programming arguments variable varargs

【862】as.Date in R programming

ref: R语言——日期时间处理 ref: as.Date: Date Conversion Functions to and from Character ref: Date Formats in R as.Date()it can change a normal string into a da ......
programming Date 862 as in

wsqmcons代表Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) Console,它是用于管理和配置CEIP的命令行工具。CEIP是一项可选的功能,旨在通过收集匿名化的用户数据,帮助改进Windows操作系统的性能和可靠性

wsqmcons是Windows操作系统中的一个命令行工具,它用于收集和上传用户体验改进数据。 具体来说,wsqmcons代表Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) Console,它是用于管理和配置CEIP的命令行工具。CEIP ......

《Prompting Is Programming: A Query Language for Large Language Models》论文学习

一、前言 大型语言模型在诸如对话问答、代码生成等广泛任务上表现出了出色的性能。 在较高的层次上,给定一段输入,大语言模型可用于按照概率统计方式自动补全序列。在此基础上,用户用指令(instructions)或示例(examples)去提示(prompt)大语言模型,以实施各种下游任务。 本质上,提示 ......
Language Programming Prompting Models 论文

【861】R programming related knowledge

Ref: R 字符串 Ref: R语言遍历文件和批量输出文件 head(x, n)Returns the first or last parts of a vector, matrix, table, data frame or function. Since head() and tail() a ......
programming knowledge related 861

【860】Thematic mapping based on R programming

Ref: ggplot2 title : main, axis and legend titles Ref: ggplot2 标题居中 Ref: Ref: Ref: Example: theme(plot.title = element_text(color="red", size=14, face ......
programming Thematic mapping based 860

Proj. CMI Paper Reading: Conversational Automated Program Repair

## Abstract 背景:之前APR与大模型的结合仅仅使用了一些特殊构建的input/prompt 本文:conversational APR 方法:使用long-term context window来记录之前的validation feedback 实验: 在10个LLMs上进行对比展示改进 ......

针对el-menu-item组件的警告Invalid event arguments: event validation failed for event "cli

##### 现象: ![image]( ##### 解决办法: ![image](https://img2023.cnbl ......

freee Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Beginner Contest 310)

# Preface 打的就是依托答辩,当时看一眼D感觉是个爆搜不想写就先跳了去想F,结果傻逼了没想出来 最后30min了赶紧溜回去把D爆搜写了,但是已经罚时爆炸了,其实如果正常正序做的话排名会挺稳的 后面一问包大爷发现F是个傻逼题,只能说计数水平实在是低下 # **A - Order Somethi ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder freee

【文献阅读】Optimization and perform criteria of a Stokes polarimeter based on two variable retarders

minimize the noise transmitted through the matrix 主要用三个参数衡量 indicator the condition number (CN) the Equally Weighted Variance (EWV) the error associat ......

面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)

面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)是一种编程思维方式和编码架构,是一种 对现实世界理解和抽象的方法,是计算机编程技术发展到一定阶段后的产物。 什么是对象:对象是客观存在的事物,可以说任何客观存在的都是可以成为对象,一台电脑,一直钢笔,一个人,一辆轿车等等, ......

freee Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Beginner Contest 310)

# [freee Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Beginner Contest 310) - AtCoder]( ## [A - Order Something Else (atcoder.j ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder freee

