
Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models

[TOC] > [Wei J., Wang X., Schuurmans D., Bosma M., Ichter B., Xia F., Chi E. H., Le Q. V. and Zhou D. Chain-of-thought prompting elicits reasoning in ......

Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for Knowledge-Intensive Multi-Step Questions

[TOC] > [Trivedi H., Balasubramanian N., Khot T., Sabharwal A. Interleaving retrieval with chain-of-thought reasoning for knowledge-intensive multi-st ......

语言模型的预训练[6]:思维链(Chain-of-thought,CoT)定义原理详解、Zero-shot CoT、Few-shot CoT 以及在LLM上应用

语言模型的预训练[6]:思维链(Chain-of-thought,CoT)定义原理详解、Zero-shot CoT、Few-shot CoT 以及在LLM上应用 ......
CoT Chain-of-thought shot Zero-shot Few-shot

Chain-of-Thought Prompting in Large Language Models 论文学习

一、Chain-of-Thought Prompting研发背景 因为LLM,NLP的格局最近发生了革命性的变化,同时。扩大语言模型的规模已经被证明可以带来一系列好处,例如改进的性能和样本效率。然而事实证明,仅扩大模型大小依然存在一些局限性,在诸如 算术 常识 符号推理 实时数据获取 代码模拟执行 ......


背景 2021年,提示学习(prompt learning)浪潮兴起,而早在2020年,OpenAI 就在论文 Language Models are Few-Shot Learners 中提出了如何使用 prompt l ......
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