thread ubuntu 22.04 in

[LeetCode] 1274. Number of Ships in a Rectangle

(This problem is an interactive problem.) Each ship is located at an integer point on the sea represented by a cartesian plane, and each integer point ......
Rectangle LeetCode Number Ships 1274

Water Issues in China

Challenges Water scarcity Water pollution Flood management Causes and Effects Water pollution develops when water is defiled by different factors. Ind ......
Issues Water China in

Annual Report on Fall Semester in 2023

Todo List Decide the milestones in this term. Make a major pipline of this term accompanied with timeline. Plot a graph on pipline of milestones based ......
Semester Annual Report 2023 Fall

Heavy Metal Polution in Land

(1) ConceptThe so-called heavy metal pollution of rural land refers to the fact that during the development and utilization of heavy metals and their ......
Polution Heavy Metal Land in


用户在测试环境执行MIGO,系统dump 检查系统后,发现是物料账期错误 修改账期,系统正常 ......

Ubuntu安装8188GU usb无线网卡驱动

1. 查看usb无线网卡 sudo lsusb|grep 8188 2. 环境准备 sudo apt-get install git make build-essential git dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) 3. 编译安装git clone https://gi ......
卡驱动 无线网 无线 Ubuntu 8188


## READ ME RTL8188FU driver for Linux kernel 4.15.x ~ 6.5.x (Linux Mint, Ubuntu or Debian Derivatives) info: rt ......
Ubuntu 8188 fu

Soil and Water Loss in Southern Jiangxi

Ganzhou, a typical red soil hilly area in Jiangxi province, is a pilot area for high-quality development of soil and water conservation in China. Thro ......
Southern Jiangxi Water Soil Loss

三步释放 Vmware 中 Ubuntu 系统占用的空间

1.清除缓存删除 Vmware tools 产生的缓冲文件文件位置:用户目录下 .cache/vmware/drag_and_drop,这个路径下的文件都可以删除。为了在 windows 和 ubuntu 之间拷贝数据方便,在 vmware 上安装 vmware tools,之后会在用户目录下的 . ......
Vmware Ubuntu 系统 空间

Ubuntu 服务器 /var/log/messages 文件没内容

记录以下Ubuntu服务器的messages日志文件问题的处理 我的服务器版本是Ubuntu 22.04。默认是没有开启系统运行日志记录的,这一点无疑是个巨大的安全隐患,系统出了问题都无从查起。 第一步开启/var/log/messages 日志文件配置 # vim /etc/rsyslog.d/5 ......
messages 服务器 文件 内容 Ubuntu

1418 -This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration

今天在mysql中创建函数的时候,报错如下: ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is ......
DETERMINISTIC declaration SQL function READS


查看扩容前的磁盘容量 root@fhj:~# df -h 文件系统 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点 udev 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev tmpfs 793M 2.0M 791M 1% /run /dev/sda1 98G 85G 8.2G 92% / tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9 ......

Ubuntu 系统管理篇

账户管理 sudo //一般用户,有时需要用户自己的密码 su //切换root用户权限,输入后需要rootpassword确认 sudo su //临时申请root权限 文件管理 访问权限 Linux 文件访问权限 Linux 文件所属用户及用户组 cd传送 cd ../ //回到当前目录上一层目 ......
管理篇 Ubuntu 系统

Ubuntu Lamp环境

安装 更新Ubnutu服务器 sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade 安装Apache Web服务器 sudo apt install apache2 检查Apache Web状态 sudo systemctl status apache2 配置 Apache环境设置 防火 ......
环境 Ubuntu Lamp

Ubuntu 系统美化篇

Gnome插件 安装Gnome管理软件 sudo apt update sudo apt install gnome-tweaks chrome-gnome-shell //安装gnome-tweaks(中文译名优化) 访问Gnome插件网站 访问Gnome extension 安装附加组件 报错 ......
Ubuntu 系统

Ubuntu 装机必备篇

国内访问速度慢,切换清华源加速软件更新安装 输入法 Fcitx5 安装 sudo apt install fcitx5 fcitx5-* sudo apt install fcitx5 fcitx5-frontend-qt5 fcitx5-frontend-gtk3 fcitx5-frontend- ......

