install unable xcode to

Salt formation: an effective means to improve the physical and chemical properties of drug molecules and enhance the druggability of drugs

Salt formation is one of the effective means to improve the physicochemical properties of drug molecules and enhance drug-forming properties. ......

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError- unable to create new native thread 问题排查

问题描述 最近连续两天大约凌晨3点,线上服务开始异常,出现OOM报错。且服务所在的物理机只能ping通,但是无法登录。报错信息如下: ERROR 04-12 03:01:43,930 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-3] JobRunShell[JobRunShell] ......
OutOfMemoryError create unable native thread

How to Calculate the size of archive log files each day

Calculate the size of archive log files each day SQL> SELECT TRUNC(COMPLETION_TIME) ARCHIVED_DATE, SUM(BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE) / 1024 / 1024 SIZE_IN_MB F ......
Calculate archive files size each

Guide to Regen on VW Passat TDI with Launch x-431 Pro5

Launch X-431 PRO5 opens the era of innovative dual diagnostic modes (local diagnosis and SmartLink remote diagnosis). It inherits the powerful diagnos ......
Passat Launch Guide Regen Pro5

how to use crontab to send an email on Linux All In One

how to use crontab to send an email on Linux All In One ......
crontab Linux email to send

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux Disable Suspend and Hibernation in Linux sudo systemctl mask hiberna ......
Hibernation Disable Suspend Modes Linux

git 更新代码错误 Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge处理

当git pull时提示 Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge idea中撤销当前本地 本次提交 ......
overwritten following 错误 changes 代码

【BUG】ExtJS 的Tab Reorder 插件持续更新布局问题解决办法 (Solution to layout issues in the continually updated Tab Reorder plugin of ExtJS)

更新记录 2023年4月13日 初始化。 ExtJS教程汇总: 问题 不停的拖动tab栏,会不断更新布局。 Dragging the tab bar continuously will update the ......
Reorder ExtJS continually Tab 布局

vite写jsx语法报错: [vite] Internal server error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. If you use tsconfig.json, make sure to not set jsx to preserve.

1.安装vite的jsx包 npm i @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx --save 2.安装所有依赖 npm i 3.在vite.config.ts中配置 import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import vue from '@vitejs/pl ......
vite 语法 jsx Internal analysis

.net core中Grpc使用报错:The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

因为Grpc采用HTTP/2作为通信协议,默认采用LTS/SSL加密方式传输,比如使用.net core启动一个服务端(被调用方)时: public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultB ......


node-sass这个库比较老,用ruby写的,安装时需要python2编译,建议新项目使用dart-sass或者less 由于homebrew不支持安装python2,网上其他教程太复杂了,咱简单粗暴的来 直接安装包安装python2 python2安装包 安装完终端输入python2即可验证 复 ......
node-sass install 问题 node sass

how to use Vim delete one line All In One

how to use Vim delete one line All In One 在正常模式下(非编辑模式 i),光标选中所在行, 连续按两下d键,即可删除一整行 ✅ ......
delete line how Vim All

conda环境下使用pip install安装包到conda环境下,而不是.local下

一、首先说明下,在conda 环境中使用pip install 命令,安装的包并不是只在该环境,而是在.local中所有conda环境都可以使用。如果想要pip 安装的包在当前所在环境下,按照以下步骤。 二、使用'python -m site'命令,会看到以下结果,user_base 和 user_ ......
环境 conda install local pip

重构——搬移语句到调用者(Move Statements to Callers),其反向重构:搬移语句到函数(213)

8.4 搬移语句到调用者(Move Statements to Callers) 反向重构:搬移语句到函数(213) emitPhotoData(outStream,; function emitPhotoData(outStream, photo) { outStrea ......
语句 用者 Statements 函数 Callers

