Objectarx system dictionary

发布时间 2024-01-10 17:53:47作者: noooinfo

ObjectARX Reference Guide > Global Functions > AcRx Global Functions > acrxSysRegistry Function
ACBASE_PORT AcRxDictionary* acrxSysRegistry();

Returns a pointer to the ObjectARX system dictionary.
The system dictionary contains all the system objects such as

the AcRxDynamicLinker object,

the AcTransactionManager object,

the AcEditor object,

the ObjectARX services dictionary,

the dictionary of AcRxClass objects that make up the ObjectARX run-time class tree,


Normally ObjectARX programs do not need to explicitly use this function. Instead they use one of the global object access macros such as acedRegCmds or acrxServiceDictionary, which encapsulate a call to this function.