Ocean Trash

发布时间 2023-10-31 18:49:00作者: 囧囧菇

Ocean Trash: 5.25 Trillion Pieces and Counting, but Big Questions Remain

一、what is Ocean Trash?

Ocean Trash  is defined as persistent, man-made or processed solid waste in the marine and coastal environment.

Big questions remain. The numbers add up to trouble for the oceans, wildlife, and us, but scientists are struggling to understand how. The numbers are staggering: There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that mass, 269,000 tons float on the surface, while some four billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer litter the deep sea.




二、The causes of Ocean Trash

Environmental protection department of China's national oceanic administration definition of marine litter: marine litter is in the marine and beach environment has a persistent, Man-made or processed solid material discarded, including used objects deliberately disposed of at sea and on beaches, objects carried directly into the sea by rivers, sewage, storms or winds, fishing gear, cargo accidentally lost in adverse weather conditions, etc. [5] From this definition, sources of marine litter can be broadly divided into two categories: sea-based sources and land-based sources.

  1. The generation of marine garbage is mainly due to all kinds of domestic garbage generated by sea personnel living on board without treatment and thrown into the sea at will. As well as the replacement of old fishing equipment generated by various types of discards, in addition to the various offshore development activities carried out in the offshore area is also a source of marine litter , offshore oil and gas platforms and rigs also carry trash into the ocean.
  2. Land-based litter includes litter entering the ocean through surface runoff (litter is input into the marine environment from rivers, municipal drainage systems and sewage), as well as items discarded by beachgoers and litter blown into the ocean by the wind.

三、The consequences of Ocean Trash

  1. Marine litter not only causes visual pollution, but also causes water pollution and water quality deterioration.
  2. The biggest pieces of plastic in the ocean are discarded fishing nets, some miles long, which fishermen call "ghost nets." Entangled in ocean currents, these nets become "death traps" for marine mammals, entangling and drowning thousands of seals, sea lions and dolphins each year. Other marine life is easy to mistake some plastic products as food swallowed, for example, turtles are particularly fond of eating plastic bags resembling jellyfish; Seabirds prefer cigarette lighters and toothbrushes because they are shaped like small fish, but when they try to spit these out to feed their young, the weak chicks are often choked to death. Plastic products cannot be digested and decomposed in animals, and can cause stomach upset, abnormal behavior, reduced fertility and even death after ingestion. The death of marine life eventually leads to the disruption of marine ecosystems.
  3. Plastic waste can also pose a threat to navigation. Waste plastics will entangle the ship's propellers, especially various plastic bottles known as "magic bottles," which will damage the hull and machinery, cause accidents and stoppages, and cause significant losses to shipping companies. 


  1. Educating the people.
  2. Make a strict rules 
  3. Supporting the recycling movement 
  4. Create a standard for a ship that wants to sail 
  5. Mining company should take a responsibility due to the mining activities