kubelet healthy pleg not

Mysql用户建立触发器报错You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled

分析原因:是log_bin_trust_function_creators值为off导致,因为Table中有Trigger,如果不创建Trigger,不会出现这样的错误信息,但Trigger必须创建临时解决办法:用root用户登录: mysql -u root -pmysql>set global ......
触发器 privilege enabled logging 用户

has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a secure context and the resource is ...

该报错原因为:Chrome浏览器禁止外部请求访问本地,被CORS策略阻止解决方案:1、打开chrome的设置: chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests2、将 Block insecure private network requ ......
resource blocked context request client

Vue报错之 Property or method "XXX" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

原因1:真的没定义, 原因2:定义了,但是需要检查大小写是否一致 ......
quot referenced Property instance defined

TypeError: token.type.endsWith is not a function

起因 公司产品项目拉下来,安装完依赖就报这个错误 token.type.endsWith is not a function 解决方案 发现是eslint的版本 将 babel-eslint 版本为10.1.0,把版本降为8.2.2,即重新安装指定版本的依赖。 重新安装,并重启后,解决问题 npm ......
TypeError endsWith function token type

mac 使用 brew安装包报错 fatal: not in a git directory,Error: Command failed with exit 128: git

在 mac 下使用 brew 安装包的时候,最后一行会报错: fatal: not in a git directory Error: Command failed with exit 128: git 导致包安装不成功,解决办法: brew -v 绿色框就是提示你需要做的,输入 git confi ......
directory git Command failed Error

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败:[ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败: [ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL [ERROR] Can't init tc log [ ......
MySQL version Binlog binary number

configure: error: udev support requested but libudev header not installed

./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi 错误提示:configure: error: udev support requested but libudev header not installed 解决办法 --disable-udev 取消对libude ......

ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available

## ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available 一般来说,很可能是邮件服务器连接不上 `p_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection('xx.xx.xxx.xxx', xxx);` 解决方法也很简单, ......
transient available Service 29278 error

IDEA : Cannot Save Setting ** must not contain source root **. The root already belongs to module **这类错误的解决方法

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/3210904/202306/3210904-20230626092521794-1749976955.png) 今天突然碰到这个问题,具体原因是parant目录不能放src的code。 解决方法图片右侧的父project的S ......
root 错误 Setting contain already

