
发布时间 2023-09-19 23:20:11作者: IDLE已死


" Vim with all enhancements
syntax enable
syntax on
let mapleader=" "
set number  			" 显示行号
set relativenumber		" 显示相对行号
set hlsearch			" 搜索结果高亮
set autoindent			" 自动缩进
set smartindent			" 智能缩进
set tabstop=4			" 设置tab制表符号所占宽度为4
set softtabstop=4		" 设置按tab时缩进宽度为4
set shiftwidth=4		" 设置自动缩进宽度为4
set expandtab			" 缩进时将tab制表服转为空格
set showcmd             " Display incomplete commands.
set clipboard=unnamedplus " 开启系统剪切板
set cursorline          " 高亮当前行
set ignorecase          " 设置忽略大小写
set smartcase           " 设置智能大小写
set ruler               " 设置显示当前位置
set showcmd             " 显示命令
set scrolloff=5         "显示5行
set nocompatible

set history=1000

noremap ; :
inoremap jj <Esc>
inoremap tab <C>n
noremap <LEADER><CR> : nohlsearch<CR>

" Enable Mouse
if has('mouse')
set mouse=a
if has('clipboard')
        if has('unnamedplus')  " When possible use + register for copy-paste
            set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus
        else         " On mac and Windows, use * register for copy-paste
            set clipboard=unnamed
" set autoread
filetype on			" 开启文件类型检测
filetype plugin indent on     " 开启文件类型插件检测
syntax on 			" 开启语法高亮

set timeout
set timeoutlen=800

set magic

set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=utf-8,chinese,latin-1
if has("win32")
set fileencoding=chinese
set fileencoding=utf-8,gbk,big5
language messages zh_CN.utf-8
" Vim
colorscheme desert

lua require('basic')


-- 边输入边搜索
vim.o.incsearch = true
-- 禁止创建备份文件
vim.o.backup = false
vim.o.writebackup = false
vim.o.swapfile = false
-- 补全增强
vim.o.wildmenu = true
-- Dont' pass messages to |ins-completin menu|
vim.o.shortmess = vim.o.shortmess .. 'c'
-- 补全最多显示10行
vim.o.pumheight = 10
-- 永远显示 tabline
vim.o.showtabline = 2