economist from the to

qemu-kvm: error: failed to set MSR x38d to x0x 【问题解决】

问题 解决 创建报错 在下面的 issues 找到解决办法 可以尝试在 VM 上禁用 MSR,然后检查是否可以启动 qemu 计算机 添加内核模块参数 临时修改 echo Y > /sys/module/ ......
qemu-kvm failed 问题 error qemu

On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models

引用链接: 论文链接: 正文分四部分,阐述内容如下: 能力:模型的能力,模型可以做到的事 语言、视觉、机器人学、推理、交互、理解等; 应用:可应用领域 ......
Opportunities Foundation Models Risks the

org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available es端口号及集群名称

org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available elasticsearch有两个端口:http_port和transport.tcp.por ......

初中英语优秀范文100篇-001 The Best Teacher in My Heart

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW001 记忆树 1 It has been four years since I graduated from my primary school but I have always remembered my teacher Ms. Lin. 翻译 我小学毕 ......
范文 初中 Teacher Heart Best

The 2020 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional Programming Contest

Preface 好久没有和队友一起打比赛了,然后今天纯战犯,G一个初值设错WA了三发还卡了1h,最后冲D也因为细节原因没调出来 但这场现场的榜只能用惨淡来形容,6题就稳Au了,而且感觉如果最后能出7个题的话甚至能有出线机会?看来还是前面题目区分度太小了 A. Best Player 签到题,按题意模 ......
Programming Regional Yinchuan Contest 2020

[Javascript] Using Generator to create a number generate with condition

const generateTimeMs = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min /** * A generator which can generate numbers based on settings ......

Transferability of the Chinese Eco-environmental Protection Measure

Most of Saudi Arabia is desert, so it faces serious problems of water shortage and desertification. China has employed technological methods and has t ......

Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module)

001、perl 模块报错如下:Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module) 002、解决方法: 安装该模块 (base) [b20223040323@admin1 003_an ......
Devel Size install locate module

T399752 The Maze of the Imperial Sister(御姐的迷宫)题解

Link T399752 The Maze of the Imperial Sister(御姐的迷宫) Question 判断图内是否有环 Solution 先判断连通性,所有点是不是在一个块内,然后用树的性质,点数 \(=\) 边数 \(+1\) 判断 Code #include<bits/std ......
题解 迷宫 Imperial T399752 399752

failed to configure a datasource: ‘url‘ attribute is not specified and no em

问题场景 在Spring Boot中整合MySQL、Mybatis进行数据库开发时,按照正常步骤添加了相关数据库的依赖,也进行了必要的数据库配置,结果在项目启动时出现如下异常信息: *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *** ......

hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to delete workspace

持续集成环境(git + gitlab + jenkins + pipeline + maven + harbor + docker + k8s)之前都是ok的,突然就报错了: Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository git@192. ......
GitException workspace plugins hudson Failed

Thinkphp5报错:htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

注意注意: 本文对应 ThinkPHP5.1 版本。 前言 - 出现问题的原因 为避免出现 XSS 安全问题,Thinkphp5.1 默认变量输出都会使用 htmlentities 方法进行转义输出。 如果不想被转义输出,模板渲染时,需要在变量后面加上 raw方法,如:{$data|raw} 一、出 ......

Decoupling the Depth and Scope of Graph Neural Networks

目录概符号说明Shadow-GNN代码 Zeng H., Zhang M., Xia Y., Srivastava A., Malevich A., Kannan R., Prasanna V., Jin L. and Chen R. Decoupling the depth and scope o ......
Decoupling Networks Neural Depth Scope

ERROR: Permission to stevenlong123/test.git denied to smith-bing. fatal: Could not read from remote

第一次练习git提交代码到github时出现的错误。这里就是说github服务器拒接了我们,不支持远程连接。发现是因为我使用的是ssh来提交的,ssh是安全连接需要通信双方各有一对公钥私钥,github服务器不会自动交换公钥,需要手动在github存储库中部署自己电脑的公钥。使用git命令“ls - ......

unable to find valid certification path to requested target PKIX path building failed: ......
certification requested unable target valid

How To Delete Reservations Using Standard API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation (Doc ID 2219367.1)

Solution Summary: The reservation API INV_RESERVATION_PUB.Delete_Reservation will delete reservations accepting the reservation id and optionally seri ......

