module2 review note

发布时间 2023-10-25 14:19:02作者: zzhou75

Module 2

The HtDF recipe consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Write the stub, including signature and purpose

Step 2: Define examples

Step 3: Write the template

Step 4: Code the function body

Step 5: Test and debug until correct

Step 1: Write the stub, including signature and purpose

def double(n: float) -> float: #signature
    returns n doubled 
    return 0      #stub[取决于output类型]

Stub作用:The stub serves as a scaffolding to make it possible to run the examples even before the function design is complete.

Step 2: Define examples

from cs103 import *

def double(n: float) -> float:
    returns n doubled
    return 0      #stub
# Begin testing

expect(double(0), 2 * 0)
expect(double(-2.1), 2 * -2.1)
expect(double(10.11), 2 * 10.11)

# Show testing summary

1.Examples 不光是 HtDD中的L10=12.3 这种的examples,在HtDF中就是这种在testing中的Examples
同时具有test 和eaxmples的作用

2.每个情况都要有一个 examples,不要疏漏

Step 3: Write the template

包含所有的自变量,ex:例子中的 n

from cs103 import *

def double(n: float) -> float:
    returns n doubled
    # return 0      #stub
    return ...(n)   #template
# Begin testing

expect(double(0), 0)
expect(double(-2.1), 2 * -2.1)
expect(double(10.11), 2 * 10.11)

# Show testing summary

Step 4: Code the function body

def double(n: float) -> float:
    returns n doubled
    # return 0      #stub
    # return ...(n) #template
    return 2*n


Step 5: Test and debug until correct