run_until_complete run_forever run complete

A VNC server is already running as :1

看到这一行字是不是很崩溃。 当输入vncserver -kill :1,输出结果是: Can't find file /home/ubuntu/.vnc/ You'll have to kill the Xtightvnc process manually 是 ......
already running server VNC is

docker run指令

## docker run指定的参数 > 1. -d 后台运行容器,并返回容器ID,此时不会进入交互界面,如果想要进入交互界面请加-i和-t参数。 如果用了-d参数未进入容器的时候,在想进入容器,指令:docker exec -it 容器名称 /bin/bash >2. -i 以交互模式运行容器,通 ......
指令 docker run

docker You must install or update .NET to run this application. 问题解决方案

FROM AS base WORKDIR /app 修改为 FROM AS base WORKDIR /app ......

a start job is running for udev wait for complete device initialization

# a start job is running for udev wait for complete device initialization reference: ``` diff /etc/init.d/systemd-udevd +systemctl mask systemd-udev-s ......
initialization for complete running device

hbase报错 ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet

hbase报错:hbase shell能打开 网页也能打开 但是一执行命令就开始报错。 原因:hadoop的安全模式打开。 解决方法:关闭安全模式 ,再重新启动HBase就可以了。 具体的命令: 1、查看namenode是否是安全状态 hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get Sa ......


今天在测试事务中创建子线程,子线程的事务问题时。调用run的时候一直达不到理想效果,突然想起来start和run的区别,记录一下: start() start()方法启动线程,真正实现了多线程运行,创建了子线程。 run() run()方法将线程体当作普通方法的方式调用,并没有创建子线程,实际上程序 ......
Thread start run

git报错can't push refs to remote. Try running "Pull" first to integrate to your changes

# 0 前言 这是我在使用git提交代码到GitHub上时遇到的一个报错,刚遇到此问题,内心充满了恐惧,不知如何解决,花了不少时间查资料,因此有必要在此记录一下,同时希望可以为读者提供一定参考。 # 1 该错误出现的时期 在远程创建空仓库,然后本地写一些代码,尝试提交到远程时,出现标题所指的错误。 ......
quot integrate to changes running

The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement

然后百度 参考:The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement_冰尘s1的博客-CSDN博客 mysql报错The MySQL server is ru ......

K8S 1.27.1版本初始化配置文件时报your configuration file uses an old API spec: "". Please use kubeadm v1.22 instead and run 'kubeadm config migrate

现象: your configuration file uses an old API spec: "". Please use kubeadm v1.22 instead and run 'kubeadm config migrate --old-con ......
kubeadm quot configuration 时报 instead

安装unity2022后启动工程提示“Unity is running as administrator.”

问题背景:如题,最近项目更新到unity2022.3.6f1版本,在部分机器发现会不停提示“Unity is running as administrator.” 解决方案: 同网上大多数方案雷同,采用调整uac安全级别来避免。 1.搜索栏直接搜控制面板,或者win+r键入control,打开控制面 ......
administrator running 工程 unity Unity

JAVA执行Linux命令报错Cannot run program error=2 , No such file or directory

JAVA执行Linux命令报错Cannot run program error=2 , No such file or directory 酒香不怕巷深 IP属地: 河北 2019.04.22 14:00:00字数 411阅读 6,648 JAVA使用ProcessBuilder运行Linux命令报 ......
directory 命令 program Cannot Linux

Codeforces Round 449 (Div. 1) D. Nephren Runs a Cinema 卡特兰数

[luogu链接]( 题意不再赘述。 优先枚举的应该是$VIP$用户,枚举范围应该是$[0,n-l]$ 之后总客户数为$s=n-i$ 再考虑枚举$100$的总人数为$x$ 则要求$s-2x\in [l,r]$ 这部分方案 ......
卡特兰 Codeforces Nephren Cinema Round

npm - 报错:found XXX vulnerabilities (XXX low, X moderate),run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm au

完整报错 我正准备 npm 装包,结果失败了,并提示如下报错信息: found 808 vulnerabilities (804 low, 4 moderate) run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details 解决 直接按照后 ......
npm vulnerabilities XXX fix moderate

报错:This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production.

项目报错:This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production. 导 ......

