solution p9194 the of

Table locking modes supported by the import utility

Table locking modes supported by the import utility Last Updated: 2021-03-01 Th ......
supported locking utility import Table

ADM4016I The index indexName on the source table source-table does not match any partitioned indexes on the target table target-table . ALTER TABLE ATTACH processing continues.

ADM4016I The index indexName on the source table source-table does not match any partitioned indexes on the target table target-table . ALTER TABLE AT ......

Git常见报错:Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

### 1、报错原因 该报错在git pull时出现,一句话解释就是你在本地改动了代码但是还没有提交,此时再拉取最新代码,远程代码和你当前的本地代码发生冲突!(注意有冲突时才会提示,如果没有冲突,则git pull成功,因为git pull实质上就是一个远程分支merge到本地分支过程。 ### 2 ......
overwritten following changes local files

Oracle启动监听报错:The listener supports no services或出现 unknown状态解决

1、查看$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora 文件中的host是否正确,能不能ping通 2、查看$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora文件中的host是否与listener.ora中的一致 3、查看/etc/host ......
listener supports services 状态 unknown

Paper Reading: A pareto-based ensemble of feature selection algorithms

本文将集成特征选择问题建模为具有两个目标的帕累托优化问题,提出一种类型的异构集成特征选择算法 PEFS。首先采用两种聚合方法对四种不同 FS 方法得到的结果进行组合,接着使用双目标优化来评估这些结果,最后根据非优势特征在双目标空间中的拥挤距离进行排序。该方法平衡了关联度和冗余性两种不同的 FS 方法... ......

CF793F Julia the snail 题解

## 题意 有一个长为 $n$ 的杆,上面有 $m$ 条绳子,每条绳子可以让蜗牛从 $l_i$ 爬到 $r_i$(中途不能离开),保证 $r_i$ 各不相同。蜗牛也可以自然下落。 现在有 $q$ 次询问,询问 $x$ 出发,途中高度不能低于 $x$ 或高于 $y$,问最高能爬到的位置。 $n,m,q ......
题解 Julia snail 793F 793

Maximum execution time of 300 seconds

我在mysql用phpmyadmin导入数据的时候出现: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in D:\XXX 上网查了很多文章都说 是把php.ini 里面的 max_execution_time 改大就可以,可 ......
execution Maximum seconds time 300

library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory 问题处理

1、修改docker服务启动配置文件 # vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service ... [Service] ... ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/con ......

The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes.

org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes. 文件上传出现 ......
permitted 1048576 exceeds maximum field

GPT-Use the mic on RK3588

## 1 Find the mic In order to find the microphone on your system, you can use the `aplay` and `arecord` commands. These commands will list the availab ......
GPT-Use 3588 GPT Use the

GPT-RK3588 `DTS` code of `csi2` snippets analysis

## RK3588 `DTS` code of `csi2` snippets A `dts` file is a device tree source file that describes the hardware configuration of a system. A `dtsi` file ......
analysis snippets GPT-RK 3588 code

[LeetCode] 2369. Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. You have to partition the array into one or more contiguous subarrays. We call a partition of the array  ......
Partition LeetCode Check Array There

安装MinGW时报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”解决方案

这篇文章提供了Windows下安装MinGW报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”的解决方案,简单来说,就是不用下载器,自己找好文件下载就行。 ......

[论文精读][计算生物][蛋白质预训练表示]Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein Structure Decoy

笔者正在调研市面上的蛋白表示方法,论文方法过于数理的部分会被抽象带过。 ## Basic Information: * Title: Data-Efficient Protein 3D Geometric Pretraining via Refinement of Diffused Protein St ......

解决Mac 上码云gitee或者github出现The requested URL returned error: 403

出现场景 要把某个项目push到码云上,已经设置了仓库地址,在最后一步直接报错。 adodeMacBook-Pro:yimabao ado$ git push --set-upstream origin master remote: [session-774b45b9] Access denied ......
requested returned github gitee error

WARNING: Use of this script to execute namenode is deprecated. WARNING: Attempting to execute replacement "hdfs namenode" instead.问题的解决

# 问题描述 在我使用这个命令进行hdfs初始化时: ``` start namenode ``` 爆出了这样的警告 # 问题解决 发现是这个命令现在已经有一点过时,需要换成这个命令才行: ``` hdfs namenode ``` ......
namenode WARNING execute quot replacement

【转载】The secret to success

## Article Format Source ChatGPT ## Main Content Source Title: The secret to success Source: Author:壹号课堂 ## Main ......
success secret The to

Go - What's the point of one-way channels in Go?

A channel can be made read-only to whoever receives it, while the sender still has a two-way channel to which they can write. For example: func F() <- ......
channels one-way point Go What

The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK

安装IDE集成开发工具配置 IDE版本:goland-2020.2.3_Protable 错误:下边指定go的sdk错误解决 报“The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK”报错解决方法 出现这个错误的原因是 idea 的Go-plugi ......
directory validhome selected The SDK

报错RuntimeError: Working outside of request context的解决办法

在程序编写过程中,我写了一个装饰器 def auth(func): def inner(*args,**kwargs): if session.get('username'): res = func(*args,**kwargs) # 真正的执行视图函数,在执行视图函数之前判断是否登录 return ......
RuntimeError Working outside context request

Leetcode 977. 有序数组的平方(Squares of a sorted array)

[题目链接]( 给你一个按**非递减顺序**排序的整数数组nums, 返回每个数字的平方组成的新数组, 要求也按**非递减顺序**排序. 示例 1: ``` 输入:nums = [-4,-1 ......
数组 Leetcode Squares sorted array

WSL2 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon [已解决]

如果你已经在网上找了很多方法了,那建议你再试试这个。 1,进入WSL2,去除WSL1遗留的环境变量 ``` shell unset DOCKER_HOST ``` 2,设置Docker-Desktop指定运行的wsl2环境,默认是docker-desktop ![image](https://img ......
connect Cannot Docker daemon WSL2

Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size show variables like '%sort_buffer_size%'; SET GLOBAL sort_buffer_size = 1024*1024; ......
sort increasing consider memory buffer

Index of /ubuntu-releases/

[]( "") Ubuntu 源使用 ......
ubuntu-releases releases ubuntu Index of

G. Vlad and the Mountains

G. Vlad and the Mountains Vlad decided to go on a trip to the mountains. He plans to move between $n$ mountains, some of which are connected by roads. ......
Mountains Vlad and the

mysql Error 1264: Out of range value for column 'balance' at row 1

报错原因:值超出列的范围 可能原因: 原因1:值超出其可输入的范围。 解决方法: 设置的为INT ,可以把列的值改为BIGINT,或者改成其他数据类型。 原因2:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_A ......
balance column mysql Error range

PlacementList must be sorted by first 8 bits of display_id 问题

问题暂未解决 ``` [37484:0811/] PlacementList must be sorted by first 8 bits of display_id ``` ![](https://img2023.cnb ......

The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement

然后百度 参考:The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement_冰尘s1的博客-CSDN博客 mysql报错The MySQL server is ru ......

服务器上mysqld,java的进程Out of Memory,被kernel kill 掉了

/var/log/messages 里面日志如下 Aug 10 19:47:16 VM-0-7-centos kernel: 8936 total pagecache pages Aug 10 19:47:16 VM-0-7-centos kernel: 0 pages in swap cache ......
进程 服务器 mysqld Memory kernel

题解 Gym 102978F【Find the LCA】

## problem You are given an integer sequence $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_N$. You'll make a rooted tree with $N$ vertices numbered from $1$ through $N$. The vert ......
题解 102978F 102978 Find Gym