: 儿立之年


assume cs:code
code segment

    mov ax,0b800h
	mov es,ax
	mov bx,0
	mov al,8	; 一屏4000字节,需要8个扇区
	mov ch,0
	mov cl,1
	mov dl,0
	mov dh,0
	mov ah,3
	int 13h

    mov ax, 4c00H
    int 21h

code ends
end start     



The following are valid file system formats:

iso: Specifies the ISO 9660 CD-ROM format.
fat: Specifies that the image uses the FAT file system. DOSBox will attempt to mount this image as a drive in DOSBox and make the files available from inside DOSBox.
none: DOSBox will make no attempt to read the file system on the disk. This is useful if you need to format it or if you want to boot the disk using the BOOT command. When using the "none" filesystem, you must specify the drive number (2 or 3, where 2 = master, 3 = slave) rather than a drive letter.
For example, to mount a 70MB image as the slave drive device, you would type (without the quotes):

"imgmount 3 d:\test.img -size 512,63,16,142 -fs none"
Compare this with a mount to be able to access the drive
within DOSBox, which would read as:
"imgmount e: d:\test.img -size 512,63,16,142"


imgmount 0 D:\workspace\masm\drivers\diska.img -fs none



imgmount 0 D:\workspace\masm\drivers\diskb.ima -fs none
