
DELL服务器启动报错there are offline or missing virtual drivers with preserved cache

生产一台服务器硬盘故障报错,关机拔出硬盘装入新硬盘,启动要进入阵列卡系统,启动无法进入,报错 There are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache. Please check the cables and ensure th ......
preserved offline missing drivers virtual

ERROR: dependencies ‘openssl’, ‘curl’ are not available for package ‘credentials’

001、问题: R 语言安装“devtools” ERROR: dependencies ‘openssl’, ‘curl’ are not available for package ‘credentials’ 002、解决方法: ......

No compiler detected, make sure you are running on top of a JDK instead of a JRE

Java 调 webservice 报如下错误 [2023-11-07 17:01:02.315] ERROR [scheduling-1] - No compiler detected, make sure you are running on top ......
compiler detected instead running make

Codeforces Round 905 (Div. 2) C. You Are So Beautiful

题面翻译 给定数列 \(a\),定义一个子序列 \(S\) 是合法的当且仅当从 \(a\) 中有且仅有一种选法能选出子序列 \(S\)(选法相同定义为最终选出的位置集合相同)。 求其有多少非空合法子序列,满足它占据了 \(a\) 中一端连续的区间。 \(n\leq 10^5\)。 思路 判断区间合法 ......
Codeforces Beautiful Round 905 Are

prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future

目录prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future磁盘问题时间问题版本问题历史prometheus旧数据 prometheus Error on ingesting samp ......
prometheus ingesting too samples future

CF1039D You Are Given a Tree

CF1039D You Are Given a Tree 更好的阅读体验 一种神奇套路:对答案根分,根分的依据是链的长度和答案大致是一个成反比的关系。 考虑确定了 \(k\) 怎么做。因为一个点只能在一条链里,所以 dfs 的时候如果能拼成一条链就一定会拼成一条链,不然就把贡献传给父亲继续尝试。 对 ......
1039D Given 1039 Tree Are

A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB /

A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB / clock site pair. The clock component <clk_IBUFG_BUFG> ......
clock IOB component optimal placed

kafka:brokers are down

producer发布消息失败 由于使用脚本:./ and ./ 关闭kafka后,jps查询服务还在,就打算把重启系统。 重启后,往kafka上发布消息失败,报错代码:brokers are down 。 一顿操 ......
brokers kafka down are

Codeforces Round 905 (Div. 2) C. You Are So Beautiful(数据结构)

Codeforces Round 905 (Div. 2) C. You Are So Beautiful 定义: 设数组 abcd 子数组定义:从原数组砍去前面若干元素,后边若干元素,剩余的数组。如:bc、ab 子序列定义:从原数组删除若干元素,剩余元素拼凑一起,组成的数组。如:ac、bd 思路: ......

CF1883F You Are So Beautiful

思路 最开始都错题了,以为是不能通过另一种子串的选择方法得到这个子串就算做独特字串,实际上,是需要不能通过选择子序列的方式得到这个子串才满足条件,导致赛时没做出来(悲)。 实际上,如果一个子串满足条件,那么一个必要条件就是子串左侧没有与该子串左端一样的数字并且子串右侧也没有与该子串右端一样的数字。 ......
Beautiful 1883F 1883 Are You

CF1137F Matches Are Not a Child's Play

哈人*3400,是不是贺过了个 1F (? 单点编号 \(\to max + 1\),动态维护 prufer 序列删除了哪些点。 看似不可做,但是不难发现我们一个点被更改其他点的相对次序不会改变,反而 \(x \to max\) 这条链的删除次序到了最后面。 然后我们以权值最大点为根,不难发现每次只 ......
Matches 1137F Child 1137 Play

spring boot访问Druid控制台页面报错 Sorry, you are not permitted to view this page.

spring boot访问Druid控制台页面报错 Sorry, you are not permitted to view this page. ......
控制台 permitted 页面 spring Druid

Some seqs are too long, please rebuild the program with make parameter MAX_SEQ=new-maximum-length (e.g. make MAX_SEQ=10000000)

001、cd-hit报错如下 Some seqs are too long, please rebuild the program with make parameter MAX_SEQ=new-maximum-length (e.g. make MAX_SEQ=10000000) 002、解决方法 ......
MAX_SEQ new-maximum-length make MAX SEQ

git 报错 remote: You are not allowed to upload code

背景: 尝试推送代码到A仓库时git返回“remote: You are not allowed to upload code”,其他仓库推送代码正常。 定位: 1. 确认我已拥有仓库权限 2. 在其他服务器登录我本人gitlab账号推送代码到A仓库成功 3. 其他人可以正常推送代码到A仓库 4. ......
allowed remote upload code git

论文阅读(二)—— Text2Video-Zero: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Video Generators

![image]( ![image]( ......

