017 数据库学习笔记--常用函数

发布时间 2023-06-15 15:32:12作者: sunwugang
select NEWID() as GUID
select GETDATE() as 日期

select '0'  + convert(varchar(2),month(getdate()))
--不满10补领——获取到月份 + 100 ,再获取后两位,即可获取到月份
Select Right(100 + Month(GETDATE()), 2)
select  convert(int,month(getdate()))

declare @month int 
set @month=convert(int,month(getdate()))
if @month <10
	print( '0'  + convert(varchar(2),month(getdate())))

select charindex('34','1234567890123') as startIndex
select patindex('%34%','1234567890123') as startIndex

select lower('abc') 小写,upper('abc') 大写

--去空格;	LTRIM去除左侧空格;		RTRIM去除左侧空格  
select LTRIM(' abc  ') 去除左侧空格,RTRIM('  abc   ') 去除右侧空格

--截取字符串 retrun 1234
select LEFT('123456',4) as 从左侧开始截取截取4位 --return1234
select RIGHT('123456',4) as 从左侧开始截取截取4位 --return3456
select len('helloWpf') as strLength
select datalength('helloWpf') as strLength
select db_name() as 当前数据库名称

select 1+2 as sumno --retrun 3
select '1' + '2' as sumno --return 12
select 'a' +'b' as ab --return ab
select 'abc' + convert(varchar,2) as abc2 --return asc ,注: 字符串和数字拼接时,需对数字进行类型转换,否则将报错

select convert(varchar,2.21) FloatToString
select convert(varchar,2)  IntToString 
select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),21)  DateToString --(yyyy-MM-dd)  23 表示日期格式,有多种方式

--int to decimal or decimal
SELECT cast('123' AS float),cast('456.233' AS decimal(18,2))
--string to datetime
select cast('2012-11-11'as datetime) as StringToDatetimeByCast
--datetime to varchar  无法指定日期格式
select cast(getdate() as varchar)

select replicate('I love you ',2) as 复制字符串2次
select reverse (110) as 翻转字符串

select isnumeric(100)数字,isnumeric('100')可转为数字,isnumeric('abc')字母

--row_number  编号或说是排序函数
select row_number() over(order by student_name desc) as orderno from student

--聚合函数count 、max、min、sum、avg
select count(*) from student
select count(1) from student -- 建议使用
select max(student_age) maxage from student
select min(student_age) minage from student
select sum(student_age) sumage from student
select avg(student_age) avgage from student