
Python - pandas 报错:ValueError: 'HIS_批准文号' is both an index level and a column label, which is ambiguous.

问题描述 file:[Terminal] ValueError: 'HIS_批准文号' is both an index level and a column label, which is ambiguous. ValueError: cannot insert 招采_批准文号, already ......
文号 ValueError ambiguous Python pandas

How to permanently delete a file stored in GIT (both from the local and remote repositories)?

First run git filter-branch -f --index-filter "git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch FOLDERNAME" -- --all Then shrink the .git folder rm -rf .git/refs/ ......

matplotlib之matplotlib.pyplot.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', **kwargs)显示网格

matplotlib 中的 grid 函数用于在图表上添加网格线 grid 函数 matplotlib.pyplot.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', **kwargs) b: 布尔值,表示是否显示网格。如果为 True,则显示网格;如果为 False ......
matplotlib 网格 39 kwargs pyplot

The 2023 CCPC Guilin C. Master of Both IV

Preface 妈的期中考终于结束了,感觉在区域赛前抽出将近两周的时间不训练去复习有点得不偿失的说 现在终于有时间来补一下题,其实手头要补的题还挺多的,一个是上次CCPC桂林打完后可做的一些题,另一个是这段时间零碎地练习的两场 一场台湾的网络赛有两个题赛时卡着都没写出来,过两天补一下;另一个就是这周 ......
Guilin Master 2023 CCPC Both

使用Object.defineProperty() 定义对象属性时,如已设置 set 或 get, 就不能设置 writable 和 value 中的任何一个了。TypeError: Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute, #<Object>

使用Object.defineProperty() 定义对象属性时,如已设置 set 或 get, 就不能设置 writable 和 value 中的任何一个了,不然会报如下错误。 TypeError: Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify ......

pytorch分布式训练报错:Duplicate GPU detected : rank 1 and rank 0 both on CUDA device 35000

之前使用的比较老的torch 1.8.1,换到torch 2.0后报错 "rank 1 and rank 0 both on CUDA device 35000" 将main函数开头部分的初始化 ```python distributed.init_process_group(backend='nc ......
分布式 rank Duplicate detected pytorch

We Were Both Childrent 题解

将一个好理解的方法。 题目说有 n 只青蛙,每只青蛙初始都在 0 位置,每秒会往前跳 a_i。你可以在位置 1 到 n 设置一个陷阱,陷阱会抓住经过它的所有青蛙,求你最多能抓住多少青蛙。 很简单,只要枚举质因数并判断是否合法即可。 ``` int n, ans = 0; cin >> n; mems ......
题解 Childrent Both Were We

[Algorithm] Compare two Binary tree are the same in both value and shape

export default function compare( a: BinaryNode<number> | null, b: BinaryNode<number> | null, ): boolean { if (a null && b null) { return true; } if (a ......
Algorithm Compare Binary shape value

AtCoder Regular Contest 092 E Both Sides Merger

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") Key obser ......
AtCoder Regular Contest Merger Sides

git 解决 both modified 冲突

> 解决此冲突分为两种需求: 1. 查看冲突,选择需要保留的修改,解决冲突并提交到服务器2. 撤销自己本地的修改,并且不提交 > 注释: 需求1 比较普遍,解决冲突后直接提交就好了,此处不详说,重点讲需求2 以需求2为目的,提供以下解决方案,操作步骤如下: 1. git status 查看状态 放弃 ......
modified both git

virtualBox 报VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DI的错误

背景:主机是ASUS主板 操作系统是deepin20.0系统,需要安装win10,下载virtual box和win10镜像iso,virtualbox设置完后,启动win10,virtualbox报错VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU mod ......

nohup execute command,both write info to file and print on console

nohup ./h1 >>write.log |tail -f write.log ......
execute command console nohup write

关于创建endpoint报错-Enabling private DNS requires both enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames VPC attributes set to true for vpc-xxxx

今天在为某个vpc创建endpoint时(的Interface类型)时报如下错误及提示 Enabling private DNS requires both enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames ......

How to Delete a Git Branch Both Locally and Remotely

# TL;DR version ``` // delete branch locally git branch -d loc ......
Remotely Locally Delete Branch Both

错误解决 System.InvalidOperationException:“Dynamic port binding is not supported when binding to localhost. You must either bind to or [::1]:0, or both.”

System.InvalidOperationException:“Dynamic port binding is not supported when binding to localhost. You must either bind to or [::1]:0, or ......
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