programming computer using isom

C# using 语句 - 确保正确使用可释放对象

原文如下 using 语句 - 确保正确使用可释放对象 - C# | Microsoft Learn using 语句可确保正确使用 IDisposable 实例: var numbers = new List<int>(); using (StreamReader reader = File.Op ......
语句 对象 using

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p179-p180

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第60天,p179-p180总结。 一、技术总结 1.palindrome(回文) (1)包含单个字符的字符串(如"a"),或者空字符串(如" ")也是回文。 (2)示例:“level”、"noon"。 2.predicate fun ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 179 180

2023 Hubei Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

\(B. Mode\) 利用数位 \(dp\) 求数字众数,那么在相同的位数下,相同的个数即为相同,用 \(map\) 记忆化搜索。 int num[20],len=0; map<pair<int,vector<int> > ,int>mp; int dfs(int pos,vector<int> ......


好家伙, 1.Computed实现原理 if (opts.computed) { initComputed(vm,opts.computed); } function initComputed(vm, computed) { // 存放计算属性的watcher const watchers = vm ......
源码 computed 属性 Vue

Using Docker Desktop with WSL2

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 is a full Linux kernel built by Microsoft, which lets Linux distributions run without managing virtual machines. W ......
Desktop Docker Using with WSL2

2022 China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) Guilin Site(持续更新)

Preface 由于还有两周就要滚去打区域赛了,这周开始周末每天都训一场吧 这场总体来说打的还可以,虽然E题这个Easy从卡局卡到3h,但由于其它的题都是一遍过所以罚时还尚可跻进Au区 后面一个小时看徐神和祁神苦战K大分类讨论,虽然场下感觉摸了一个B的做法出来,但感觉实现还是太麻烦了就没写,最后K也 ......
Programming Collegiate Contest Guilin China

MySQL解决查询语句1111 - Invalid use of group function错误

是因为mysql查询语句的字段当中有聚合函数,where条件中不能用聚合函数的计算值作为查询条件,否则会出现:> 1111 - Invalid use of group function 错误。 可以使用having解决。 补充:这里主要要清楚where和having的作用以及区别:“WHERE”  ......
语句 function 错误 Invalid MySQL

How to use Linux shell script to create a command line interactive menu window interface All In One

How to use Linux shell script to create a command line interactive menu window interface All In One 如何使用 Linux shell script 制作一个命令行交互式菜单窗口界面 All In On... ......
interactive interface command script create

Some seqs are too long, please rebuild the program with make parameter MAX_SEQ=new-maximum-length (e.g. make MAX_SEQ=10000000)

001、cd-hit报错如下 Some seqs are too long, please rebuild the program with make parameter MAX_SEQ=new-maximum-length (e.g. make MAX_SEQ=10000000) 002、解决方法 ......
MAX_SEQ new-maximum-length make MAX SEQ

Vue3| 组合式API——computed 计算属性函数

计算属性基本思想和 Vue2 的完全一致,组合式 API 下的计算属性只是修改了写法 核心步骤: 1. 导入 computed 函数 <script setup> import { computed } from 'vue' </script> 2. 执行函数 在回调参数中 return 基于响应式 ......
函数 computed 属性 Vue3 Vue

2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) Guilin Site

A. A Hero Named Magnus #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long using pii = pair<int, int>; using vi = vector<int>; void so ......
Programming Collegiate Contest Guilin China


使用namespace的目的: 团队合作项目时,避免与团队其它成员新建的类发生冲突;个人负责项目时,避免前后新建的类发生冲突; 据个人理解,用到所需要的类时,需要先require或include引入,所以会发生类重定义的错误的前提是:两个相同命名的类都有被引入。目前有些php框架会自动加载(即inc ......
namespace 命令 空间 PHP use


title: aliases: tags: - cpp/编程规范 category: - 方法 stars: url: creation-time: 2023-10-12 10:22 modification-time: 2023-10-12 10:57:47 [[Cpp]] 中给出了 using ......
using 指令

ST12 Trace – Step by step instruction on how to use it for analysis

ST12介绍 ST12性能分析工具的使用分如下三个步骤: 设置跟踪参数 开始跟踪收集跟踪数据 分析跟踪数据 跟踪参数分类: 跟踪对象(Trace For) 跟踪类型(Type of Trace) 跟踪对象 ST12可以捕获4种类型的数据 “User/Tasks”, “Work Process”, “ ......
instruction analysis Trace Step step

The 2021 Sichuan Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

\(E. Don’t Really Like How The Story Ends\) \(dfs\)的时候如果一个点没有子节点,可以回溯,在父节点上找后续节点。如果找到了一个更大的节点,那么必须要与当前目标连接,然后回溯回来的时候如果目标值比当前的值更小说明仍有后续节点可以用,必须还在这个节点接后 ......