React AntD的Dropdown组件报错:React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.可能的n原因

React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child. Error: React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child. at ......
React 组件 Dropdown Children expected

[943] Converting a GeoJSON file to a Shapefile in Python

To convert a GeoJSON file to a Shapefile in Python, you can use the geopandas library, which provides convenient tools for working with geospatial dat ......
Converting Shapefile GeoJSON Python file

when to use system-assigned managed identities? when to use user-assigned managed identity

In Azure, Managed Identities are a way to securely provide credentials to Azure resources without storing sensitive information in your code or config ......

The 2020 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Programming Contest J. Descent of Dragons

来道喜闻乐见的DS题,这题虽然比较套路但还是挺有趣的 一个朴素的想法就是用类似于珂朵莉树那样的方式维护所有内部等级相同的区间,但当操作数量上去后,显然分出的区间数量就变得不可控了,无法处理 另一个朴素的想法就是对于不同等级的龙维护它们的所有信息,直接暴力记录的话肯定不行,但考虑到操作的方式是从\(x ......

The 2020 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Programming Contest M. United in Stormwind

Preface 先补一下这周一队友VP的ICPC2020沈阳,这场由于我在补作业+晚上有大物实验,因此只参与了中间一个多小时,纯口胡了几个简单题 因为我没怎么参与所以过的其它题就不写补题+写博客了,毕竟队友会等于我会 那么就主要把我比赛时看了但没啥思路的M补了,AI祁神好像在补那我就不管了,后面好像 ......

The 2023 CCPC Guilin J. The Phantom Menace

好劲的字符串题,然而实际上和字符串没啥关系 比赛的时候全队应该就只有我没读过题面,感觉如果让我看到这个重排+循环同构第一反应肯定是枚举偏移量+Hash比较前后缀,因为我字符串算法高级的不会只会一个Hash,说不定能搞出点想法 但今天补的时候发现写起来细节还是挺多的,尤其是有向图的欧拉回路和无向图版本 ......
The Phantom Guilin Menace 2023

502 Bad Gateway Registered endpoint failed to handle the request

502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request. 502 Bad Gateway错误是一种常见的HTTP错误,通常表示代理服务器在尝试访问上游服务器时遇到了问题,因此无法返回请求的内容。这个错误消息表明,代理服务器无 ......
Registered endpoint Gateway request failed

3.ProxySQL Error: connection is locked to hostgroup 10 but trying to reach hostgroup 30

兼容问题,解决方案: 登上proxysql的管理端执行以下命令 set mysql-set_query_lock_on_hostgroup=0; 修改后,需要加载到RUNTIME, 并保存到disk load mysql variables to runtime; save mysql variab ......
hostgroup connection ProxySQL locked trying

SAP调用外部的REST服务 http_communication_failure Connection to partner timed out after 60报错

SAP中主动调用外部的REST服务时候, 因为传输的数据量比较大, 所以报Connection to partner timed out after 60 这一错误 ,原因之一可能是 Tcode-SMICM ->转到 ->服务 设置保活和处理超时时间 , 秒为单位 , 可以更具自己的需求进行设置。 ......

uniapp运行启动时候出现 The current application is running in a custom debugging base....

突然出现这个,原来是uniapp说的自定义基座,是在app/src/main/assets/data/dcloud_contro.xml中 需要修改hbuilder标签中的debug的值,如果为true则会出现标题的提示,如果改为false则不会出现标题提示的弹窗 <hbuilder debug=" ......
application debugging current running 时候

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao?

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao querybuilder? Ask Question Asked 7 years ago Modified 6 years, 7 months ago Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile ......
DINSTINCT GreenDao with How SUM

docker使用--gpus all报错: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].

报错信息: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]]. 解决方法: 1,任意路径下创建nvidia-container-runtime-script ......
docker quot capabilities response daemon

oracle DES3 to Java code

oracle 加密 create or replace function des3_enc(input varchar2) return varchar2 is i_data varchar2(128); v_in varchar2(255); i_key varchar2(128); raw_in ......
oracle DES3 Java code DES

[939] Generate a new shapefile based on a list of records and query polygons from a large shapefile

ref:, out_layer, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) ref: ......
shapefile Generate polygons records based