freezing style 150e with

vue_error_Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended

翻译: '运行时指令,用于非元素根节点的组件。这些指令将无法发挥预期的作用'; 这个错误发生在我将v-show放在自定义组件上时, 我想是因为自定义组件在渲染时会被自定义组件的内部元素替换, 因此设置是无效的 解决: 在自定义组件外加一个div, 把v-show写在div上 ......

Go - Wrapping an Error with Other Errors

Problem: You want to provide additional information and context to an error you receive before returning it as another error. Solution: Wrap the error ......
Wrapping Errors Error Other with

[LeetCode] 2334. Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold_Hard tag: dp, stack

You are given an integer array nums and an integer threshold. Find any subarray of nums of length k such that every element in the subarray is greater ......

Setting up development environment with Ubuntu 22.04

0. Dont' use Snap & Ubuntu appliation store. 90%的问题可以通过重启解决 改了IP后需要,禁用网络后再开启才生效 1. Input: 2. IDE: ......
development environment Setting Ubuntu 22.04

[Linux] Compile and Build h5py with MPI

How to Install H5PY-MPI 0. Preparation linux system gcc anaconda/miniconda 1. Install open-mpi Go to "". Download th ......
Compile Linux Build h5py with


如果每个组件的样式都需要单独设置,在开发过程中会出现大量代码在进行重复样式设置,虽然可以复制粘贴,但为了代码简洁性和后续方便维护,我们推出了可以提炼公共样式进行复用的装饰器@Styles。 @Styles装饰器可以将多条样式设置提炼成一个方法,直接在组件声明的位置调用。通过@Styles装饰器可以快 ......
OpenHarmony 样式 组件 Styles

Measuring Node Contribution to Community Structure With Modularity Vitality

Measuring Node Contribution to Community Structure With Modularity Vitality 用模块性生命力度量节点对社区结构的贡献 摘要 社区感知中心性是网络科学中一个新兴的研究领域,关注节点在社区结构中的重要性。先前的方法扩展了经典的中心 ......

Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://node1:10000: 拒绝连接 (Connection refused) (state=08S01,code=0)

今天发现连接beeline是时候连接不上,不应该啊昨晚还可以的qaq 破案了,我启动了metastore之后忘记去启动hiveserver2 hiveserver2都没启动能连上就怪了 一定一定要记得启动顺序!!! hadoop+metastore+hiveserver2+beeline ......

AT_abc321_f [ABC321F] #(subset sum = K) with Add and Erase 题解

AT_abc321_f [ABC321F] #(subset sum = K) with Add and Erase 题解 题目大意 现在有一个空箱子。给你两个数 \(Q, K\),然后给你 \(Q\) 行,每一行代表一个操作: \(+ x\),即向箱子里加一个权值为 \(x\) 的小球。 \(- ......
题解 321 AT_abc subset Erase

Oracle中start with connect by prior 使用方法

一、语法 { CONNECT BY [ NOCYCLE ] condition [AND condition]... [ START WITH condition ] | START WITH condition CONNECT BY [ NOCYCLE ] condition [AND condi ......
使用方法 connect 方法 Oracle start

Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001A73833FD00>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060]

报错 Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001A73833FD00>: Failed to establ ......

使用with 打开一个网页

from selenium import webdriver from time import sleep with webdriver.Chrome() as driver: # with 上下文管理协议 # 目的在于从流程图中把try, except 和finally 关键字和资源分配释放相关代 ......
网页 with

[IJCAI 2023]Preventing Attacks in Interbank Credit Rating with Selective-aware Graph Neural Network

[IJCAI 2023]Preventing Attacks in Interbank Credit Rating with Selective-aware Graph Neural Network 问题 文章研究的是对银行间信用评价的攻击的预防。点是银行,边是银行间的借贷关系。 攻击方式有特征攻击 ......

