
Worst-Case Optimal Joins

Worst-Case Optimal Joins 当且仅当连接算法的计算复杂度不高于AGM bound,该算法才是Worst-Case Optimal的。 而计算AGM bound,需要计算fractional edge cover,也就是最小边覆盖。它要求给每条边赋权,所有权重之和最小,并且每个顶 ......
Worst-Case Optimal Worst Joins Case

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Invariance-inducing regularization using worst-case transformations suffices to boost accuracy and spatial robustness

## Abstract 本文: Task: 1. prove invariance-inducing regularizers can increase predictive accuracy for worst-case spatial transformations 2. prove that ......
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