after arguement

发布时间 2023-11-17 10:52:09作者: 小天才电话手表

she said that she was pretty mad at me for i neglecting her question, i have to admit that i can hear the sound when my heart broken into pieces. 

too mad? so she can neglect/ be cold at/ be caught in the mind that i should be the one to shoulder all the responsibility.

 I have to stay from her for she is too unstable, you will never know when this bomb will explode and it will harm you eventually. 

when she ask me, the only thing that i want to say is: ok i got it, i apologize for my fault if that bother you and i will be careful about the way of talking to you . that's all.  

and i will never ever ever give any favor to her 

never ever ever 

why she could act the role of taking all the advantages 

it feels like she is right all the time 


just be honest and be frank and open  and just eye and record how i send one of my (could be) best friend or the one i trust most leave my life.

just accept the truth and be brave 

it is okay that we pretend that nothing happened and be together again, but i am too afraid and too tired of endless apologizing and been treated like this. 

so the only solution is to stop gradually and be busy to find other friends in your life. 

in this case you can fighure out how selfish she is, just study this spirit and put you mind, thought and thing first.

 the only thing that i want to express is that i am too disappointed and i just could trust her any any any more.