international programming collegiate contest

SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 1

# [Problem - A The Contest](纯属眼瞎) ```cpp #include using namespace std; typedef long ......
Contest Summer Round 2023 SMU

SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 2

# [Problem - A Treasure Hunt]( ```cpp #include using namespace std; typedef long long ......
Contest Summer Round 2023 SMU

SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 3

# [Problem - A - Curriculum Vitae]( ````cpp #include using namespace std; const int N ......
Contest Summer Round 2023 SMU


## interface interface主要用于处理**多区域计算模型**中区域界面间的数据传递,因此在多计算域中要使计算域保持畅通,则需要在相互接触的边界上创建interface。在CFD计算中,interface通常是成对出现的,计算结果数据则通过interface进行插值传递。用inter ......
interface interior internal fluent

SDUT 2023 summer team contest(for 22) - 9补题和总结

# C - Association for Control Over Minds 题面: “我今天只能制作其中一些药剂,其余的以后再做。” 你决定道。你按照编号从1到N的顺序逐个考虑你所有的配方。对于每个配方,如果你无法调制这个药剂(下一段解释),你跳过这个配方,考虑下一个,如果有的话。否则,即使这 ......
contest summer SDUT 2023 team

The 10th Shandong Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

The 10th Shandong Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest K - Happy Equation 思路:a,x的奇偶性相同(因为都对偶数取模),且打表得出a为奇数时,答案为1。(¿) a为偶数时,令 a=t1*2q → ax=t1x*2qx ......

UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Summer(AtCoder Beginner Contest 312)

# Preface 最唐氏的一集,尽情欣赏ABC E题战俘的丑态 这场打的时候就很抽象,各种傻逼错误频发,从B题一路WA到G题 还好发现E后面的题更简单后马上把FG写了,不然要爆炸了 # A - Chord 签到 ```cpp #include #include #include #include ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder UNIQUE

AtCoder Beginner Contest 165

# AtCoder Beginner Contest 165 ## C - Many Requirements dfs ```CC #include using namespace std; const int N = 15, M ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 165

AtCoder Beginner Contest 312

# A - Chord ```cpp #include using namespace std; int32_t main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nullptr); string s; cin >> s ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 312

.Net Web API 002 Program和WeatherForecastController

创建工程后,工程主要包含了Program.cs和WeatherForecastController.cs两个代码文件,还有一个WeatherForecast.cs文件,该文件定义的天气情况数据结构替,WeatherForecastController用来组织和返回数据。 1、Program.cs文件 ......

[UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Summer(AtCoder Beginner Contest 312) - AtCoder](

# [UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Summer(AtCoder Beginner Contest 312) - AtCoder]( ## [A - Chord (atcoder.j ......
Contest AtCoder Programming 312 Beginner

Atcoder-Beginner-Contest-312 A~Ex

# [$Atcoder-Beginner-Contest-312$]( AB过于简单,在此略去。 ## [$C-Invisible$ $Hand$]( ......

AtCoder Beginner Contest 312

## [A - Chord (abc312 A)]( ### 题目大意 给定一个长度为$3$的字符串,问是不是`ACE, BDF, CEG, DFA, EGB, FAC, GBD`中的一个。 ### ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 312

(AtCoder Beginner Contest 312)

(AtCoder Beginner Contest 312) A - Chord #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long //#define int __int128 typedef pair<int,in ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 312

SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 7

# [SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 7]( ## [A. Two Rival Students]( ......
Contest Summer Round 2023 SMU

【报错修复】HRESULT: 0x80070057 The library hostfxr.dll was found, but loading it from C:\Program Files\dotnet\host\fxr\5.0.17\hostfxr.dll failed

``` 我写了一个winform程序, 拷贝到win7系统上,提示需要下载.net 给的链接是 ......
hostfxr 0x80070057 x80070057 dll 80070057

反应式编程 (Reactive programming)

反应式编程(Reactive programming,Rx) 最初来源于函数式语言里面的函数式反应编程(Functional Reactive programming,FRP)。 后来随着微软.Net Framework增加了Reactive Extension而在主流语言中流行起来。 反应式编程是 ......
反应式 programming Reactive

30 天精通 RxJS (02):Functional Programming 基本观念

Functional Programming 是 Rx 最重要的观念之一,基本上只要学会 FP 要上手 Rx 就不难了! Functional Programming 可以说是近年来的显学,各种新的函式编程语言推出之外,其他旧有的语言也都在新版中加强对FP的支持! #什么是 Functional P ......
Programming Functional 观念 RxJS 30

SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 6

# [SMU Summer 2023 Contest Round 6]( ## [A. There Are Two Types Of Burgers](https://codeforces. ......
Contest Summer Round 2023 SMU

AtCoder Beginner Contest 311

AtCoder Beginner Contest 311 First ABC 思路:找到第一个a,b,c都出现的位置 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long //#define int __int128 t ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 311

AtCoder Beginner Contest 311

# A - First ABC ```cpp #include using namespace std; #define int long long int32_t main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr), cout.tie(nu ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 311

[Leetcode Weekly Contest]355

链接:[LeetCode]( ## [Leetcode]6921. 按分隔符拆分字符串 给你一个字符串数组 words 和一个字符 separator ,请你按 separator 拆分 word ......
Leetcode Contest Weekly 355

yum解决Failed to download metadata for repo ‘appstream‘: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs..

一、CentOS 8停止更新后,大家使用yum安装程序的时候,会报这个错误: CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mir ......

AtCoder Grand Contest 040 E Prefix Suffix Addition

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 比较神奇的题。 考 ......
Addition AtCoder Contest Prefix Suffix


# WebGL程序program对象的创建 program对象由**顶点着色器对象**和**片元着色器对象**构成,因此,创建program对象包含了两部分,一个是着色器对象的创建,一个是program对象的创建。 ## 总体流程 1. 创建顶点着色器对象 2. 创建片元着色器对象 3. 创建`pr ......
上下文 上下 program WebGL 02

Toyota Programming Contest 2023#4(AtCoder Beginner Contest 311)

# Toyota Programming Contest 2023#4(AtCoder Beginner Contest 311) ## [A - First ABC (]( * ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder Toyota

AtCoder Beginner Contest 311 G One More Grid Task

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 考虑一维怎么做。 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest More Grid

「解题报告」Toyota Programming Contest 2023#4(AtCoder Beginner Contest 311)

比赛地址:[Toyota Programming Contest 2023#4(AtCoder Beginner Contest 311) - AtCoder]( 后记:大家都太强了%%%,如果我做不出第四题就要掉分了。。。 ## ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder 报告

创建ingress报错Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook 。。ingress-nginx-controller-admission

创建ingress报错如下 ``` [root@k8s-master01 gitlab]# kubectl apply -f 03-gitlab-ingress.yaml Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "03-gitla ......

题解:【ICPC WF 2021 H】 Prehistoric Programs

[题目链接]( ```cpp #include #define ld long double #define ui unsigned int #define ull unsigned long long #define i ......
题解 Prehistoric Programs ICPC 2021