sudo effective installed setuid

Troubleshooting ‘Externally Managed Environment’ Error in Debian 12 Pip3 Installation When working with Python on ......

After Effects 2024:打造引人入胜的视觉效果 mac/win版

After Effects 2024是一款由Adobe公司开发的视频特效和动画制作软件,是专业影视制作领域的必备工具之一。它可以帮助用户在Windows或Mac操作系统上创建各种类型的视频动画和特效,包括2D和3D合成、动画、色彩校正、音频合成等等。 点击获取After Effects 2023 A ......
引人入胜 视觉 效果 Effects After

Centos 中在使用 yum install 时候报错解决

1.错误:在"/etc/yum.repos.d", "/etc/yum/repos.d", "/etc/distro.repos.d"中没有被启用的仓库 报错如下图 查资料得知为Centos 的原件源仓库配置文件错误 ......
install 时候 Centos yum

安装install的项目的报错sass npm ERR! node-sass@4.14.1 postinstall: `node scripts/build.js`

npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! node-sass@4.14.1 postinstall: `node scripts/build.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Fail ......
sass node postinstall node-sass install

yum install 出错

``` yum -y install ansible ``` 出错 一直在刷屏,刚开始以为在安装但是最后没有安装成功 百度发现是这是redhat7和8的yum源混用 1.先确认本机器系统信息 cat /etc/*-release ......
install yum

Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module)

001、perl 模块报错如下:Can't locate Devel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Devel::Size module) 002、解决方法: 安装该模块 (base) [b20223040323@admin1 003_an ......
Devel Size install locate module

Vue3 的 effect、 watch、watchEffect 的实现原理

所谓 watch,就是观测一个响应式数据或者监测一个副作用函数里面的响应式数据,当数据发生变化的时候通知并执行相应的回调函数。 Vue3 最新的 watch 实现是通过最底层的响应式类 ReactiveEffect 的实例化一个 reactive effect 对象来实现的。它的创建过程跟 effe ......
watchEffect 原理 effect watch Vue3

mac 下使用 brew 安装包报错 error: Cannot install under Rosetta 2 in ARM default prefix (/opt/homebrew)!

mac 下使用 brew 安装包报错 error: Cannot install under Rosetta 2 in ARM default prefix (/opt/homebrew)! To rerun under ARM use: arch -arm64 brew install ... T ......
homebrew Rosetta default install Cannot

git拉取项目失败怎么办? 前端vue2 都需要install 什么依赖

git config --list --show-origin 查看git文件下面所有对应文件目录 下面是设计配置文件 http的缓存大小 和 那个最低时间 和 速度 git config --global http.lowSpeedTime 999999 git config --global h ......
前端 怎么办 install 项目 vue2

vcpkg install polyclipping:x64-windows Could not locate a manifest (vcpkg.json) above the current working directory. This vcpkg distribution does not have a classic mode instance.

错误信息表明 vcpkg 在当前工作目录及其父目录中找不到 vcpkg.json 文件,因此无法确定要安装的库。 这可能是因为你执行 vcpkg install 命令的位置不在包含 vcpkg.json 文件的项目目录中。 以下是解决方法: 确保在包含 vcpkg.json 的项目目录中运行命令: ......

Protobuf - Protocol Buffer Compiler Installation

$ apt install -y protobuf-compiler To generate source code from .proto files, first install protoc, the protocol buffer compiler ( ......

WSL2报错:nvidia-smi Command ‘nvidia-smi‘ not found, but can be installed with:

找了很多方法在社区找了很多方法,结果在b站评论区找到了一个方法给解决了原本一开始有人说是驱动版本问题我nvcc -V是ok的,但是nvidia-smi一直报错,Command ‘nvidia-smi’ not found, but can be installed with: 解决cp /usr/l ......
nvidia-smi nvidia installed smi Command

vcpkg downloads installed 等目录做啥用的?

GitHub Copilot: vcpkg 是一个C++包管理器,它有几个重要的目录: downloads:这个目录用于存储下载的包的源代码。当你安装一个包时,vcpkg 首先会下载包的源代码到这个目录。 installed:这个目录用于存储已经构建和安装的包。当你构建一个包时,vcpkg 会在这个 ......
downloads installed 目录 vcpkg

随笔-Centos7 install systemtap

SystemTap Beginners Guide Chapter 2. Using SystemTap This chapter instructs users how to install SystemTap, and provides an introduction on how to run ......
systemtap 随笔 Centos7 install Centos

Error: install profile containers-default-0.50.1: generate default profile into pipe: get AppArmor version: convert AppArmor patch version: strconv.Atoi: parsing "0~alpha2": invalid syntax

Bug #2040082 “error parsing AppArmor version” : Bugs : golang-github-containers-common package : Ubuntu Bug #2040082 “error parsing AppArmor version” ......