[885] How to generate automated tables in Word document with Python

ref: How to Generate Automated Word Documents with Python ref: docxtpl快速上手使用,数据填入以及循环写入表格 Creating a Template Before you can proceed, you must first c ......
automated generate document Python tables

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents,即无法使用类型或表的相关性来删除或取代一个类型

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents,即无法使用类型或表的相关性来删除或取代一个类型 在修改一个Type的时候,提示了这个信息 ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace ......
类型 相关性 type dependents replace

[20230908]Oracle Index Range Scan with LIKE Condition on Wildcard '_'.txt

[20230908]Oracle Index Range Scan with LIKE Condition on Wildcard '_'.txt--//昨天看链接: ......
Condition 20230908 Wildcard Oracle Index


0. 前言 首先,无论是在youtube还是网站上,许多OpenGL的环境配置都是在VS studio里配置的,个人比较喜欢使用VS code,以及Cmake. 下文给出了一个Cmake版本关于 GLFW GLAD 的编译环境。 另外,感谢分享知识的人。 具体的代码已放入 github 中, 代码地 ......

How to print a string with a variable by using the echo command in the shell script All In One

How to print a string with a variable by using the echo command in the shell script All In One Node.js & nvm ......
the variable command string script

[880] Calculate Field in ArcGIS Pro (with python code)

Firstly, we should define a function. def IsFlood(join_count): if join_count > 0: return "Yes" else: return "No" Secondly, we should call this functio ......
Calculate ArcGIS python Field code

可视化ValueError Cannot mask with non-boolean array containing NA NaN values

bug:raise ValueError(na_msg) ValueError: Cannot mask with non-boolean array containing NA / NaN values 对应的代码: asian_countries = region_data.dropna(sub ......

Ranking Distillation: Learning Compact Ranking Models With High Performance for Recommender System

目录概符号说明Ranking Distillation代码 Tang J. and Wang K. Ranking Distillation: Learning compact ranking models with high performance for recommender system. ......

解决安装wsl时候报错的问题: WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x800701bc

在Win10 或者Win 11上安装wsl的时候,可能会遇到如下的错误信息: Error: 0x800701bc WSL 2 ?????????????????? Press any key to continue... 这个是由于系统内置的WSL ......

yarn 出现 【 info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying... 】超时问题解决

第一种解决方案 # 调整为taobao镜像源 yarn config set registry 我用了没用,可以试试 第二种解决方案 要在项目根目录下创建后缀名为 .yarnrc 的文件,并设置 network-timeout 的值为 ......
connection Retrying appears network trouble

论文解读(FixMatch)《FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence论文作者:论文来源:2020 aRxiv论文地址: ......

Replacing gcc and g++ with GNU version in macOS

After we install Xcode Command Line Tools, we will get gcc and g++ in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin and the same contents in /usr/bin. B ......
Replacing version macOS with GNU


模版语法 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <script src="./js/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="a ......
指令 模版 语法 属性 文本

Could not create connection to database server.] with root cause

场景: 这几天在学springboot,入门引用mybatis遇到一些问题。排查了半天,真的哭死,记录一下。问题如题。 解决: 主要是mysql驱动不同导致的。我连接的mysql是8.0.22,然后我pom中的mysql驱动版本是5.0什么的,害得我看xml看了半天。改一下就好。 参考: https ......
connection database create server Could

MySQL 切换数据库、用户卡死:“You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A“处理方法【转】

数据量很大的话,常规切换数据库会把里面所有的表遍历一遍,会很慢甚至是卡死。 解决方法:登录的时候直接在最后面加一个 -A 就行了。 [root@localhost ~]# "/usr/local/mysql-8.0.11/bin/mysql" -uroot -p123456 -A 实战演示:我演示的 ......
用户卡 feature quicker startup 数据库


好家伙, 昨天,在学习vue源码的过程中,看到了这个玩意 嘶,看不太懂,研究一下 1.上下文 这段出现vue模板编译的虚拟node部分 export function renderMixin(Vue) { Vue.prototype._c = function () { //创建标签 return ......
支线 函数 源码 with call

Python中文件操作的详细使用:open()、和with open()

前言 在编程语言中,文件读写是最常见的IO操作,Python内置了读写文件的函数,其中包括open()函数、函数以及with open()语句。本文将详细介绍这三种方法的使用方式、区别和最佳实践。 open() open()函数是Python内置的用于打开文件的函数,它接受一个文件 ......
open 文件 Python with os