problem tricky sum

POJ--3187 Backward Digit Sums(暴搜/减枝)

记录 5:30 2023-3-25 reference:《挑战程序设计竞赛(第2版)》第二章练习题索引 p135 Description FJ and his cows enjoy playing a mental game. They ......
Backward Digit 3187 Sums POJ

assembly of tiny problems I come across when using Ubuntu

1. flameshot couldn't work properly. after running, it doesn't act to enable selecting area as expected, but pop out a frame and I need to click 'shar ......
assembly problems across Ubuntu using

Paper Reading: XRRF — An eXplainable Reasonably Randomised Forest algorithm for classification and regression problems

本文提出了一种 XRRF 算法,它通过执行本文提出的 SGFL 和 RRF 算法来得到可解释性、准确性和可解释性之间的权衡。随后引入了基于决策路径特征提取的方法,根据具体的应用解释模型的输出。其中 SGFL 能确定有助于模型准确性的特征,同时保持特征关系的可靠性。RRF 算法则通过利用所提出的改进随... ......

001-ksum 求符合条件的 k 个数 1. Two Sum/15. 3Sum/18. 4Sum/

推荐阅读 000-从零开始的数据结构与算法 001-01-ksum 求符合条件的 k 个数 1. Two Sum/15. 3Sum/18. 4Sum/ 002-两数相加 add two numbers 003-无重复字符的最长子串 Longest Substring Without Repeatin ......
Sum 个数 条件 ksum 3Sum
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