【问题记录】A child container failed during start module java.rmi does not "opens sun.rmi.transport" to unnamed module @1e236278

``` 子容器启动失败,spring容器没启动,tomcat也不能启动 不是servlet-api的scope问题 Dubbo的@Service注解注释掉就可以启动,怀疑是Dubbo版本问题(但不是) 百度module java.rmi does not "opens sun.rmi.transpo ......
module quot container rmi transport

does not appear to have any patterns in it. If you see the 'urlpatterns' variable with valid patterns in the file then the issue is probably caused by a circular import.

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The included URLconf '<module 'first_app.urls' from 'D:\\project\\first_project\\first_app\\urls.py'>' do ......
patterns the urlpatterns circular probably

java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles....Please ensure that all modules from cycle [ssm-demo-mgt-common,ssm-demo-mgt-task] are excluded from annotation processing

报错内容: java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles.Please ensure that all modules from cycle [ssm-demo-mgt-common,ssm-demo-mgt-task] ......

Error: Dynamic require of "path" is not supported

failed to load config from D:\BaiduSyncdisk\vue3\sys-manager\vite.config.jserror when starting dev server:Error: Dynamic require of "path" is not supp ......
quot supported Dynamic require Error

kibana启动失败Kibana server is not ready yet,后台日志报错:NoShardAvailableActionException

kibana.log日志报错信息: ,{"level":"error","message":"Action failed with 'no_shard_available_action_exception'. Retrying attempt 8 out of 10 in 64 seconds."} ......

安卓装包失败提示 Package xxx could not be assigned a valid UID解决方案

1. 因为新装包规则是总当前uid往后分配,所以我要找到uid最大的几个应用 cat /data/system/packages.list | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n 2. 根据查到的uid分别找出对应包名去卸载 cat /data/system/packages.li ......
assigned 解决方案 Package 方案 could

Could not resolve type alias 'com.github.mybatis.helper.page.PageSqlInterceptor'.

报错信息 Could not resolve type alias 'com.github.mybatis.helper.page.PageSqlInterceptor'. Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find class: com ......


重启服务服务器后,kubectl get nodes,查看节点报错: kubernetes error: IP:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? 查看systemctl status kubelet状态, 查看日志: ......
kubelet 服务器

2023-06-24 error Command "husky-run" not found.

前言:用git提交代码到git,完整报错: error Command "husky-run" not found. git 未能顺利结束 (退出码 1) (875 ms @ 2023/6/24 19:05:32) 原因:估计是项目中的eslint导致的这个问题。 解决方案:执行强制提交,请在项目根 ......
quot husky-run Command error husky

Could not locate zlibwapi.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path

再跑CNN程序的时候报了这个错 ``` 2023-06-23 21:11:52.069321: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:151] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI D ......
zlibwapi library locate Please Could


001、问题 cmake 报错 [root@PC1 build]# cmake .. 002、解决方法, 下载zlib并安装 官网:http://www.zlib.net/ a、下载 b、解压并安装 [root@PC1 software]# tar -xzvf zlib-1.2.13.tar.gz ......

-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system vari

系统是centos7.6 001、问题 -- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system vari 002、解决方法 [root@PC1 cmake-3.27.0-rc3]# yum ......
OpenSSL the folder system Could

C++类中报错:class "xxx" does not name a type

# C++类中报错:class "xxx" does not name a type ## 原因 1. 引用的类命名空间未包含 2. 引用的类头文件未包含 3. 包含了头文件,或者已经前置声明了,则说明所引用的类名写错。 4. 循环引用头文件 5. 类内修改了类成员 [类中报错 xxx does n ......
中报 quot class does name

宏基笔记本安装固态硬盘,重装系统后,无法进入系统,operating system not found

1 开机显示operating system not found 2 开机按F2 (根据自己笔记本设置) 然后点到boot选项,找到Boot List option [UEFI] 然后按enter键进去,把UEFI 改为 Legacy,然后按F10 保存,遇到警告的话,按yes ......
系统 固态 operating 硬盘 笔记本

关于 Spartacus 服务器端渲染的 404 Not found 页面处理

当启动 Spartacus 时,路由由 `Router` 逻辑处理。将评估四种不同类型的路由: 1. 路由应由自定义路由路径处理;客户添加了硬编码路由,并且我们应该优先考虑这些路由。 2. 路由是 PLP(产品列表页)或 PDP(产品详情页)。 3. 路由是 CMS(内容管理系统)内容页面。 4. ......
Spartacus 页面 服务器 found 404

如何解决 vscode exe does not exist 的问题

问题一:使用vscode运行go时,提示需要launch.json文件需配置 解决方法: 在vscode 插件搜索code runner, 然后安装 问题二: E:\go\goWorkspace\src\GoProjects2> go run main.goexec: "C:\\Users\\向键雄 ......
vscode 问题 exist does exe

chemex访问首页提示404 Not Found

问题描述: 由于windows下用phpstudy集成环境部署,中途调试其它项目时,把apache切换成nginx,再次切换回apache时,chemex站点的伪静态配置变成空白了,导致chemex首页访问时提示404 问题原因: nginx或apache服务器未配置伪静态。 解决方法: 如果是ng ......
chemex Found 404 Not

记录一个python 导包bug ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model.tools'; 'model' is not a package

当前目录下明明有model.tools却找不到! 2个要点缺一不可 1.model文件夹下需要__init__.py文件 2.sys.path.insert(0,project_path) project_path放在sys.path首位优先搜索,因为sys.path中有其他model文件夹,如果不 ......
model ModuleNotFoundError 39 package python

org/bouncycastle/util/Encodable not found

08:39:30.719 [main] DEBUG cn.com.jit.new_vstk.dataAggregator.AbsRecevieChunk - recevie cost time:0 ms 08:39:30.719 [main] DEBUG jar.org.apache.http.im ......
bouncycastle Encodable found util org

mysqldump: Got error: 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'table_name' when using LOCK TABLES

### 1、前言 因旧项目情况,mysql数据库区分大小写lower_case_table_names=0 现进行重构,重构数据库中,定时任务表是以 QRTZ_ 开头的,故需要不区分大小写,lower_case_table_names=1 修改完my.cnf配置文件,并重启数据库服务后,出现了两张相 ......
table table_name mysqldump TABLES unique

django orm 多对多 'NoneType' object is not iterable

1、报错截图,当小伙伴们遇到这种沙雕问题时是不是也是很烦躁? 2、分析Traceback ,发现有熟悉的,我重写了admin.ModelAdmin的save_related方法,分析应该是再多对多保存时出现了问题。 3、看上去好像是scripts这个字段在保存时出现了问题。然后发现这个字段在后台也做 ......
NoneType iterable django object 39