Nginx报错Can't open PID file /var/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory

# 1. 关于报错 启动nginx服务发现 Systemd 中存在报错: > Can't open PID file /var/run/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory ![](https://img2023.cnblog ......
file directory Nginx after nginx

[转载] 解决Pycharm中右键运行python程序时出现Run ‘pytest‘ in

1、在Pycharm中右键运行python程序时出现Run 'pytest' in,这是进入了Pytest模式。2、解决办法进入到File - Seetings - Tools - Python integrated Tools页面,找到Testing下的Default test ru ......
中右 Pycharm 程序 python pytest

Best Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostic Software Of 2023 Completed List

Diagnostic tools are essential in the automotive industry for identifying and resolving issues with vehicles. These tools provide technicians with the ......
Diagnostic Completed Software Heavy Truck

在Windows中运行Filebeat(Running Filebeat in windows)

我最近使用这些说明在Windows上设置了filebeat 但它迫使我保持​​cmd提示打开运行命令 filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml 我想知道是否有办法将其作为后台进程运行? 谢 ......
Filebeat Windows Running windows in

You must install or update .NET to run this application

# You must install or update .NET to run this application ## 问题原因 在使用 .net的环境时,出现这个 “You must install or update .NET to run this application” 说明版本不符合 ......
application install update must this

vivado生成Bitstream报错[Vivado 12-1345] Error(s) found during DRC. Bitgen not run(Vivado 2017.4)。

写了一个很简单的程序,2-4译码器。 ```verilog module decoder2to4( input in1, in0, output reg [3:0]out ); always @ (*) begin if ({in1, in0} == 2'b00) out = 4'b1111; el ......
Vivado Bitstream vivado Bitgen 2017.4

How to Restore ASM Based OCR After Complete Loss of the CRS Diskgroup on Linux/Unix Systems (Doc ID 1062983.1)

In this Document Goal Solution References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database Cloud Schema ......
1062983.1 Diskgroup Complete 1062983 Restore

Obsolete cause running out of memory

I was using Obsolete and set the second parameter as true, and it caused my applicaiton running out of memory in a few seconds. Remvoed the second par ......
Obsolete running memory cause out

Mac环境下,在 VS Code下执行Run Code打印Operation not permitted

步骤 1。打开系统设置; 步骤 2。选择隐私与安全性; 步骤 3。选择完全磁盘访问权限; 步骤 4。添加Visual Studio Code,输入完管理员密码后重启VS Code。 ......
Code Operation permitted 环境 Mac

K8S初始化报错:CRI v1 runtime API is not implemented for endpoint \"unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock\"

报错具体内容: [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred: [ERROR CRI]: container runtime is not running: output: time="2023-07-21T09:20:07Z" level=fatal msg="va ......
containerd quot implemented endpoint runtime

cuffmerge报错解决方案:run_log = open(logging_dir + "run.log", "w", 0), ValueError: can't have unbuffered text I/O

运行命令`${src}/cuffmerge -o ./merge -g ${input}/gencode.v44.primary_assembly.annotation_sorted.gtf merge.list`时报错: >run_log = open(logging_dir + "run.log ......

idea启动总是报错Error running 'Tomcat 9.0.6': Unable to open debugger port ( "socket closed",但是我57757端口实际上并没有被使用

问题:当遇到idea启动报错"Error running 'Tomcat 9..6': Unable to open debugger port ( "socket closed""时,很多人可能会尝试改变debug ......
57757 quot SocketException 端口 debugger

Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=xxx" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,..." property of your project file and then re-run NuGet restore.

错误:Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" in the "TargetFramework ......

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

###问题提示: ` NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and runn ......

iOS使用Run Script提升开发效率

通过在Xcode Run Script添加shell脚本,然后通过脚本来帮助我们在编译阶段完成一下资源的copy,文件替换,修改等繁琐的事件。使Xcode在编译过程中自动完成耗时繁琐的操作提升开发效率。 添加脚本的过程很简单,添加+添加 添加完脚本后可以根据需要调整脚本的执行顺序,如:对应Bundl ......
效率 Script iOS Run

invalidate the cache in Spark by running 'REFRESH TABLE tableName' command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved

``` ... 1 more Caused by: File does not exist: hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/dw.db/dw_uniswapv3_position_detail/pk_day ......