daemon docker the connect

深入理解Oracle 的 connect by level

1、connect by connect by 中的条件就表示了父子之间的连接关系 比如 connect by id = prior pid默认是从根开始,如connect by prior id = pid,表示构造树时,本记录的id是下条的pid,即找pid=本条id的记录做下条记录。交换pri ......
connect Oracle level by


初识Docker ​ 这里推荐一个Docker中午文档 何为Docker ​ Docker 使用 Google 公司推出的 Go 语言 进行开发实现,基于 Linux 内核的 cgroup,namespace,以及 OverlayFS 类的 Union FS 等技术,对进程进行封装隔离,属于 操作系 ......

[docker] Docker on CentOS8 安装配置

官方文档:https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/ 参考文档:https://www.cnblogs.com/Can-daydayup/p/15395980.html 安装docker-ce bug解决 https://blog.csdn.net/ ......
CentOS8 docker Docker CentOS on


Docker下的资源限制问题 问题背景 公司某产品出现了一个奇怪的OOM 错误提示. 问题现象是 前台产品 提示 OOM cannot create native thread 但是同时查看 机器的资源和容器cadviser的资源, 资源限制都很少. 内存远远没有到达瓶颈, 并且看gclog也没有看 ......
Docker 问题 资源

The subtleties of proper B+Tree implementation

Ref https://ayende.com/blog/198241-B/the-subtleties-of-proper-b-tree-implementation ......
implementation subtleties proper Tree The


现需要新搭建一套Linux环境,现使用docker安装jdk; 环境: Alibaba Cloud Linux 3 1.查看本地是否安装java # java -version -bash: java: command not found 2.使用docker拉取jdk镜像 # docker pul ......
docker jdk

"firmwarepasswd": MacOS Firmware Password Management: CHECK and DELETE Macbook Pro Firmware Password from the command line.

Abaels-MacBook-Pro:~ abaelhe$ su Password: bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -check Password Enabled: Yes bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -delete Delete Firmware Pass ......

通过 docker-compose 快速部署 EFAK 保姆级教程

目录一、概述二、开始编排部署 EFAK1)部署 docker2)部署 docker-compose3)创建自定义docker网络4)创建 MySQL 挂载目录5)编排 docker-compose.yaml 部署 一、概述 EFAK(Eagle For Apache Kafka,以前称为 Kafka ......
docker-compose 保姆 compose 教程 docker

PostgreSQL - Start a container with docker compose file

Docker compose file: services: postgres: image: postgres:16-alpine environment: - POSTGRES_USER=root - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=aaa - POSTGRES_DB=zimple_bank ......
PostgreSQL container compose docker Start


目录Docker容器Docker架构Kubernetes(k8s)容器技术演变传统部署时代:虚拟化部署时代:容器部署时代:为什么需要 Kubernetes,它能做什么?Docker vs K8s容器引擎 vs. 容器编排器:支持的镜像类型:镜像定义方式:Docker Swarm vs K8sK8s弃 ......
搭档 容器 Docker K8S 8S

20.Explain how the following reasoning fails to address the complexity of the issue involved, and rebut it. “Sanya is warm all year round and has beautiful beaches,

Round 1: Identifying the Failure in Reasoning Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! Let's kick off our discussion by examining the reasoning: "Sanya ......
the complexity following and beautiful

19.Some people say:Face-to-face classes are a better option for college students than online classes. Present possible counterarguments to the claim, rebut it and reaffirm the argument.

Round 1: Presenting Possible Counterarguments Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! The claim that face-to-face classes are a better option than onl ......

18.In the academic world, there is a popular phrase "publish or perish." Academics, therefore, always work hard to keep themselves academically alive through publications.

Round 1: Expressing Initial Opinions on "Publish or Perish" Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! The phrase "publish or perish" is quite intense, i ......

15.Please retell the parable of The Blind men and An Elephant. What is the moral of the parable? What can we learn from the parable when it comes to critical thinking?

Round 1: Retelling the Parable and Extracting the Moral Speaker 1 (Student A): Hey everyone! So, let's dive into the parable of "The Blind Men and the ......
parable the What Elephant critical

16.What are the basic elements of an argument according to Toulmin Model? How do you evaluate evidences with the intellectual standards?