How To Use UUID To Mount Partitions / Volumes Under Ubuntu Linux

sudo blkid sudo vim /etc/fstab UUID=41c22818-fbad-4da6-8196-c816df0b7aa8 /mnt/elaine ext4 defaults 0 1 ......
Partitions Volumes Ubuntu Mount Linux


date_format(): 类似python中的strftime: 将给定格式的日期时间对象转换为字符串。日期时间对象=>字符串,控制输出格式 select date_format(datetime的字段,‘%Y-%m-%d’) 括号中前面是你要格式化的字段,后面是具体要格式化成什么样式。 str ......
date date_format str_to_date 函数 format

install packages in jupyter notebook

!conda install --yes numpy !pip install numpy !echo $PATH # If you want to know what is actually executed # when you type python, you can use the type ......
packages notebook install jupyter in

【论文阅读笔记】Learning to Prompt for Continual Learning

Create_time: April 27, 2022 5:21 PM Edited_by: Huang Yujun Org: Google Research, Northeastern University Learning to Prompt for Continual Learning [38 ......
Learning Continual 笔记 Prompt 论文

微信小程序开发——getLocation:fail the api need to be declared in the requiredPrivateInfos field in app.json/ext.json

getLocation:fail the api need to be declared in the requiredPrivateInfos field in app.json/ext.json 异常解析: app.json中没配置requiredPrivateInfos参数,按下边示例代码配置 ......

pod install libwebp 问题

1.find /Users/***/.cocoapods/repos -iname libwebp 出现如下展示:/Users/***/.cocoapods/repos/master/Specs/1/9/2/libwebp/Users/***/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods/S ......
install libwebp 问题 pod

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned sql server分页查询

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned We recommend that you use the OFFSET and FETCH clauses instead of the TOP clause to implement a quer ......
returned OFFSET server Using FETCH

Jmeter 启动时报错:Not able to find Java executable or version. Please check your Java installation

安装java环境,cmd窗口中执行java-version 可以看到java的版本信息。 双击jmeter启动文件,报错:Not able to find Java executable or version. Please check your Java installation 解决办法: 在启 ......
Java installation executable 时报 version

报错信息:Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule: (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i br-4d2b20122b54 -j RETURN: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

一、报错提示 二、原因 对关闭防火墙执行开启/关闭操作之后,没有重启docker服务 三、解决办法 方式一:重启docker服务 systemctl restart docker 方式二:若不想重启docker服务,则修改网络模式 将docker的网络模式 network_mode 由映射改为hos ......
iptables Failed DOCKER RETURN tables

Apple Xcode 14.3 (14E222b) 正式版发布下载

Apple Xcode 14.3 (14E222b) 正式版发布 Command Line Tools for Xcode 14, tvOS 16 & watchOS 9 Simulator Runtime 请访问原文链接: ......
正式版 14E222b Apple Xcode 14.3

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries 1、安装依赖 apt-get install libaio1 2、获取软件包 wget ......
Installing Binaries Generic Ubuntu MySQL

解决NewBing报错【Sorry, looks like your network settings are preventing access to this feature.】

开全局,使用浏览器插件Proxy Switchy Omega进行代理 1、x2ray 软件配置 2、Proxy Switchy Omega 配置 将以下规则加入配置: * +proxy *.1drv +proxy *.microsoft +proxy *.aa ......
preventing settings NewBing feature network

install vim-latexsuite and set .vimrc

(4/4) 正在安装 vim-latexsuite [#######] 100%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set the following lines ......
vim-latexsuite latexsuite install vimrc and

git pull时,提示Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

问题描述: 本地修改了代码后,执行“git pull”命令时,无法更新代码,并报错提示:“Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge” 问题原因: 是因为本地修改的代码与git服务器的代码冲突导致。如 ......
overwritten following changes files local

idea警告Possibly blocking call in non-blocking context could lead to thread starvation

看下列代码 这个警告的说在非阻塞上下文中阻塞调用可能会导致线程饥饿 解决方法: private Mono<Path> createTempFile(String name) { String prefix = name +"_"; return Mono.defer(() -> { Path dir ......

对于intend to do 和intend doing两种用法的解释

![[Pasted image 20230409205800.png]] ![[Pasted image 20230409205816.png]] intend to do “Intend to do” 意为“打算做某事”。通常,该短语的结构为 “intend to” + 动词原形。例如: I in ......
intend doing do to