
Error resolving class. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not resolve type alias 'java.util.String'. Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find class: java.util.String

1、 Caused by: org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error resolving class. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not resolve type a ......

APR does not understand this error code【Svn】

背景: 金蝶云星空协同开发模式,源代码使用的是svn。 业务场景: 打开BOS设计器,svn报错: 发生时间: 2023-09-18 08:44:01 错误来源: System.Windows.Forms 错误信息: Error running context: APR does not under ......
understand error does code this

rv1126 sdk 升级时遇到的证书问题(ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by 'CN=GlobalSign Atla)

ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by 'CN=GlobalSign Atla 解决方式 : 在wget 里加上--no-check-certificate ......
certificate GlobalSign 证书 cannot python

keepalived 报错/usr/sbin/keepalived: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/ file too short的解决

yum install keepalived的时候提示需要一下包 Installing: keepalived x86_64 1.3.5-19.el7 base 332 kInstalling for dependencies: net-snmp-agent-libs x86_64 1:5.7.2- ......

报错error Component name "Index" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names解决方法

1、问题说明:在创建组件命名时,引用 index.vue 的过程中报错; 2、报错的原因及分析:其一、报错的全称为:error Component name "index" should always be multi-word vue/multi-word-component-names翻译为:错 ......

【ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies】【ERROR: No matching distribution found for】【ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError:】

pip包安装出错 真是把我烦死了,在yt上学东西,结果一直出这样的错,之前我都是把包下载到本地安装的,这也不是长久之计。 然后我试了使用 -i,使用--trusted-host,使用--user,使用--upgrade pip...全都不管用。 后来我想,究竟是什么时候出现这个问题的,好像很久之前就 ......
ERROR Could distribution not satisfies

WebStrom提交代码到GitLab报错Error: Cannot find any-observable implementation nor global.Observable.

项目场景: 前端代码完成后,提交代码 问题描述 提交代码到GitLab时,因自动检测机制导致项目提交失败 C:\D\insper\inspur_works\custom-manage-front\node_modules\any-observable\register.js:29 throw new ......

WSL 炼丹报错:Could not load library Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

确认驱动没问题(nvidia-smi 可以正常使用) 解决办法参照: 内容如下: ......

How to fix macOS Finder not support semicolon symbol in filename error All In One

How to fix macOS Finder not support semicolon symbol in filename error All In One macOS Finder 不支持文件名中包含 : 分号 bug ❌ ......
semicolon filename support Finder symbol

ERROR OGG-01224 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, p_lion.prm: Address already in use.

我的ogg版本 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle Version OGGCORE_12. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized) ......
Oracle GoldenGate Capture Address already

前端经常出现Script error. 如何定位,如何解决

Hello,大家好。今天我们来讲一下前端出现频率非常高的一种错误:Script error。 Script error.这个错误非常的高傲和神秘,为什么呢?因为它出现的时候,不会给你提供任何有关它的线索。正常我们写的前端代码报错的时候,浏览器通常抛出错误代码的行列号,以及它的堆栈代码,这样我们就可以 ......
前端 Script error

解决使用【git check】切换分支命令时出现error的错误!

问题: PS D:\PycharmProject(D)\Baidu-Image-Loader> git checkout master error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout ......
分支 命令 错误 check error

解决方法:ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

在使用windows系统用pip命令安装ipyparallel时,出现了这种错误: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users ......

解决wave.Error: unknown format: 3

""" 这个代码还可以解决 raise Error('unknown format: %r' % (wFormatTag,)) wave.Error: unknown format: 3 这个bug """ import os import librosa import soundfile as s ......
unknown format Error wave

[vite] Internal server error: URI malformed at decodeURI (<anonymous>) at viteTransformMiddleware (xxx_project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-51c4f80a.js:59976:19)的解决方法

前端项目启动,出现 [vite] Internal server error: URI malformed at decodeURI () at viteTransformMiddleware (xxx_project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-5 ......

Operating system error number 23 in a file operation

参考: 参考2: ......
Operating operation system number error

【git pull】 error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).

问题 $ git pull error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). hint: Please, commit your changes before merging. fatal: Exiting because o ......
MERGE_HEAD concluded exists error MERGE

(Windows Hadoop环境配置)IDEA:ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path 出错原因:还没有在windows上配置hadoop环境变量。 解决:在windows上配置hadoop环境变量 参考:windows下缺少 ......
binary the winutils Windows 环境

部署错误解决(An error occurred while processing your request.)

An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 00-613112becd7848f0226b77690eb71d00-3769cb0d7144d878-00 Development Mode Swapping to Deve ......
processing occurred 错误 request error

[SQL Assistant] Execute: OCI Error (2003): OCIStmtExecute ORA-02003: invalid USERENV parameter;

1.在PL/SQL写关键字,出现提示,敲回车,空格后,弹出SQL Assistant - Connect to Oracle. 2.配置好连接,再点击Connect,右下角出现提示 3.提示内容如下: Execute: OCI Error (2003): OCIStmtExecute ORA-020 ......

解决gyp verb `which` failed python2 Error: not found: python2

运行老项目遇到如下报错 PS C:\Users\demo02> yarn install yarn install v1.22.19 info No lockfile found. [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages.. ......
python2 python failed Error found

gorm stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported

前言 使用 gorm 查询时,报错:stdErr = sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "total": converting NULL to float64 is unsupported 代码如下 var total float64 res := db ......
quot unsupported converting column stdErr

Fixed Autel IM608 II “The device is locked. Error code 106” Issue

Problem: When I was trying to use Autel IM608 II Key Programmer to read the 2016 BMW engine ECU ISN, it kept saying the prompt: “Abnormally detected. ......
device locked Fixed Autel Error

error Mixed spaces and tabs no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs

运行Vue项目出现下面截图中的这个问题 百度翻译一下,说是不能同时使用tab键和空格来对代码进行缩进。看了一下代码,确实有行代码缩进了6个字符,改回来正常运行。 ......

OGG OCI Error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (status = 1031)

这个问题一般是ogguser权限不够造成的 grant sysdba to ogguser; grant select ,insert ,update,delete on maptable to OGGUSER; 反正就是ogguser缺少权限 CREATE SESSION, ALTER SESSI ......
insufficient privileges status Error 01031

pyinstaller 时碰到 struct.error argument out of range

使用 PyInstaller 来打包 Python 程序, ``` pyinstaller -F --version-file file_version_info.txt ``` 并且在运行打包后的程序时遇到了这个错误: > struct.error argument out of r ......
pyinstaller argument struct error range

完美解决MySQL ERROR:Access denied for user `root`@`localhost` (using password:YES)

windows找到mysql安装目录下的my.ini,并在最后一行 添加skip-grant-tableslinux 目录为 etc/my.cnf 在最后一行 添加skip-grant-tables 1、输入mysql -u root -p 然后回车2、 输入 use mysql; 3、输入upda ......
localhost password Access denied MySQL

Error:java: 错误: 不支持发行版本 5(17)

调试IDEA时出现如下错误, 参考: 出现原因:本地配置jdk和idea默认的jdk不匹配 JDK环境13 Module对应5 ......
错误 版本 Error java

How to fix Node.js fs.readFileSync toString Error All In One

How to fix Node.js fs.readFileSync toString Error All In One ......
readFileSync toString Error Node How

yarn install error node-sass: Command failed.

运行yarn install报错,如下图: 运行npm install也报错,如下图: 如果发生上诉的错误,建议优先考虑是node.js的版本问题 我的node.js版本是16,卸载16,安装14版本,运行不再报错 ......
node-sass install Command failed error