Could not resolve placeholder '' in value "${}"

Could not resolve placeholder '' in value "${}" 背景 用Jenkins构建maven自动化打包时,因为需要从properties文件读取参数来区分是本地Debug版还是正式上线版,配置完就不能用了。 Failed to load Application ......
quot placeholder resolve Could value

Urbanization Problem in CHINA

Urbanization Rapid urbanization has taken place in China ever since the economic development and socioeconomic changes of the 1980s. Approximately 40% ......
Urbanization Problem CHINA in

Water Pollution in China

Water pollution is a major environmental problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. By 1989, 436 of China's 532 rivers were polluted. In 1 ......
Pollution Water China in

Air Pollution in China

Detail Air pollution Of the 522 cities monitored in 2005, 11% were considered heavily polluted and only 56% had air quality that met the State Environ ......
Pollution China Air in

【问题复盘】在Ubuntu 20.04下安装OFED驱动

复盘:在Ubuntu 20.04下安装OFED驱动 起因 最近收到两台服务器,都搭载了ConnectX-5 EX网卡。由于供应商预装了Ubuntu 20.04操作系统,而我们的后端代码也是基于Ubuntu开发的,因此需要在Ubuntu上安装ConnectX-5网卡的驱动。 问题 尽管供应商已经预装了 ......
Ubuntu 问题 20.04 OFED 20


一、提供DHCP的服务器,自己必须有固定的IP地址不然局域网就乱了,服务器自身启动(比如搭建完DHCP服务后,重新启动了服务器)的时候,DHCP服务器没有IP地址,无法和自己的DHCP服务通信。在百度搜索“Ubuntu 22.04固定IP”,找到这篇文章最好用: ......
服务器 Ubuntu DHCP

pip3 install xxx, Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\xxxx\Software\Python310\Scripts\pip3.exe" install shutil': ???????????

重装系统后, 移动了python所在目录后, 使用 pip3 install xx 提示: Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\Aliwall\ ......
quot Software install Python pip3

PAT甲级【1014 Waiting in Line】

考察双向链表 import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; public class Main { ......
甲级 Waiting 1014 Line PAT


ubuntu配置SSH登录xsheel 环境 Ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64 Ubuntu 安装后自带 SSH客户端,但是要想使用 xsheel 连接 Ubuntu 需要在 Ubuntu 中下载SSH-Server。 步骤 安装 openssh-server sudo ap ......
ubuntu xsheel SSH

RT-Thread Studio刚新建工程后直接打开main.c编译就board.c里产生报错,解决办法

如题,RT-Thread Studio刚新建工程后直接打开main.c编译就产生报错。 具体为:刚新建了一个stm32F407ZGT6和一个STM32F103RCT6的工程,之后啥代码也没有改,直接打开main.c文件然后编译,直接报错。 报错定位在“drivers/board.c”,再具体定位在代 ......
RT-Thread 办法 Thread Studio 工程

referencing included files in pandoc markdown for docx output

I have multiple markdown files to become a Word doc: pandoc -f markdown --toc -o out.docx dirA\ dirB\ If you specify multiple ......
referencing included markdown pandoc output


win11安装双系统 安装了的时候忘记了选择其他,没有分区直接安装,类似虚拟机的装法,虽然成功了,但没用到专门给ubuntu的分区 进入ubuntu后发现分辨率有问题,调好分辨率后发现不能实现分屏 知道是独立显卡的问题后,更新显卡驱动,发现蓝屏 按网上提示依次选择,发现黑屏加右上角有光标闪动 用al ......
ubuntu 问题


docker-compose 安装 unbuntu 20.04 version: '3' services: ubuntu2004: image: ubuntu:20.04 ports: - '2256:22' - '3356:3306' - '8058:80' volumes: - my-volu ......
pytorch gpu-py ubuntu 20.04 1.12

macos pip3 安装 mycli/scrapy 路径报错 WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH.

WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH. python没有添加到环境变量 export PATH=/Users/<you>/Libr ......
路径 installed tabulate WARNING Library