solutions azure administering 300

consistency level of Azure Cosmos DB account

In Azure Cosmos DB, the consistency level defines the trade-off between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance, commonly known as the CAP ......
consistency account Cosmos Azure level

Solution - 公路旅行

Link。 又名:《不会 T1 记》。 原来用到了神秘的倍增!但是我写了一个申必二分,最坏 \(O(qn \log n)\),甚至不如暴力,我是🤡。 类似于 ST 表那样,\(f_{i, j}\) 表示从 \(i\) 出发经过 \(2 ^ j\) 段不大于 \(L\) 的路程,那么 \(f_{i, ......
Solution 公路

Solution Set - CF787

Vive le R & M! 还被种草了 Hurt,真的颇有感触,但这是 Solution Set,就不写了。 A. The Monster exgcd,但是发现 \(1 \leq a, b, c, d \leq 100\) 直接暴力枚举即可。我认为这是 \(O(1)\) 的,但题解认为是 \(O( ......
Solution Set 787 CF

Solution - Hossam and (sub-)palindromic tree

又名:《最近 vjudge 题全部罚坐》。 唯一 Trick:回文序列,就想区间 dp!时间复杂度 \(O(n ^ 2)\)! 如果是序列:\(f_{l, r}\) 表示 \([l, r]\) 的最长回文子序列,\(f_{l, r} = \max(f_{l + 1, r}, f_{l, r - 1} ......
palindromic Solution Hossam tree and

「模拟赛」Solution Set

\(\text{heart}\) \(\text{Solution}\) 可以记 \(f(u)\) 为从 \(u\) 出发到某个点停止的方案数,\(f(u)\) 可以 \(O(n)\) 转移,显然复杂度为 \(O(n^2)\). 当前我们要转移 \(u\) 子树内,对于 \(v\in \text{s ......
模拟赛 Solution Set

Solution - Makoto and a Blackboard

Link。 朴素 dp 应该不用说了。放个用 map 的代码。 int dfs(int n, int k) { if (!k) return n; if (f[make_pair(n, k)]) return f[make_pair(n, k)]; int tot = 0, ans = 0; for ......
Blackboard Solution Makoto and

公告 & Solution - 公路旅行

以后应该会用 Obsidian 搭个博客,博客园可能会被弃用了。 为了有点价值放个不知道什么东西上来。 Link。 不会 T1!原来用到了神秘的倍增!但是我写了一个申必二分,最坏 \(O(qn \log n)\),甚至不如暴力,我是🤡。 类似于 ST 表那样,\(f_{i, j}\) 表示从 \( ......
Solution 公路 公告 amp

【Azure APIM】APIM Self-Hosted网关中,添加网关日志以记录请求头信息(Request Header / Response Header)

问题描述 在APIM Gateway 日志中, 对于发送到APIM Host的请求,只记录了一些常规的URL, Status, Time, IP等信息。关于请求Header, Body中的信息,因为隐私保护的原因,默认没有记录。 [Info] 2023-11-16T06:19:28.482 [Gat ......
网关 Header APIM Self-Hosted Response

Azure DevOps 发布.Net项目到Windows IIS站点之Azure项目发布内网VM

当你有一个需求,需要通过Azure DevOps发布到一个没有公网的VM的时候,你将需要使用以下脚本 trigger: - master pool: vmImage: 'windows-2022' variables: - name: Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory v ......
项目发布 项目 Azure Windows 站点

Azure DevOps 发布.Net项目到Windows IIS站点之通过公网IP(账号、密码)

在Azure DevOps中 通过指定公网IP发布代码到指定目录 # ASP.NET Core (.NET Core 7.0) # Build and test ASP.NET Core projects targeting .NET Core 7.0. # Add steps that publi ......
账号 密码 Windows 站点 项目

【Azure Storage Blob】如何通过.NET Azure Storage Blobs SDK获取到Blob的MD5值呢?

