pga_aggregate_limit processing parameters ora

Oracle 19c 升级错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table】

作为一个数据库爱好者,手里的数据库没几个月就得升级一次。 升级收尾运行【datapatch -verbose】的时候,经常遇到这个错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded ......


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445) 标题:记录一次ORA-01200完美恢复 作者:惜分飞©版权所有[未经本人同意,不得以任何形式转载,否则有进一步追究法律责任的权利.] 客户虚拟化平台断电,导致oracle其数据库启动ORA-01200错误 SQL> a ......
01200 ORA


oracle 数据库表创建安全策略 提示错误 declare-- 付款申请界面 (CUXAPPAYREQ.fmb)-- 表: CUX.CUX_AP_PAYMENT_REQ_ALL -- 视图: APPS.CUX_AP_PAYMENT_REQ_ALL-- 先创建表的同义词 -- create or r ......
粒度 对象 策略 28134 ORA

[转帖]ORA-01450 maximum key length (3215) exceeded 一、 问题背景 给一个业务表online建索引时遇到了ORA-01450 maximum key length (3215) exceeded报错,看字面意思是字段太长了,检查表字段类 ......
exceeded maximum length 01450 3215

mybatis解决nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping:

错误原因 在mybatis中SQL添加了注释 解决方法 删除相关无用语句 参考链接 【1】 ......

Dynamics 365 导入Excel报错:Server was unable to process request.

Dynamics 365 导入Excel报错:Server was unable to process request. F12查看调用,发现是调用GetImportMapXml报错,于是到高级设置-数据管理-导入去试试,提示字段Industry未找到,后来找一下字段Industry,居然又3个,一 ......
Dynamics process request Server unable

ora 清理表空间

alter table table_name enable row movement--打开行移动 / alter table table_name shrink space cascade--压缩表及相关数据段,并下调HWM / alter table table_name shrink spac ......
空间 ora


1 /* 2 * This creates a new process as a copy of the old one, 3 * but does not actually start it yet. 4 * 5 * It copies the registers, and all the app ......
copy_process do_fork process copy fork

【五期李伟平】CCF-B(TFS'23)Consensus Reaching Process With Multiobjective Optimization for Large-Scale Group Decision Making With Cooperative Game

Peng Wu, Fengen Li, Jie Zhao, et al. Consensus Reaching Process With Multiobjective Optimization for Large-Scale Group Decision Making With Cooperativ ......

oracle: ORA-00904 错误提示

使用的oracle数据库执行【e '11%' 】查询表数据时,提示 ORA-00904如下,数据库本身忽略大小写: 首先是检查了sql拼写是否正确,表名、字段等均反复检查没有错误,表里的字段确实是areaId,后来发现areaId字段被作为了特殊字段,需要使用双引号来使用,即 select * fr ......
错误 oracle 00904 ORA

ORA-28365: wallet is not open

RAC 数据库启动遇到ORA-28365Oracle使用了TDE功能,加密了,没有正确打开wallet时会出现下面错误,打开钱包即可,以使用 alter system set encryption wallet open;命令完成。如果打开钱包时遇到任何问题,那么可以尝试使用 alter syste ......
wallet 28365 open ORA not

nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMapping{property='name

org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMa ......

【HMS Core】{"sub_error":20003,"error_description":"parameter invalid","error":1101}

​ 【问题描述】 离线推送服务端报错 {"sub_error":20003,"error_description":"parameter invalid","error":1101} 【解决方案】 错误码1101代表是client_id在系统中不存在,需要检查一下APPID是否配置正确 ​ ​ ......

ORA-01113: file 69 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data file 69: 'E:\FWPTDB\DBFFILES\HNRZ\HNRZFW.DBF

继续上一篇写 1、当解决了ORA-01033 : ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 这个问题后重新连接此数据库的时候又出现以下问题 ORA-01113: file 69 needs media recovery ORA-01110: data ......

ORA-01033 : ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

1、问题原因 测试环境反馈某一个模块页面一直加载当中,接口没有返回。 紧接着我就找到这个SQL语句在客户端工具navicat.exe上去执行,执行了整整一个半小时没有返回,navicat还关闭不了,最后实在受不了直接杀死navicat的进程。 这个时候重新打开navicat.exe连接数据库连接不上 ......

Oracle 插入数据报错 ORA-00918

1. 报错内容 ErrorCode = 918, SQLState = 23000, Details = ORA-00918: column 'TO_DATE('2023-12-1809:13:45','YYYY-MM-DDHH24:MI:SS')' in field list ambiguousl ......
数据 Oracle 00918 ORA


第1章 torch.nn简介 1.1 torch.nn相关库的导入 #环境准备 import numpy as np # numpy数组库 import math # 数学运算库 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 画图库 import torch # torch基础 ......
nn functioinal Parameter Sequentia PYTORCH

org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'keyWord' not found. Available parameters are [keyword, param1]

Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingExcepti ......

mybatis错误:Parameter 'companyName' not found. Available parameters are [arg3, arg2, arg1, arg0,..]

问题: mybatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'companyName’ not found. Available parameters are [arg3,arg2 解决: 原因是DAO层传入参数mapper无法识别, 只需要在在DAO中的方法中前 ......

linux -bash: fork: retry: No child processes 解决

Text. Text. Text. [ubuntu@iZj6cc8f0831kkdffvlhjhZ tools]$ date -bash: fork: retry: No child processes -bash: fork: retry: No child processes -bash: fo ......
processes linux child retry bash

Markov decision process https://mediu ......
decision process Markov

ORA-27038: 所创建的文件已存在

1、重新建立表空间 存储文件 用户联系 create tablespace DB_PKI datafile 'DB_PKI_TABLESPACE.dbf' size 200M reuse autoextend on next 5M maxsize unlimited; create user DB_ ......
文件 27038 ORA

Why the developed country choose the countries of southeast Asia to build processing factory used their labour force?

The developed countries choose countries in Southeast Asia to build processing factories and utilize their labor force for various reasons. Some of th ......
processing the developed countries southeast

mapstruct报错 No property named "XXXX" exists in source parameter(s). Type "XXXX" has no properties.

1、问题现象 java: No property named "XXXX" exists in source parameter(s). Type "XXXX" has no properties. 2、相关环境依赖版本 jdk: 17 maven: 3.8.8 springboot: 3.1.4 ......
quot XXXX properties mapstruct parameter

MVN 安装报错 the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

mvn pom 安装报错 the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty 方法一 主要是带有 https 仓库认证不通过 忽略ssl证书检验即可 mvn cl ......

启用微服务报错:Method has too many Body parameters

启用微服务报错:Method has too many Body parameters package com.llq.springcloud.controller; @RestController public class StorageController { @Resource private ......
parameters Method Body many has

covariance matrix in signal processing

cross-covariance In the case of complex random variables, the covariance is defined slightly differently compared to real random variables. For comple ......
covariance processing matrix signal in

hadoop启动时报错process information unavailable

启动hadoop,jps查看报错 [root@slave1 home]# jps 7798 -- process information unavailable 7081 -- process information unavailable 查看进程是否存在 [root@slave1 home]# ......

BigdataAIML-Important Data Features processing points

Standardize scales first using scikit-learn; Identify correlated features using mathematics(Measure of correlationship); Consider using a pairwise plo ......

智能计算与图形图像处理Intelligent Computing and Graphics and Image Processing

智能算法 Intelligence Algorithms 图形图像处理 Graphics & Image Processing 机器视觉 machine vision 计算机视觉 computer vision 计算机视觉(computer vision),用计算机来模拟人的视觉机理获取和处理信息的 ......
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