
Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Last but not least. These set challenges consist of 8: Insecure deserialization, 9: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, 10: Insufficient Logg ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 5: Broken Access Control, 6: Security Misconfiguration and 7: XSS vulnerabilities

Learn the ropes or hone your skills in secure programming here. These challenges will give you an understanding of 5: Broken Access Control, 6: Securi ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication vulnerabilities 3: Sensitive Data Exposure and 4: XXE vulnerabilities

Let's continue with some other very common application weaknesses. This set of levels will focus on 3: Sensitive Data Exposure and 4: XXE vulnerabilit ......

Secure Code Warrior C# Basic OWASP Web Top 10 2017 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication vulnerabilities

Let's start with the most critical application weaknesses. These challenges get you the foundations of 1: Injection Flaws and 2: Broken Authentication ......

Secure Code Warrior OWASP Web Top 10 2021 A1-A2 1: Broken Access Control and 2: Cryptographic Failures

Let’s start with the most critical application weaknesses. These challenges get you the foundations of 1: Broken Access Control and 2: Cryptographic F ......

Secure Code Warrior Introduction to OWASP Top 10 Awareness (with latest updates from the Web top 10 2021)

Missing Function Access Control Access to these functionalities should be restricted to authenticated users. However, the current mechanism only check ......

Vulnhub之Infosec Warrior靶机详细测试过程(不同的思路)

Infosec Warrior 作者: jason huawen 靶机信息 名称:InfoSecWarrior CTF 2020: 01 地址: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/infosecwarrior-ctf-2020-01,446/ 识别目标主机IP地址 ─(ka ......
靶机 思路 过程 Vulnhub Infosec

CF594A Warrior and Archer 题解

由于本人在思索了很久后才把本题思路打通,所以为了帮助像我一样没有非常理解解法的人,我打算再将解法非常详细地叙述一遍,如果您无法理解解法,请跟着我再一步步将题目捋顺。 Step.1 解题意 题目要求其实很好理解,共给出 $n$ 个点的位置,A,B两个人轮流取点,A要求最后剩下的两个点尽量近,B要求最后 ......
题解 Warrior Archer 594A 594

[HMV] Warrior

0x00 配置 攻击机 IP: 靶机 IP: 0x01 攻击 使用 Nmap 扫描目标靶机开放的端口 ┌──(root㉿Kali-VM)-[~] └─# nmap -sC -sV -p- Starting Nmap 7.93 ......
Warrior HMV
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