SAP HANA hdbsql 工具使用

发布时间 2023-06-07 17:04:37作者: 踏雪无痕2017


hdbsql -n hostname:sql_port -d database_name -u username -p 'password' -i instance_number 'sql statements'

--使用key 连接数据库

hdbsql -U key_name

--sql port

Single DB system:

port 3xx15 connects to the master index server SQL port, where 'xx' is the instance number


./hdbsql -n HOSTNAME -d SystemDB

./hdbsql -n HOSTNAME:3xx15

Multitenant DB system (MDC):

Port 3xx13 connects to the SYSTEMDB SQL port

Port 3xx41 connects to the 1st tenant database SQL port

Port 3xx44 connects to the 2nd tenant database SQL port