meta program - 实例化

```cpp template struct pow : std::integral_constant::value> {}; template struct pow : std::integral_constant {}; template using pow_two_with_exp = pow ......
实例 program meta

*** These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler

001、问题 *** These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler 002、查看c编译器版本 [root@PC1 build]# gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8 ......
critical compiler programs missing These

*** These critical programs are missing or too old: make compiler

001、问题 *** These critical programs are missing or too old: make compiler 002、查看当前的make版本 [root@PC1 build]# make --version 003、make官网:http://ftp.gnu.or ......
critical compiler programs missing These

freee Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Beginner Contest 310)题解

[点我看题]( A - Order Something Else 直接比较$P$和$Q+min(D_i)$,输出较小值即可。 点击查看代码 ``` #include #define rep(i,n) for(int i ......
Contest 题解 Programming Beginner AtCoder

PromptLang:A simple prompt-based programming language specifically designed for use inside GPT prompts

PromptLang:A simple prompt-based programming language specifically designed for use inside GPT prompts ......


# js的arguments到底是什么? ## 类数组对象:arguments 众所周知,js是一门相当灵活的语言。当我们在js中在调用一个函数的时候,我们经常会给这个函数传递一些参数,js把传入到这个函数的全部参数存储在一个叫做arguments的东西里面,那么这到底是什么东西? 在js中万物皆对 ......

The 2019 ICPC China Shaanxi Provincial Programming Contest(2019陕西省赛)

## B. Grid with Arrows 并查集一下。 ```cpp #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; using i64 = long long; struct UnionFind { int n; vector f; UnionFin ......
2019 Programming Provincial Contest Shaanxi

Environment variables precedence- docker compose

Environment variables precedence The order of precedence (highest to lowest) ......

【vue-问题】vue : 无法加载文件 D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global\vue.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本

【vue-问题】vue : 无法加载文件 D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global\vue.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本。解决方法:①:管理员方式运行PowerShell,输入get-ExecutionPolicy。如果它回复Restricted,表示是禁止的②: ......
vue node_global 脚本 Program 文件

KEYENCE Programming Contest 2021 E Greedy Ant

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder ......
Programming KEYENCE Contest Greedy 2021

Error response from daemon: remount xxxxxx/var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie, flags: 0x44000: invalid argument 问题解决

docker cp 的时候报错 Error response from daemon: remount /var/lib/docker/overlay2/1de5d96d9ed06c75a1125d713001c2b54f76e276a4b877cc09bb9df97363e6a1/merged/v ......
response argument rabbitmq 0x44000 remount

Eclipse mbedded cdt 中添加Erase, Program功能

使用eclipse mbedded cdt作为嵌入式IDE来开发嵌入式程序是很多开发人员的选项之一, 但是eclipse并不完美, 有一些功能没有按钮或者选项来实现, 比如在非调试状态下的下载程序, 擦除flash(sector erase 或者 chip erase)等功能 这里提供一种实现以上功 ......
Eclipse mbedded Program 功能 Erase

2022-2023 ICPC Brazil Subregional Programming Contest(B,D,F,I,L,N)

# 正题 题目链接:[]( # B-Fun with Stones【博弈论,数位dp】 ## 题目大意 三个堆的取石子游戏,第 $i$ 个堆石子个数可能是 $[L_i ......
Subregional Programming Contest Brazil 2022

Variable 'xxxx' is accessed from within inner class, needs to be final or effectively final-Lambda 表达式的变量与作用域

#### 问题的原因 问题代码: ``` public static void main(String[] args) { Integer sum = 0; Integer count = 0; List list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5)); ......

ABAP 泛型编程(Generic Programming) 在实际工作中的一个例子

ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)泛型编程是一种在 ABAP 语言中使用的编程范式,它允许编写可以处理多种数据类型的通用代码。泛型编程的目的是提高代码的复用性、灵活性和可维护性。通过使用泛型编程,开发人员可以编写一种通用的算法或数据结构,而 ......
Programming 例子 实际 Generic ABAP

【848】Data filtering in R programming

ref: R语言data.frame常用操作 ref: Keep rows that match a condition The filter() function is used to subset a data frame, retaining all rows that satisfy you ......
programming filtering Data 848 in

condition_variable ,wait for unique lock and time_duration,notify_all()

#include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <condition_variable> #include <cstdint> #include <execution> #include <fstream> #inc ......

npm install报gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable.没有python环境

1 gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable. 2 gyp ERR! stack at PythonFinder.failNoPython (/Us ......
python quot executable variable install

docker报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx

重启docker-compose时,nginx服务报错。 报错信息: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx (f0a809481f5 ......