C语言:‘for‘ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode

求最大公约数之 穷举法 mistake: because: 只允许在C99模式下使用‘for’循环初始化声明 solution:不在for()中初始化生命变量 ......
declarations allowed initial 语言 loop

Virtual memory running out when there are free physical memory?

Virtual memory running out when there are free physical memory? Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago Modified 7 years, 8 months ago Viewed 1k time ......
memory physical Virtual running there

Go - ERROR: fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

main.go: package main import "fmt" func main() { ch := make(chan int) ch <- 1 a := <-ch fmt.Println(a) } Got error: zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/MyPrograms/Go/tes ......
goroutines deadlock asleep ERROR fatal

联想thinkbook15 G2 ARE WLAN图标消失

联想thinkbook 15 G2 ARE WiFi图标不见了了: 我试了好多方法,第三种解决了问题。 以下几种解决手段供参考: Win+X→设备管理器→网络适配器; 系统升级导致驱动丢失;如果前面有感叹号,则更新驱动,如果没有这个选项就只能去联想官网下载驱动安装;Lenovo联想售后客户服务中心, ......
图标 thinkbook WLAN ARE 15

Microservice - What are microservices, and why are microservices?

The concept of microservices is simply breaking a single large potential service into many smaller services that work together, hence, the name. One v ......
microservices Microservice are What and

webpack打包报错:Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)

关于这个问题,我在网上查找了一些资料(博客、问答),得到的答案多种多样: 1. 可能是缺少rollup的某种plugin; 2. 可能是系统环境的问题(windows/linux/macos); 3. 可能是某段代码引起的问题; 4. 。。。 经过对自身情况的逐步测试定位,发现 -> 出问题的代码片 ......
that Unexpected JavaScript webpack plugins

win7系统 安装python3.6.5版本遇到“user installations are disabled via policy on the machine” 和“0x80070643 ”错误情况

一、遇到提示“user installations are disabled via policy on the machine”是 系统策略禁止这个安装 解决方案: 方法一: 1、打开【开始】菜单,选择【运行】。 2、在运行窗口中【打开】一栏输入【gpedit.msc】,点击【确定】。 3、此时会 ......


Introduction Ah, the lifelong quest! We all have one, don't we? A dream, a passion, a mission—something that we are willing to devote our lives to. Mi ......

Why Software Developers Are Silent in Meetings

They Shouldn’t Be Ever sat in a Sprint Retro where your Scrum Master didn’t arrive for ten minutes? I just did. We sat in silence. Ever been in a Spri ......
Developers Software Meetings Silent Why

2. 成功使用SQL Plus完成连接,但在使用Oracle SQL Developer连接时,发生报错ORA-12526: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are in restricted mode

经了解后得知,错误原因:ORA-12526: TNS: 监听程序: 所有适用例程都处于受限模式。 解决办法:使用系统管理员身份运行以下一段代码 ALTER SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; 经过更改后,错误消失,能够成功连接Oracle SQL Developer ......

How Expressive are Graph Neural Networks in Recommendation

[TOC] > [Cai X., Xia L., Ren X. and Huang C. How expressive are graph neural networks in recommendation? CIKM, 2023.]( ......

Tool are in unnamed module of loader 'app

这就是典型的类型转换问题,出现这个错误就说明类型转换有误 参考: 跟泛型有关? 发现原因:有两个Tool类。。。其中调用的参数里是一个Tool类。。而实现类实现的是另一个Tool类。。 ......
unnamed module loader Tool are

[COCI2011-2012#6] KOŠARE

## Problem 有 $N$ 个箱子、$M$ 种礼物,第 $i$ 个箱子里有 $K_i$ 种礼物。 需要选出一些箱子,要求每一种礼物至少出现在一个箱子中。 求可行的方案数 $mod$ $10^9 + 7$ 。 ## Input 输入第一行,包含正整数 $N(1 \le N \le 10^6)$ ......
COCI 2011 2012 ARE

vue3 vite后台管理模板项目打包报错 Some chunks are larger than 500 KiB after minification解决办法

​ 1、错误原因分析: 超过块大小限制,块大小默认500 KB 2、解决办法: 在vite.config.js 中增加 output 配置项 build: { chunkSizeWarningLimit: 1500, // 调整包的大小 rollupOptions: { output: { // 最 ......
minification 后台 模板 办法 项目

npm加参数--host启动报错 Could not auto-determine entry point from rollupOptions or html files and there are no explicit optimizeDeps.include patterns. Skipping dependency pre-bundling解决方法

参考: 使用以下命令启动npm只能本机访问 ``` npm run dev ``` 如果需要网络访问则需要加参数--host ``` npm run dev --host 0.0.0 ......