was before is

URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs)

问题描述: 如下图,在.xml配置文件中配置报错:URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs) 解决办法: 工具栏:file-->settings :找到Schemas and DTDs 中加 ......

Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

## 错误描述: 运行spring程序时报错:Public Key Retrieval is not allowed ## 解决: 在application.properties文件中在数据库url后加入选项allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true ![](https://img20 ......
Retrieval allowed Public Key not

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values'*, *', but only one is allowed.

**报错内容** The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values '*,', but only one is allowed. Have the server send ......

Connection is not available 解决方案

在最近程序中 发现时不时”死机,无响应“的情况,经查看日志得知 用的是官方提供的 jdbcTemplete 工具 数据源连接池里面的资源全部不可用了, 是什么原因呢? 经查悉,原来是有人在写sql的时候,进行了全表查询并且数据较大,导致响应未果,多次请求以后就消耗掉了所有的连接池里面的资源 都在卡住 ......
Connection available 解决方案 方案 not

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable

001、python报错 >>> dict1 = {"aa":300, "bb":500, "cc":400, "dd":700} >>> dict1 {'aa': 300, 'bb': 500, 'cc': 400, 'dd': 700} >>> dict1.keys() dict_keys([' ......
subscriptable TypeError dict_keys object 39

ubuntu报错:The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available 解决办法

当在ubuntu中加入了第三方源,没有设置公钥 更新索引的时候就会提示 ```bash The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 082AB56BA ......

kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.

问题现象为通过kubectl进入pods时提示在未来版本中将移除这种进入这种方式,需要使用新的命令格式进入 ```sh [root@master ~]# kubectl exec myweb-c5xq6 -it /bin/bash kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DE ......

Template execution failed ReferenceError BASE_URL is not defined

错误 Vue Template execution failed: ReferenceError: BASE_URL is not defined ReferenceError: BASE_URL is not defined 解决 替换 index.html 替换前 <link rel="icon ......

airflow standalone problem fix: The webserver is already running under PID 3244

## problems with airflow standalone to start server with error: `The webserver is already running under PID 3244`. Try to list full server listening i ......
standalone webserver airflow problem already

Wireless capability is turned off

不能使用无线网 hp 笔记本 这个键是一个 无线的开关键,小灯为黄色时,不能使用无线。小灯为蓝色时可以。 ......
capability Wireless turned off is

MySQL 8错误日志出现"The table /home/work/mysql_3306/tmp/#sqla2b_298b06_4d is fu11!"

############## 了解MySQL 8.0.26的错误日志出现"The table /home/work/mysql_3306/tmp/#sqla2b_298b06_4d is fu11!"的bug,暂时通过修改临时表的存储引擎为内存引擎解决 MySQL8.0.13 开始引入新的临时内存表 ......
quot 错误 sqla2b MySQL mysql

echarts更新数据后报错 There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom

产生原因 使用Echarts插件的时候,多次加载会出现There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.的警告,表示DOM上已经初始化了一个图表实例。 解决方案 定义一个全局变量,在初始化之前先判断该实例是否存在,若存在,先销毁。 va ......
initialized instance echarts already 数据

「解题报告」CF739E Gosha is hunting

来南京第二天就感冒了,然后嗓子疼,头疼炸了。哈哈。 等等是不是春季赛前我也这个状态来着。呃呃。好像确实一模一样。 这玩意跟 DP 有个鬼关系。 下面两个概率用 $u_i, v_i$ 表示。 首先如果只选两者之一,贡献为 $u_i / v_i$,如果两者都选那么贡献为 $u_i + v_i - u_i ......
hunting 报告 Gosha 739E 739

Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

» sudo systemctl daemon-reload System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down 尝 ......
operate connect Failed Host down

IDEA中slf4j和logback冲突,快速排除(LoggerFactory is not a Logback LoggerContext but Logback is on the classpath)

pom文件中右击 ctrl+f 输入点击定位 选中shift+delet,直接排除 或者手动输入排除 ......

