
What I Learned In 2023 - Alexandr Wang

一篇共鸣的博文:https://alexw.substack.com/p/what-i-learned-in-2023 小小年纪,已悟到这个层次,实至名归。 每年年底,我都会写下过去一年的主要经验教训并发送给At the end of every year, I write up the major ......
Alexandr Learned What 2023 Wang

WHAT IS SUCCESS 成功的内涵 by Ralph Waldo Emerson

诗人| 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生译者| 陈采霞 WHAT IS SUCCESS 成功的内涵 by Ralph Waldo Emerson What is success? To laugh often and love much; To win the respect of intelligent p ......
内涵 Emerson SUCCESS Ralph Waldo

What's run on my home lab

What home run lab 39

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber?

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber? As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings about shopping on November or a ......
Novermber Shopping Crazy think What

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages?

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages? Online and classroom classes each have their own set of advantages and d ......

MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision:通用的ViT架构才是关键

MetaFormer Is Actually What You Need for Vision * Authors: [[Weihao Yu]], [[Mi Luo]], [[Pan Zhou]], [[Chenyang Si]], [[Yichen Zhou]], [[Xinchao Wang]] ......
MetaFormer 架构 Actually 关键 Vision

15.Please retell the parable of The Blind men and An Elephant. What is the moral of the parable? What can we learn from the parable when it comes to critical thinking?

Round 1: Retelling the Parable and Extracting the Moral Speaker 1 (Student A): Hey everyone! So, let's dive into the parable of "The Blind Men and the ......
parable the What Elephant critical

16.What are the basic elements of an argument according to Toulmin Model? How do you evaluate evidences with the intellectual standards?

Round 1: Understanding the Basic Elements of Toulmin Model Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! Let's start by discussing the basic elements of the ......

神经网络入门篇:深度学习和大脑的关联性(What does this have to do with the brain?)

深度学习和大脑的关联性 开始讲故事(手动狗头) 深度学习和大脑有什么关联性吗? 关联不大。 那么为什么会说深度学习和大脑相关呢? 当你在实现一个神经网络的时候,那些公式是你在做的东西,你会做前向传播、反向传播、梯度下降法,其实很难表述这些公式具体做了什么,深度学习像大脑这样的类比其实是过度简化了我们 ......
关联性 神经网络 深度 大脑 神经

What‘s CRM?

CRM(Customer Relationship Management,客户关系管理)是指企业通过对客户资料、交往记录、销售记录等数据进行分析,从而了解客户需求,并对客户进行分类管理,以提高客户满意度,促进企业销售增长的一种管理方式。 CRM系统是实现CRM的核心工具,它通过收集、存储、分析客户数 ......
What CRM

What is NUMA? (翻译 by chatgpt)

原文:https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/mm/numa.html This question can be answered from a couple of perspectives: the hardware view and the Linux so ......
chatgpt What NUMA is by

Makefile - What is a Makefile and how does it work?

If you want to run or update a task when certain files are updated, the make utility can come in handy. The make utility requires a file, Makefile (or ......
Makefile What does work and

【pwn】[FSCTF 2023]What am I thinking? --pwntools工具的利用

这道题没给附件,直接就是nc 这个题目的意思是,我们随机输入一个数,然后发给我们一段base64加密后的密文,真正num就在里面,我们现在写个pwntools脚本提取一下这段base64密文,解密一下,看看是什么东西 exp: io=remote("node4.anna.nssctf.cn",280 ......
thinking pwntools 工具 FSCTF 2023

3 ways light pollution harms the planet - and what we can do about it

Light pollution not only impacts the environment, but our health too. ·Global light pollution has increased by 49% over 25 years to 2017, new research ......
pollution planet light harms about

Indoor air pollution: What causes it and how to tackle it

Most people think of air pollution as something that comes from factories or motor vehicles. However, did you know that the air inside your home or pl ......
pollution Indoor causes tackle What

what happend to your life

今日看到雅思阅读, 剑桥18 test 4-3,有一句话写的很有意思。摘录 I am firmly of the opinion that most of us, Wegener included, are not in any real sense the authors of our own l ......
happend what life your to

What is FinOps?

What is FinOps? In this article Partnership with the FinOps Foundation What is the FinOps Framework? Principles Stakeholders FinOps is a discipline th ......
FinOps What is

What is click event?

先不去讨论它语法、原理,先描述一下它的功能性, Click event想要实现的效果是? 开发者在UI界面上放置一个按钮, 并且开发者写了一段功能函数, 当有人点击了这个UI按钮,就会自动去执行这段功能函数。 这就是点击按钮想要的效果。 点击事件的实现原理思考 常见的按钮点击事件的简要实现原理: / ......
click event What is

What Is a DPU?

一、Wikipedia介绍 A data processing unit (DPU) is a programmable computer processor that tightly integrates a general-purpose CPU with network interface h ......
What DPU Is


What is @RenderSection in asp.net MVC - Stack Overflow What is the purpose of @RenderSection and how does it function? I understand what bundles do, b ......

What is 1e-9?

What is 1e-9? def compare_floats(a, b, epsilon=1e-9): //判断浮点数是否相等, 实际是判断两数相差是否大于那个极微小的数 return abs(a - b) < epsilon result = compare_floats(0.1 + 0.2, ......
What 1e is

What causes "Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap"?

Forum Visual C++ & C++ Programming Visual C++ Programming What causes "Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap"? If this is your first visit, be ......

Go - Change What Is Being Logged by the Standard Logger

Problem: You want to change what the standard logger logs. Solution: Use the SetFlags function to set flags and add fields to each log line. The defau ......
Standard Change Logged Logger Being

What is Lambda?

根据我的观察,Lambda是一种比较灵活的形式,需要多看几个案例才能明白它。 Lambda是一种简化代码的技术手段,主要用于简化匿名实现类,允许把函数作为一个方法的参数传递进方法中。它本身并不会创造出新的概念和功能来。不过现在很多开源项目都使用到这种技术,我的原则是能看懂别人代码即可。 Lamdba ......
Lambda What is

What is Serializable ?

在Java中,Serializable是一个标记接口(marker interface),用于指示一个类的对象可以被序列化。序列化是将对象转换为字节流的过程,可以将对象保存到文件、在网络上传输或在内存中传递。 当一个类实现了Serializable接口时,它表示该类的对象可以被序列化和反序列化。 序 ......
Serializable What is

Microservice - What are microservices, and why are microservices?

The concept of microservices is simply breaking a single large potential service into many smaller services that work together, hence, the name. One v ......
microservices Microservice are What and

What is service discovery?

Service discovery helps you discovery,track and monitor the health of services within a network. Service discovery registers and maintains a record of ......
discovery service What is

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()?

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()? https://pyquestions.com/sqlalchemy-what-s-the-difference-between-flush-and-commit A Se ......
SQLAlchemy difference between commit flush

Breaking Changes When Upgrading from EF Core 6 to 7: What You Need to Know

Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework used by .NET developers for database operations. With the relea ......
Upgrading Breaking Changes When Core