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论文翻译:2022_Phase-Aware Deep Speech Enhancement: It's All About The Frame Length

论文地址:相位感知深度语音增强:这完全取决于帧长 引用格式:Peer T, Gerkmann T. Phase-aware deep speech enhancement: It's all about the frame length[J]. JASA Express Letters, 2022, ......

All in one入门之All in one和三种PVE、ESXI、Windows Server方案

前言 All in one 前段时间,在某多多上花了446大洋弄了一台J4125准系统小主机,再花了一点钱买个杂牌msata和“全新”三星内存条,入坑了All in one。 All in one是什么呢?从英文直译为“多合一”,所谓的All in one就是将若干个设备的特殊功能赋予一个高性能设备 ......
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