If you use STDIN or specify a URL pointing to a plain text file, the system places the contents into a file called Dockerfile, and any -f, --file option is ignored.

docker build | Docker Documentation https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/ In most cases, it’s best to put each Dockerfile in an ......
file Dockerfile the contents pointing

ARC161F Everywhere is Sparser than Whole (Judge)

[题面传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/AT_arc161_f) 先大概移个项 ,就是要你找有没有非空真导出子图满足 $E-ND\geq 0$。 如果它只问了 $E-ND>0$ 这是经典的最大权闭合子图模型,令每条边为左部点,每个点为右部点,边的权值为 $1 ......
Everywhere Sparser Judge Whole 161F

Oracle Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: HikariDataSource HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1) has been closed.

这个问题我在多个项目中都出现过,百度了很多都没有解决,有的是数据库服务器升级就消失,有的是数据库表加索引后消失 根据经验总结,这个问题一般是由服务器太拉跨,或者查询优化不够导致查询太慢,等待太久导致的。 ......

引入druid查询数据库时间只要超过10秒会报错Communications link failure,The last packet successfully received from the server was xxx milliseconds ago(已解决)

在写项目时候发现springboot(springcloud)项目使用多数据源引入druid的时候,只要查询数据库时间超过10s就会报错: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failur ......


`一般只要是是否的字段,建议使用XXXFlag,即使是非boolean类型` ```java // 是否激活,如果is开头,则用@Data时,会去除is,导致获取属性出问题 private Boolean isActive; // 建议如下方式 private Boolean activeFlag; ......
字段 开头 boolean 类型 Data

Vue computed property values was assigned to but it has no setter

vue 文件中的核心代码写法 <template> <div> <v-select :items="filters" label="查询条件" solo dense class="select-size" v-model="filterKey" clearable ></v-select> </di ......
computed assigned property values setter

关于mysql 创建索引报错 1071 specified key was too long ;max key length is 3027

另一种张表也是相同的字段创建索引却能成功,在网上查了一些资料。后来发现是两张表字段都用的varchar类型,不过能成功建索引的表设置的长度是50,而不能成功的表里设置的255,修改字符长度就能成功建索引了。 关于varchar(50)和varchar(255)的区别:https://dba.stac ......
key specified 索引 length mysql

mysql索引损坏,Record in index `log_time` of table `lts`.`lts_job_log_po` was not found on update

【1】错误信息 [ERROR] [MY-012869] [InnoDB] Record in index `log_time` of table `lts`.`lts_job_log_po` was not found on update: TUPLE (info_bits=0, 2 n_cmp=2 ......
lts_job_log_po log lts 索引 log_time

SpringSecurity集成启动报 In the composition of all global method configuration, no annotation support was actually activated 异常

## 一.异常内容 ```java Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'methodSecurityMetadataSource' def ......

An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "E:\Eprogramfiles\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 116, in s ......
process bootstrapping has finished attempt

springboot集成themeleaf报Namespace 'th' is not bound问题的解决

# 问题描述 在我们想要在html前端页面使用**th:**符号时,发现他一直报错 # 问题解决 在html标签的最上方,也就是这里: ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2808014/202305/2808014-20230529214656925-1375 ......
springboot Namespace themeleaf 问题 bound

can't not find Node.js binary ''path",make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH,or set

vscode中node执行debug报错 报错信息如下 思路1:检查node是否安装成功 win + R 输入cmd 能够正常显示版本号,则证明没有问题,接着换个思路 思路2:根据提示打开图示的'launch.json'文件,在页面补充 runtimeExecutable 具体补充什么内容呢? 在o ......
Node installed 39 binary PATH

calico-node 报错calico/node is not ready: BIRD is not ready: BGP not established with 【转】

今天不知道怎么回事,一台机器的calico-node报错,也就是无法初始化正常 Events: Type Reason Age From Message Normal Scheduled 45s default-scheduler Successfully assigned kube-system/ ......
calico not ready node calico-node

React使用redux报错:A non-serializable value was detected in an action...

原因:数据无法序列化,报错了 方法:在store.ts中,关闭序列化检测 middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware({ serializableCheck: false }) 有问题欢迎交流,谢谢! ......

linux - 报错 Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit... -解决

报错截图 执行指令 rm -f /var/run/yum.pid 然后再执行需要的指令即可 ......
currently Another holding waiting linux