Round 1: Understanding the Basic Elements of Toulmin Model Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! Let's start by discussing the basic elements of the ......

13.How do you understand the statement: Clear thinking is the key to clear writing? 你如何理解这句话:清晰的思维是清晰写作的关键?

Round 1: Interpreting "Clear Thinking is the Key to Clear Writing" Speaker 1 (Analyst A): Greetings, everyone. Our topic today is the statement, "Clea ......
understand the statement thinking 这句话

11.Demonstrate the essentials concerning "Abstract" in research papers,such as features, types, and components.

11.Demonstrate the essentials concerning "Abstract" in research papers,such as features, types, and components. 演示研究论文中关于“摘要”的要点,如特点、类型和组成部分。 Round 1: ......

12.How do you understand the three “C”s(Concise,Clear & Coherent)in an academic Abstract writing?Why are they so important and worthy of a careful study?

Round 1: Understanding the Three "C"s in Academic Abstract Writing Speaker 1 (Researcher A): Greetings, everyone. Today, we're delving into the signif ......


摘要:本系列文章记录了几种Go-web应用的部署方式,记录并解释所有相关的命令。 参考:如何使用Docker部署Go Web应用 | 李文周的博客 (liwenzhou.com) 1. 编写Dockerfile文件 # 使用基础镜像FROM golang:alpine # 设置环境变量 ENV GO ......
方式 Go-web Docker web Go


简介 物理机:windows10 宿主机:Centos7虚拟机,需要安装Docker服务 hadoop集群节点:3个centos7的容器,hadoop1、hadoop2、hadoop3 组件: 容器镜像:Centos7 Docker CE 24.0.7 JDK1.8.0_181 Hadoop3.1. ......
分布式 集群 容器 环境 Docker

The 2nd Universal Cup Stage 13: Shenyang A

赛时没有过又为队友拖后腿了。 考虑原限制具有什么性质,可以发现 \(j\) 能接到 \(i\) 后面仅当 \(\text{max}_{S_{i}} \leqslant \text{max}_{S_{j}}\),而当 \(\text{max}_{S_{i}} = \text{max}_{S_{j}}\ ......
Universal Shenyang Stage The 2nd


目录1.docker简介1.为什么要创建隔离的环境?2.为什么dockeri可以比虚拟机极大的节省资源?3.docker基础概念(1)镜像(Image)(2)容器(Container)2.docker 使用1.docker 安装2.docker 命令docker search 查询镜像docker ......
基础知识 基础 知识 docker


一、拉取mysql镜像 docker pull mysql/mysql-cluster docker tag mysql/mysql-cluster mysql-cluster 二、创建目录和配置文件 1、创建目录 # 创建master主节点目录 mkdir /home/mysql/cluster/ ......
主从 docker mysql

Play a Melody using the tone() function

原文:Play a Melody using the tone() function | Arduino Documentation Play a melody with a Piezo speaker. LAST REVISION:2023/12/05 22:33 This example sho ......
function Melody using Play tone


docker命令有很多,总的分为以下几大类: 容器生命周期管理 — docker [run|start|stop|restart|kill|rm|pause|unpause] 容器操作运维 — docker [ps|inspect|top|attach|events|logs|wait|export ......
命令 常用 Docker

Docker - Remove build cache

docker builder prune Remove build cache Usage docker builder prune Description Remove build cache Options OptionShortDefaultDescription --all -a Remov ......
Docker Remove build cache

How to Use Docker and NS-3 to Create Realistic Network Simulations

https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/how-to-use-docker-and-ns-3-to-create-realistic-network-simulations/ How to Use Docker and NS-3 to Create Realistic N ......
Simulations Realistic Network Docker Create

Docker build 无法解析域名

### 报错 Docker build 无法解析域名 报错:ERROR [ 2/12] RUN curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo 解决Docker build ......
域名 Docker build

使用 docker 搭建小型的 DNS 服务器

需求背景 使用 docker-compose 以 bridge 模式启动多个 docker服务,每个 docker-compose 启动一个服务,在宿主机的 ip 地址有可能变动的情况下,如何实现不同服务之间的通信? 思路分析 将所有的 docker容器 改为 host模式启动: version: ......
服务器 docker DNS