
[LeetCode] 2240. Number of Ways to Buy Pens and Pencils

You are given an integer total indicating the amount of money you have. You are also given two integers cost1 and cost2 indicating the price of a pen ......
LeetCode Pencils Number 2240 Ways

Pencils and Boxes CF985E

给出nn个整数a1,a2,...,an,现在需要对其进行分组,使其满足以下条件: 每个数都必须恰好分入一组中 每一组中必须至少包含K个数 在每一组中,整数的权值之差的绝对值<=D。 请判断是否存在满足条件的分组方案,若有请输出"YES",否则输出"NO"。 直接的贪心是错误的,但要魔改一下,双指针+ ......
Pencils Boxes 985E 985 and
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