[LeetCode] 2434. Using a Robot to Print the Lexicographically Smallest String_Medium tag: stack

You are given a string s and a robot that currently holds an empty string t. Apply one of the following operations until s and t are both empty: Remov ......

C++ - 使用using定义别名

大家都知道,在 C++ 中可以通过 typedef 重定义一个类型: typedef unsigned int uint_t; 被重定义的类型并不是一个新的类型,仅仅只是原有的类型取了一个新的名字。因此,下面这样将不是合法的函数重载: void func(unsigned int); void fu ......
别名 using

.net 关于在program中使用AddNewtonsoftJson之后,继承于System.Text.Json.Serialization的自定义转换器JsonConverter不生效的问题

首先,先说遇见的问题与代码示例,在.net代码中注册了如下代码 .AddNewtonsoftJson(option => { //使用本地时区 option.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Local; / ......

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check ......
permissions the Consider WinError packages

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p176-p178

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第59天,p176-p178总结。 一、技术总结 1.addtive sequences tn = tn-1 + tn-2 序列:3, 7, 10, 17, 27, 44, 71, 115, 186, 301, 487, 788, 1 ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 176 178


public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { //psvm //单行注释 //输出一个Hello,World! System.out.println("Hello,World!"); //sout //有趣的代码 ......

2021-2022 ACM-ICPC Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC 2021) gym 104670 C

原题 容易想到最短路 DAG 求出来,起初我以为要求最小割,但这是错误的,因为可能有多条边联通了一个点的情况,这时候选择最小割不一定是最优的 我们猜想一个思路:答案一定是包含 \(1\) 号节点的连通块全部填 \(N\) ,剩下的填 \(S\) 。发现在最短路 DAG 中, \(1 \rightar ......
2021 Programming Collegiate ACM-ICPC Contest

[897] Filter a DataFrame using logical operations

In Pandas, you can filter a DataFrame using logical operations to select rows that meet specific conditions. You can use logical operators such as & ( ......
operations DataFrame logical Filter using

ValueError: ('`tf.compat.v1.keras` Optimizer is not supported when eager execution is enabled. Use a `tf.keras` Optimizer instead, or disable eager execution.')

ValueError: ('`tf.compat.v1.keras` Optimizer (', <tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers.SGD >, ') is not supported when eager execution is enabled. Use a ......
Optimizer execution keras eager ValueError

TypeError: compute_class_weight() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) /tmp/ipykernel_14395/ in <module> 5 class_weights = class_weight.compute_class_weight('balanc ......

This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686CPU. Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.

原文链接: 0.背景 买了一台小电脑,STAR TC-8080 型号,想给他装个Linux系统。 给他装Ubuntu 18的时候,开始报错: This kernel requires an x86-64 ......
kernel CPU appropriate detected requires

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':testCompileClasspath'. Using insecure protocols with repositories, without explicit opt-in, is unsupported.

Gradle init.gradle文件参数错误导致的Gradle加载失败 1 allprojects { 2 repositories { 3 mavenLocal() 4 maven { name "Alibaba" ; url " ......

[论文阅读] ECOD: Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions

ECOD: Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions Author:Zheng Li, Yue Zhao, Student Member Xiyang Hu, Nicola Bot ......

UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Autumn(AtCoder Beginner Contest 323)

UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Autumn(AtCoder Beginner Contest 323) A. Weak Beats 解题思路: 按题意模拟即可。 代码: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace ......
Contest Programming Beginner AtCoder UNIQUE

Go - Making Arrays and Slices Safe for Concurrent Use

Problem: You want to make arrays and slices safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. Solution: Use a mutex from the sync library to safeguard t ......
Concurrent Arrays Making Slices Safe