问题描述 通过.NET Azure Storage Blobs SDK , 获取Blob的MD5值,查看了Azure操作手册中,介绍可以使用 blob.Properties.ContentMD5 属性。 //blob 文件测试 CloudBlobClient blobClient = storage ......
Storage Azure Blob Blobs NET

CF300B Coach 题解

闲话 调了好一会,甚至还重构了一次代码才对,但是还是很喜欢并查集,并查集可爱捏。 题意省流 $n$ 个学生分成 $3$ 人一组,要满足 $m$ 个条件,每个条件给出两个数 $x,y$,要求 $x$ 和 $y$ 必须在一个组里。 正文 要使学生三人一组,一眼使用并查集。 首先考虑无解(输出 $-1$ ......
题解 Coach 300B 300 CF

在工作站计算机配置等待设备安装任务完成的秒数为 300 秒

一、打开本地组策略 WIN + R 二、步骤 打开计算机配置\管理模板\系统\设备安装 配置设备安装超时 三、操作 启用 ......


LEGOndary Grandmaster 神题!看到题解一眼就知道自己大概率想不出来了。 主要还是积累两个套路: Trick 1 考虑将原序列的奇数位位置上的数取反,惊讶地发现操作简化为了每次交换相邻两个数。显然地, ......
solution-CF solution 1615 CF

[Luogu NOIP 2023 模拟] Solution

这篇 blog 在我的博客后台躺了好几天了,只不过今天才记起来发。 种树 (plant) 首先看到因数个数,想到在质因数分解后的序列上考虑问题。进一步观察,每个不同质因子的贡献是独立的。 也就是说,我们单独考虑某一个质因子对答案的贡献,是这样的问题: 给长度为 \(n\) 的序列 \(a\) 和一个 ......
Solution Luogu 2023 NOIP

Solutions of Soil Salinization

Soil salinization prevention bases on avoiding excessive salt penetration. Even though plants require a certain amount of salts to develop, their need ......
Salinization Solutions Soil of

The solution of soil erosion

Solution of soil erosion (1) Engineering measures: building terraces, damming and silting land, using earthwork and concrete works, fish scale pits, e ......
solution erosion soil The of

solutions to soil salinisation

1. Test soil for electrical conductance (EC).Salt raises the EC. 2. Make a site-specific management plan.Test for EC in zones radiating out from the b ......
salinisation solutions soil to

A solution to land sailnization

Biologically improved saline-alkali land is barren and soil fertility is poor. Therefore, in the process of transformation, it is an important measure ......
sailnization solution land to

Precise Temperature Control Solutions

Multi-span Temperature Controllers Provide high-performance multi-span temperature controllers to control temperatures across multiple zones or setpoi ......
Temperature Solutions Precise Control

Solutions to desertification

As global temperatures rise and the human population expands, more of the planet is vulnerable to desertification, the permanent degradation of land t ......
desertification Solutions to

A solution to desertification

What is desertification? Desertification, the process by which natural or human causes reduce the biological productivity of drylands (arid and semiar ......
desertification solution to

A solution to soil erosion

A specific measure to cope with soil erosion is to increase vegetation cover in China. How it works and its impact : Firstly, vegetation is the first ......
solution erosion soil to

A solution to soil erosion

A special measure to cope with soil erosion is to increase vegetation cover in China. Vegetation is the first barrier to protect land from outside. Ta ......
solution erosion soil to

Bioremediation Technology—— A Solution to Soil Pollution

Bioremediation Technology for Soil Polution 1. What is bioremediation technology? Bioremediation is a natural process based remediation technology for ......

some solutions for deforestation

Deforestation is a serious problem facing our planet,and it is critical that we find ways to solve it.Forests play a vital role in our ecosystem,provi ......
deforestation solutions some for

【Azure Durable Function】PowerShell Activity 函数遇见 Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: The reader's MaxDepth of 64 has been exceeded.

问题描述 创建PowerShell Azure Durable Function,执行大量的PowerShell脚本操作Azure Resource,遇见了一个非常非常奇怪的问题: Function 'Hello1 (Activity)' failed with an error. Reason: ......

The solution of P5339

problem 容斥好题,结果题解里面一堆 \(\text{NTT}\)。 如果我们去掉有多少个人喜欢什么东西的条件,那么这个题就直接枚举有 \(i\) 组同学会一起讨论蔡徐坤。这一个问题十分容易。 使用容斥原理来做,然后容斥的系数是 \((-1)^i\) 想必这个东西对于大家来说是十分简单的。 如 ......
solution P5339 5339 The of

The Solutions of Ocean Trash

10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean 1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean b ......
Solutions Ocean Trash The of