
Android Studio 添加安卓虚拟设备时提示 No emulator installed

在设置页面勾选两个工具即可,我遇到的情况是明明已经安装了这两个工具还是提示没有安装,于是我取消勾选把两个安装好的工具删除了,再勾选重新安装。 果不其然就提示安装失败,不慌再试一遍,第二次安装过程中没报错了,再次添加安卓设备,成功启动了。 ......
installed emulator Android Studio 设备

Kettle连接MySQL报错:Driver class '' could not be found, make sure the 'MySQL' driver (jar file) is installed

在Windows系统里面安装kettle后打算连接MySQL的时候突然报错 错误连接数据库 [wanghui] : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException: Error occurred while trying to connec ......
Driver MySQL 39 installed Kettle

Debian11安装GNOME-TWEAKS报错WARNING : Shell not installed or running

先写结论:打开方式是按下Alt+F2弹出命令窗输入gnome-tweaks,就会弹出优化界面,点击扩展就可以按需开启扩展插件。 还有一种方法,如果你在安装debian11系统时安装完了GNOME,那么你可以在显示应用程序内找到一个叫工具的软件合集,内有名叫优化的程序。 闲聊:不过其实一开始我就注意到 ......

Could not find the DLL(s) 'msvcp140_1.dll'. TensorFlow requires that these DLLs be installed

python -c "from transformers import pipeline; print(pipeline('sentiment-analysis')('we love you'))"Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not install ......
TensorFlow installed requires Could msvcp

can't not find Node.js binary ''path",make sure Node.js is installed and in your PATH,or set

vscode中node执行debug报错 报错信息如下 思路1:检查node是否安装成功 win + R 输入cmd 能够正常显示版本号,则证明没有问题,接着换个思路 思路2:根据提示打开图示的'launch.json'文件,在页面补充 runtimeExecutable 具体补充什么内容呢? 在o ......
Node installed 39 binary PATH

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts

报错原因: ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the f ......
dependency the currently behaviour conflicts

ocidll forced to load library,initialization error could not initialize make sure you have the 64 bits oracle client installed

是因为你使用pl/sql是64位的,但是软件只找到了32位的oracle 客户端 多次尝试,我的pl/sql是64位,但是这里需要对应的使用64位,我的方案是下载 这个版本的软件 这样配 ......

【已解决】Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed

【Error】导入torch,提示报错: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed, this may lead to the DLL load failure. 【Cause】 Anaconda没有默认安装在C盘;系统没有安装VC+ ......

VSCode:"princexml" is required to be installed

这应该是我们在使用VSCode插件“markdown-preview-enhanced”插件时,使用PDF(prince)的时候出现的问题,那么关于这个问题的解决方法,请大家参照下边的解决方案。 进入prince官网,点击电脑版本对应的链接进行下载并安装。网址如下:Prince - Download ......
quot princexml installed required VSCode

You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed with this installation

安装Crystall report for Visual Studio 2022 的SP 3时,呈现如标题异常: You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed wi ......

bug[已解决] must be installed for pthread_cancel to work

解决办法 在python文件最上面加 import ctypes libgcc_s = ctypes.CDLL('') 注意,是最上面,也就是所有import之前 参考来源: ......
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