Nessus 10.6 Auto Installer for macOS Sonoma (updated Nov 2023)

Nessus 10.6 Auto Installer for macOS Sonoma (updated Nov 2023) 发布 Nessus 试用版自动化安装程序,支持 macOS Sonoma、RHEL 9 和 Ubuntu 22.04 请访问原文链接: ......
Installer updated Nessus Sonoma macOS

TLOP is Implemented Effectively in China

The National Five-Year Water Ecological Function Plan (NFWEFP) that covers all of China, has been iterated six times since its implementation in 1995. ......
Implemented Effectively China TLOP is


出现这个错误的缘由是因为我在vue3中的computed中, 把computed的回调函数当做数据监听器处理程序, 在里面修改了ref定义的变量数据的值. const curArticle = computed(() => { if (curArticleList.value.length 0) { ......

vue中执行npm install提示:npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12

场景: 在执行npm install时提示npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12,导致安装不了 提示的意思是:版本低不再维护了,让升级upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm WARN ......
deprecated npm install core-js WARN

Effective Measures

The solution to global warming is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote green transportation, promote low-carbon economic development, strengthe ......
Effective Measures

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution

The use of green energy can effectively solve the problem of air pollution 一、the operation of green energy Green energy refers to a way of producing a ......
effectively pollution problem energy green

TALLRec: An Effective and Efficient Tuning Framework to Align Large Language Model with Recommendation

目录概TallRec代码 Bao K., Zhang J., Zhang Y., Wang W., Feng F. and He X. TALLRec: An effective and efficient tuning framework to align large language model ......

Fish-Scale Pits: An Effective Measure to Curd Soil Erosion

What is fish-scale pits? Fish scales in a semicircular, crescent-shaped pit It is built on a hillside and can often be seen on the slope of the tunnel ......
Fish-Scale Effective Erosion Measure Scale

Measures and effects to address air pollution

Measure: Reduce or prevent the emission of pollutants Reform the energy structure and adopt non-polluting energy sources such as solar energy, wind po ......
pollution Measures address effects and

C++ ubuntu install libpq-fe.h PGconn PQconnectdb PGresult PQexec PQnfields PQntuples PQfname PQgetvalue

1.Install libpq-dev sudo apt install libpq-dev locate libpq-fe.h /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h 2.main.cpp #include <chrono> #include <fstream> #i ......

npm install 会把 devDependencies 分开安装

默认情况下,npm install 命令会安装 package.json 文件中的所有依赖项,包括 dependencies 和 devDependencies。这意味着开发依赖项(devDependencies)也会被安装。 如果你只想安装生产环境依赖项,而不安装开发依赖项,可以使用 --prod ......
devDependencies install npm

npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-remix@2.2.0

报错 执行 npx create-remix@latest --template ryanflorence/remix-tutorial-template 提示如下: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be inst ......

The following perl modules required by RepeatModeler are missing from your system. Please install these first: JSON; JSON::PP; File::Which

001、问题 RepeatModeler 编译安装报错如下: 002、尝试逐个安装确实的perl模块; 也是各种问题; 最后不想折腾, 就大力出奇迹,全安装, 可一次解决所有报错; (base) [root@pc1 RepeatModeler-2.0.2a]# yum -y install perl ......

Configuration failed because libxml-2.0 was not found. Try installing:

001、linux 中 R语言中安装“devtools”报错如下:Configuration failed because libxml-2.0 was not found. Try installing: 002、解决方法: [root@pc1 ~]# yum install libxml2-de ......

Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing:

01、问题 R 语言中安装"devtools"包报错如下:Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing: 02、解决方法: [root@pc1 ~]# yum install libcurl-devel ## 根 ......